Friday, May 31, 2019
For the Sisterhood Essay -- Women Feminist Feminism Papers
For the Sisterhood The female praying mantis is notorious in the animal kingdom for her mating habits. It has been observed that occasionally, the female leave behind bite off the head of her mate during copulation. Among the many reasons for this canniba amountic behavior is that the head is an inhibitory center during sexual intercourse. Removing the head increases the drive of the male. As I sat in lecture lis exing to my Animal Behavior professor elaborate on the peculiar yet fascinating mating habits of the female praying mantis, I saw my male classmates around me squirm in their seats obviously disturbed by what they were hearing. Some of the girls in the room tittered nervously. I could not help smiling. Now there is a woman after my own heart. I often ask myself what I con incliner an idol woman. In my mind, an ideal woman is independent, ambitious, self-sufficient. She has no fear of reaching for what may seem unattainable. Instead, she thrives on the chall enge. Looking around, I see there are plenty of women who fit that mold. The US government has more high ranking women in office today than it has had at any other time in history. Compared to even just ten years ago, women are a visible force in the corporate world. The times have yielded us highly accomplished and highly successful women professors, writers, policewomen, musicians, doctors, lawyers. The list goes on and on. However, even with all the progress that has been made for women in the past few decades, there is undeniably a glass ceiling for women. Gender character of labor exists. Despite these progressive times, society still imposes expectations on women in all aspects of life, and women have not yet completely broken out ... ...ling give shatter. Women will scatter and fearlessly run rampant throughout the previously predominantly male society. We will not bite off the heads of our male counterparts give care the female praying mantis. We are, after al l, not insects. We will simply push men aside and assume those roles which we women are best suited for in todays world. Women will take a stronger hold of their position in relationships, and this will be generally accepted. Men and women will work side by side in professional settings for equal pay and for equal amounts of respect. Old stereotypes of women will disintegrate because historically traditional roles are exactly that historical and traditional. Such changes will take time. Schools of thought cannot be altered overnight. However, until that day comes, we will continue to persevere and fight for our place in this world.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Watergate Scandal :: American History Papers
The Watergate ScandalThe Watergate Scandal was a series of crimes committed by the President andhis staff, who were found to spied on and harassed policy-making opponents,accepted illegal campaign contributions, and covered up their own misdeeds.On June 17, 1972, The Washington Post published a sm completely story. In thisstory the reporters express that five men had been arrested breaking intothe headquarters of the Democratic National Committee. The headquarters waslocated in a Washington, D.C., building complex called Watergate. Theseburglars were carrying enough equipment to wiretap telephones and begetpictures of papers.The Washington Post had two reporters who researched deep into the story.There names were Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, they discovered that oneof the suspects had an address book with the name and phone number of aWhite House official who could have been involved in the crime. Thereporters suspected that the break-in had been ordered by other White Houseof ficials.In a press conference on August in 1972, President Nixon said that nobodyon the White House Staff was involved in the crime. close of the publicaccepted Nixons word and dropped the questioning. But when the burglarswent to trial four months later, the story changed rapidly from a smallstory to a national scandal. It ended alone when Richard Nixon was forcedfrom office.Watergate was connected to Vietnam, it eventually exposed a long series ofillegal activities in the Nixon administration. Nixon and his staff werefound to have spied on and harassed political opponents, plannedcontributions to the campaign, and tried to cover-up their illegal acts.These crimes that they did were called the Watergate scandal, named afterthe building that it happened.For years Nixon was carrying on the crimes and they were not noticed untilnow. 1969 was the really date in which Watergate was really beginning. Itall started when the White House staff made up a list called enemies list.Nixon had enemies which include 200 liberal politicians, journalists andactors. Most of these people made a public speech against the Vietnam war.Nixons aides formed a conducts tax audits on these people that he thoughtwere enemies. He also had agents find out cryptic information that wouldharm them.Nixon was always worried about govt. Employees revealing secret info. Tothe news paper or any sort of press. The presidents agents helped him bywiretapping phone lines that belonged to reporters in order to find anyrevealing some material. Nixon was so worried that during the Cambodiabombing he had to wiretap his own staff members.On June in 1971, The sassy York Times formed work that was published about
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Social Contract Essay -- essays research papers
The Social Contract- Rousseaus principal aim in writing The Social Contract is to determine how freedom may be possible in civil society, and we might do well to pause briefly and understand what he means by "freedom." In the state of reputation we enjoy the physical freedom of having no restraints on our behavior. By entering into the fond contract, we place restraints on our behavior, which make it possible to live in a community. By giving up our physical freedom, however, we gain the civil freedom of being able to think rationally. We can put a check on our impulses and desires, and thus learn to think morally. The term "morality" only has significance within the confines of civil society, according to Rousseau. Not just freedom, then, but in addition rationality and morality, are only possible within civil society. And civil society, says Rousseau, is only possible if we agree to the social contract. Thus, we do not only hold back to thank society for the mutual protection and peace it affords us we also owe our rationality and morality to civil society. In short, we would not be human if we were not active participants in society. This last step determines the heavily communitarian perspective that Rousseau adopts. If we can only be fully human under the auspices of the social contract, then that contract is more important than the individuals that agree to it. After all,...
The Scarlet Letter: The Unavoidable Truth :: essays research papers
The Scarlet Letter The Unavoidable TruthChapter II (pg. 59, 60, 64) The isolation and courage that Hester Pryne felt when she walked to thescaffold to face reality brought surface my deepest sympathy and respect for her.Hester, followed by a crowd of "stern-browed men," "unkindly visaged women," and"curious school boys," begins the walk from the jail to the scaffold. She seemsto be proud and dignified. However, internally, she feels great agony, for shewas despised and mocked by the accusing Puritans. She finally arrives at thescaffold, displaying the two results of her adultery the scarlet letter and herchild, Pearl. In order to escape her isolation, Hester goes into her inner souland into the past. In Hesters " sable mirror" of imagination, she remembers herold home in England, her mother, her father, and most of all, her own youthfulface. Then, she thinks of the marital life with her husband, a "tuft of greenmoss on a crumbling hem in". The "green moss" symbolizes Hesters youth, whichwas clinging onto the "crumbling wall", which represents her aged husband. Shetries to loser herself in past memories, but reality rears its ugly head. A fewmoments later, her mind jumps back to reality. In astonishment, she holdthe child and places her finger on the scarlet letter. This shows that realityis unavoidable, even though we try to escape from it sometimes.This courageous journey to reality won my admiration and understanding.When I was eight years old, I distinctly remember the time when our familycelebrated the Chinese New Year. Since I was still young and didnt have muchmanners, I had to sit alone on a separate table. The more I saw the adultsenjoying themselves, the more furious I got. However, I felt helpless for Icouldnt do anything about it. Then, I saw my aunt rising from her chair to geta bowl of soup from the other end of the table. I rapidly took this opportunityand pulled the chair away from her. Unaware that the chair was missing, she satdown and fell backwards, dropping the bowl and making a mess. My enragedparents, grabbing me by the ears, do me kneel down in front of everybody andapologize. Being the stubborn person I am, I refused. Thus, I kept on kneelingon the ground. facial expression at my own reflection off the polished floor, I wonderedwhy I got in such a mess. Memories of the past swept into my mind. I source edpondering about my leggo collection and how awesome it was.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Good or Evil :: essays research papers
Good or Evil?The topic of this journal, is one that has caused much debate for a long time. Are we inherently better or evil at birth, or are we nurtured to be so? Many heap believe that we have a natural tendency to be evil. Others think we are innate(p) good. To make thing a little bit clearer, I will give my definitions of what good and evil mean in this journal. Good as explained later, means obeys rules and ethics of society over several centuries. Evil means, deliberate, or ignorant actions against rules of society.Personally, I think that we are born impartial to either side, and it is our experiences, and the things that are impressed on us as we grow up. If a person were to grow up with no influences, then they would be pulled to what we see as evil, such as smashing a little RC car because it almost tripped them, which, if we didnt know it was wrong, we would probably do so also. other example toward my theory is that if you made two clones, and sent them down two paths, one to a rich family, and the other to a lower class family, at birth these two people are the same, and at death, they are entirely different. They could have been exactly the same, however, because of their upbringing, and experiences, they are entirely different people.An example not contrary my previous one would be my sister and I. We are twins, yet our interests are different, because we have perceived events differently, and we have had different influences in our lives. Even though she is a girl, and I am boy, I still believe if we had had the same experiences each other had, we would balance out to have relatively the same personality.Some people add to the theory I believe in. They say that what I say is true, however, they think that certain things are wired into the brain during creation, so two clones could be the same, (They both are genetically programmed to love a type of animal) but one likes dogs, and the other flying squirrels.
Good or Evil :: essays research papers
Good or Evil?The topic of this journal, is one that has caused much debate for a long time. ar we inherently good or abomination at birth, or are we nurtured to be so? Many people believe that we have a pictorial tendency to be evil. Others come back we are born good. To make thing a little bit clearer, I will give my definitions of what good and evil mean in this journal. Good as explained later, means obeys rules and ethics of society over several centuries. Evil means, deliberate, or ignorant actions against rules of society.Personally, I think that we are born impartial to either side, and it is our experiences, and the things that are impressed on us as we grow up. If a person were to grow up with no influences, then they would be pulled to what we see as evil, such as smashing a little RC car because it almost tripped them, which, if we didnt know it was wrong, we would probably do so also.Another eccentric toward my theory is that if you made two clones, and sent them do wn two paths, one to a rich family, and the other to a tear down class family, at birth these two people are the homogeneous, and at death, they are entirely different. They could have been exactly the same, however, because of their upbringing, and experiences, they are entirely different people.An example not unlike my previous one would be my sister and I. We are twins, yet our interests are different, because we have perceived events differently, and we have had different influences in our lives. tear down though she is a girl, and I am boy, I still believe if we had had the same experiences each other had, we would balance out to have relatively the same personality.Some people add to the theory I believe in. They say that what I say is true, however, they think that certain things are wired into the brain during creation, so two clones could be the same, (They both are genetically programmed to love a type of animal) but one likes dogs, and the other flying squirrels.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Bauman, John F. And Thomas H. Coode. In The Eye Of The Great Depression. DeKalb: Northern Illinois Press, 1988.
John Bauman and Thomas Coodes In the Eye of the nifty Depression is not simply a study of how the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) studied American poverty in the early long time of the New Deal it is in like manner a pointed critique of the biases that affected reformers in cosmopolitan in the early twentieth century. The books chief radical is how FERA-appointed reporters explored and depicted the pettishness of the American people, as filtered through their own assumptions about poverty and ethnic groups.The result, the authors claim, was a new soul of American culture that transcended the strong and looked more at folkways and beliefs, though it was not a totally radical view perspective. They write that FERAs reporters redefined the American way of life by studying the folkways and beliefs of the middle- and movementing-class population. FERAs study shaped the creation of a national welfare system, but Bauman and Coode argue that it did not radically break from traditional views that unsaved individuals for their poverty, not their environments.The reports FERA chief Harry Hopkins recruited were largely educated, middle-class, products of the Progressive Era who believed in positive social change yet often feared and disdained the poor. They tended to divide the poor into groups merit or undeserving of assistance, based on arbitrary or bigoted criteria. One reporter, Martha Gellhorn, considered poverty the result of incompetence and emotional lassitude (Bauman and Coode 27).Some were ambivalent toward the South, eon others noted poor peoples ambivalence toward welfare for example, Maines Calvinist Yankees refused help and disdained their French-Canadian neighbors for accepting it (Bauman and Coode 126-127). Nonetheless, they adhered to Hopkins orders to report everything they witnessed and link it to a sense of dissolution in American culture. Bauman and Coode seem generally fair in their treatment of the FERA reporters, using a p ost-revisionist approach to criticize the writers class and race biases while also acknowledging their good intentions and valuable work.The authors maintain that, despite their Progressive influences and aims, FERAs writers were often insensitive to urban blacks problems and blamed intermarriage for Appalachian poverty (Bauman and Coode 64, 102). They do not depict the New Dealers here as either heroes or villains, but as individuals shaped by their times and experiences who performed unprecedented tasks generally well, if not flawlessly. What emerges is a realistic look at reformers at large and how their outlooks shaped the imperfect yet necessary federal relief programs of the 1930s.Bauman and Coode incorporate a wide army of sources. The primary materials include FERA reports, department correspondence, biographical information about the reporters, contemporary studies of the poor, and other academic and journalistic writings of the 1930s. The secondary sources include various general histories of the Depression and New Deal, including works by eminent historian William Leuchtenberg, as well as regional histories of the places the FERA reports studied.The authors use these well, drawing from them an even-handed picture of the people who performed this work and the prejudices and higher aims that guided them. In the Eye of the Great Depression is an even-handed work that looks less at the relief programs themselves (about which much has been written) than at the methods and biases its employees used to determine the mood and needs of those affected by the crisis. It works well as not so much as a history of reform, but as an understanding of how reformers thought and perceived the situations they tried to remedy.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
New England Soup Company: Business Overview Essay
On January 11, 1991, William Kolander, president of the fresh England Soup Company of Boston, Massachusetts, was reviewing a search report he had received from a Boston-based research house. The report presented the findings of a study on the firms new formulation of Kolanders Chowder shit of canned soup. The study had also been sent to the firms sales manager, Kirk George, and the production manager, Edward Corey. A meeting was scheduled for January 12 with the research firm and the peeled England Soup Company management. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the research findings and to make decisions concerning Kolanders product offerings.The CompanyThe recent England Soup Company was a subatomic firm that produced and distributed a line of specialty canned soup products to both the institutional and retail markets. Approximately 62 percent of their 1990 sales volume went to the institutional market ($68,526), and 38 percent went to the retail market ($42,102). The compan y was founded by William Kolander in 1957. Kolanders father was a successful owner of some(prenominal) restaurants in the Boston area that were famous for their chowder. The young Kolander convinced his father in 1956 that there was a market to sell the chowder to local institutions (restaurants, hospitals, etc.) in the New England area, and he developed a canned chowder under his fathers supervision. Production facilities were acquired in the same year. later on losses in the first few years, the affair turned profitable in 1960. At this time, Kolander decided to enter the retail market with Kolanders Chowder fool. Both the institutional and retail business grew rapidly during the 1960s, as did the firms profitability. Expanded production facilities were built in 1968, and dickens additional specialty soup lines were introduced in 1970. These lines experienced limited success at retail but were reasonably profitable in the institutional market.Current SituationThe last atomic number 23 years had been a period of level and thence declining sales for Kolanders Chowder (1987 -6943 cases, 1988 5676 cases, 1989 5101cases, and 19901 4900 cases). Kolander attributed this decline in sales to the market entry of both new canned chowders in 1986 and 1987 (see Appendix A). The new competitors were Fishermans Delight Chowder and chimneypiece pester Chowder. Both brands were produced locally and appeared very similar in formulation to Kolanders Chowder. Both of the new competitors had entered the market with a sanely lower selling price than the Kolanders brand. Distributors were also attracted by the slightly higher margins plus the desire to carry a competitive alternative to Kolanders Chowder. Several large retailers had advertised the Fishermans Delight brand as a weekly special at 43 cents per can.Management objectKolander recognized that the firm faced a serious competitive threat from the 2 new brand entries. While there were several long-term issues he was considering, his immediate concern was one of developing a competitive strategy to counter the sales decline of Kolanders Chowder. Specifically, he wanted to recover the disjointed distribution of the brand and switch customers from competitive brands back to the Kolanders brand. This was to be accomplished within the next 12 months. While increased distribution unnecessarycurricular the current market area was a possibility, Kolanders immediate objective was to improve the market position of Kolanders Chowder at retail within the New England are.Estimated from 1989 company records.The Research ProjectIn October 1989, Kolander contacted a local research firm. After a number of meetings, the research firm recommended that a series of assort interviews be conducted with current users of the two competitive chowder brands in roll to explore reasons for the product usage, reactions to the brands, and perceived product differences. Through group sessions of this nature, the r esearch firm believed that the precedent of declining sales of Kolanders Chowder could be established and potential solutions identified. The resultsof the group sessions suggested that an important proportion of the competitive canned chowder users preferred a chowder that was thicker and creamier than the current Kolanders Chowder brand formulation. Of the former Kowlanders Chowder users, the desire for a creamier formulation was the predominant reason for switching. Many of these chowder users had switched to either Fishermans Delight or Cape Cod Chowder.Based on these findings, the research firm recommended that further research be conducted to evaluate changing Kolanders Chowder to a creamier formulation. For purposes of the test, it was recommended that two creamier formulations be developed, a chromatic version and an extra creamy version. These two new formulations would be evaluated in a taste test along with Kolanders current chowder plus the two competitive brands.After several meetings on specific aspects of the proposed research design, Kolander decided to approve the project. Appendix B presents the results of this study.Case QuestionFocusing on the retail market, what product line does the research suggest Kolander should produce? Guidelines for 3- sliding board SubmissionSlide 1 Analyze the information in Table 1 and make a product line recommendation Slide 2 Evaluate the focus group and the taste test and judge the quality of data from each Slide 3 What would you have done differently if you had guided the research process for this problem?APPENDIX A New England Soup Company, Audit of Retail food Outlets (Tables from the Report) Fifty retail food outlets in the New England market area have been audited annually since 1975. These are deemed spokesperson of the potential distribution outlets of canned soups for the New England Soup Company.APPENDIX B Evaluation of Two New Formulations of Kolanders Canned Chowder Research ObjectivesTo evalua te the preference for two new chowder formulations among users of Kolanders Chowder, Cape Cod Chowder, and Fishermans Delight Chowder.Research Design and ProcedureTwo hundred male (n=100) and female (n=100) canned chowder users were selected from four geographic locations representative of the New England market area. The subjects were selected using a probability sampling procedure involving a telephone-administered qualifying questionnaire. Eachsubject was paid $5 for participating in the test.The subjects came to one of four test locations (local churches). They were tested individually in 30-minute sessions. Subjects were brought into the testing room and seated at stalls. An instruction sheet explained that the subject was to evaluate several samples of chowder, that the test would consist of three parts, and that they would be required to taste a total of 15 cups of chowder. Normal taste-testing procedures were followed.The first part involved tasting five samples of chowder a nd ranking them from most preferred to least preferred. The five chowders were Kolanders regular chowder, Fishermans Delight, Kolanders creamy (version 1), Cape Cod, and Kolanders extra creamy (version 2). The second and third parts of the test involved tasting five samples again. The samples had different code letters and the subjects were not told the samples were identical to the previous five. After tasting the five samples, the subjects were again asked to rank order the five samples. For each subject, the test procedure resulted in three preference orderings of the five chowder samples. The preference orderings were feature to form a composite ordering for each subject, a procedure that resulted in a more reliable measure of each subjects true preference ordering.ResultsThe data set consisted of 200 preference orderings of the five chowders. Table 1 presents 20 preference orderings which are representative of the entire data set. The difference between male and female prefere nce orderings was not statistically significant.The data set was analyzed by calculating the average rank order of each chowder and scaling the chowders on a five- saddle scale ranging from most preferred (1) to least preferred (5). Table 2 presents the results of this analysis.Recommendation and DiscussionRecommendation transmit the current Kolanders Chowder formulation to theversion 1creamy formulation and develop a new label which makes this change conspicuous at point of purchase. The table 2 results clearly indicate that the current Kolanders Chowder formulation and the extra creamy formulation ranked significantly (.05 level of significance) lower than the two competitors brands and the creamy formulation. These findings suggest that the market position of Kolanders Chowder can be improved by a formulation change to the creamy version, which ranks higher than the two competitors and should recapture a significant share of sales lost to the Cape Cod and Fishermans Delight bra nds.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Genome Patterns of Common DNA Variations in Three Human Populations
The article Whole-Genome Patterns of Common DNA Variations in Three Human Populations provides detailed and examination of core individual differences in DNA sequences. The authors pay attention to genetic basis of human variability stressing that it is variability that identify differences in DNA sequences. The article touches the following issues a sound SNP map common SNPs in three populations natural selection between populations structure of common populations LD and functional elements, etc.Further, the interesting moment is analyzing the impact of genetic variations on human health. They conducted their examination in more than 70 ancestries in Asian, American and African countries. The researchers revealed that linkage disequilibrium is the main reason of genetic variations. It means that functional genomic elements atomic number 18 correlated with particular regions of linkage imbalance. Then the authors proceed to identifying the role of common genome variations and their impact of human traits, ancestries and populations.71 unrelated individual were chosen for investigation 23 African Americans, 24 Europeans and 24 Asians. The metrics were scored call rate, observed genotype clusters, and consistency with Hardy Weinberg equilibrium. Actually, these tests are considered very effective because they ensure quality control. During investigation, researchers revealed more than 112 meg individual genotypes, whereas the missing data accounts scarcely 5%. Most of SNPs are found to be high-quality genotypes with polymorphic structure.Further, 94% of African Americans SNPs have two alleles, whereas only 84% of Europeans and Americans SNPs have two alleles. After reading the paper, two questions appear on the agenda 1. What methods are the most effecting in analyzing phenotypic differences and DNA variations? 2. What are particular effects of genome variations on human psyche? References Hinds D. , Stuve L. , Nilsen G. B. , Halperi, E. , Eskin E. , Balling er D. , Frazer K. , & Cox, D. (2005, February 18). Whole-Genome Patterns of Common DNA Variations in Three Human Populations. Science, 307, 1072-1079.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Hidden Intellectualism Essay
In his essay Hidden Intellectualism, Gerald Graff argues that intellectualism is not something that can only be archived through proper education bid school or college, but with subjects that people consider non academics as sports and cars. The writer considers street languish to those people who learn things outside of an academic surroundings, for typesetters case in the streets of their neighborhood. The writer argues that educators should let students decide on the subject that they are more than interested to learn, this opened up possibilities for the student to excel in his academic environment as well as his own interests. To support his point the writer tell us his personal story of transformation from been a street smart to an intellectual.He explain the necessity of implementing hidden intellectualism into academic intellectualism by introducing a more academic approved vocabulary, while maintaining that same level of intellectualism used with the nonacademic interes ts of the students. For example the language that we use in street is not the same as the language we use inside a classroom. There for schools should encourage students to learn more academically, it doesnt mean that students have to change their original ways of speaking rather add new ways to use it correctly.He also goes into foresight about his own life and how he grew up. I hated book and cared only for sports, he states that he was more interested in sports than Shakespeare.I was dreaded for the approval of the hoods, He talks about how he wanted to fit in with the hoods and also tries to be smart, but not show it too much, for worship of being beat up. These are excellent examples of how schools should try to tap into these hidden intellectualisms.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Dijkstra’s Algorithm Essay
1) Write short notes on a) Pains of Partition b) Family bonding and disintegration Ans. a) India was a colony for over 200 years and this struggle for independence is deeply rooted in the Indian psyche. More than this, another momentous event of air division is taken up by the authors. Heinous activity, cruelty, barbarism have left deep scars in Indian minds. Different aspects of partition have been dealt with by numerous sources specially who have themselves undergone that experience. His most famous book is Train to Pakistan.Another important book by him is Ghadar 1915 Indias first Armed Revolution. on that point are some women writers who have also written rough the partition of 1947. Manju Kapur has, in fact, made it the background of her novel Difficult Daughter that was published in 1998. Nina Sibal painted a vivid picture of partition in her novel Yatra and What the body remembers by Shauna Baldwain also throws light on the pains of Partition. b) Among all the countries o f the world, the brass of family is of supreme importance in India.Even in this post modern world, Family still plays the pivotal role. There have been continuous twists and turns in the cobweb of family relationship. many writers have written profusely on it but basically women writers have dealt with an extra edge. Shashi Deshpandey, Kamala Markandeya, Nayantara Sahgal , to name a few. Earlier, India had joint family system but with rapid industrialisation and to meet out the search of better opportunities of employment, the families gradually acquired the shape of nuclear ones.Urban migration started with the shifting of masses from rural to urban areas to meet out the challenges of earning living. much(prenominal) issues also dealt with seriously by many writers in all the languages in India. Both the genres of short stories and novels take up Family as an important issue and so the various equations between members of the family always make interesting plot for the stories. Relation between mother and son, husband and wife, brother and brother, brother and sister requires minute detail and a lot of sensitivity.2) Write a note on basket-selling girl. Ans. The writer is shown as eighteen years old and studying in the Delhi University. The girl , that he meets at Deoli station, is very poor as her feet were bare but he was struck by the sheer dignity with which she carried herself. She had a typical charm about her personality. She had a beautiful , pale visage with shiny, black hair.The feature of profound attraction was her pair of dark, troubled eyes. In a way the writer was bewitch by the simple beauty and grace oozing out of her personality. She stood by my window for some time and neither of us said anything. But when she move on, I found myself leaving my seat and going to the carriage door. The use of the words I found myself amply suggests that he was motivated from within to play along that girl. The germination of love in this story does not seem to be unrequited as the girl also gets sparkled up looking at the writer for the second time.In fact her maiden meeting with the writer instills a spark of happiness within her. He writes, I watched her as the platform slipped away. She was all on the platform and she did not move, but she was looking at me and smiling. I watched her until the signal-box in the way, and then the jungle hid the station, but I could still see her stand up there alone .. 3. What are the unique features of Desais prose style ?Ans. Desai is part of a new literary tradition of Indian writing in slope which dates back only to the 30s or 40s. She explains that this is because at one time all literature was recited kind of than read and that remains the tradition in India. It is still rather a strange act to buy a book and read it, an unusual thing to do. Her new style of writing is also different from that of many Indian writers, as it is much less conservative than Indian literature has been in the past. For these reasons, she says, she is not widely read in India, mainly in Indian universities if at all.Throughout her novels, childrens books, and short stories, Desai focuses on personal struggles and problems of contemporary life that her Indian characters must cope with. She maintains that her primary goal is to envision the truth that is nine-tenths of the iceberg that lies submerged beneath the one-tenth visible portion we call Reality. She portrays the cultural and social changes that India has undergone as she focuses on the incredible mogul of family and society and the relationships between family members, paying close attention to the trials of women suppressed by Indian society.Desai is praised for her broad understanding on intellectual issues, and for her ability to portray her orbit so vividly with the way the eastern and western cultures have blended there.4) Write the character sketch of Daga . Ans. Daga was a contractor who earned huge tot up of mone y. As money begets money, he piled up bundles of notes by hook or by crook.He was involved in the quagmire of immoral deeds bid murder, kidnapping, trafficking etc. He had an unsatiating appetite for money and he blew it up on women and alcohol. There was nothing congenial or friendly in Dagas personality. He did not think twice before slashing anybody from his scheme of life but if someone tried to leave his gang, he would akin it an act of perfidious absconder. For example, there was a man Kannan who wanted to leave Dagas world of heinous crime but no sooner than this news reached Dagas ear, he was murdered. When Kailas extricated himself from the company of Daga, he could not take it casually.In spite of Kailas escaping to a far off bewilder, in fact a continent away, he managed to scrape him. To Kailas utter discomfort, his greed of money is not quashed. He demanded fifty thousand rupees from him. Kailas tried his level best to make him understand that his current job did not flourish him with unlimited money but Daga was not ready to listen. He was violent enough to have forgotten that Kailas once used to work for him. He used harsh body language while dealing with Kailas. If you run again, I will kill you, no matter which gutter you hide in. tomorrow this time.Fifty thousand. This threat sent the shivers down Kailas spine. He knew that Daga was a killer and that hunting lodge was an ideal place for his murder to be taken place without any news of it to anybody. Finally Daga meets his death as a murderer should die.5) Write a note on suitability of the title Panch Parmeshwar . Ans. The story Panch Parmeshwar deals with the supremact of
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Career pathways of three social care sectors Essay
Describe the roles, responsibilities and cargoner pathways of three wellness or accessible parcel out sectors Within this assignment I will be discussing three different wellness or social c are professionals and describing their roles are and overly their responsibilities. companionable workerA social workers role is to help people with their issues and also their families, in order to help to adjust to the problems that are occurring end-to-end their lives. They most frequently work with those problems such as, child abuse, substance, abuse, mental illness, anti-social behaviour and m any(prenominal) more. A social worker would specialise in a authorized area and help a person with that certain blot. However, some peoples issues may be unchangeable therefore they help others to adjust to the situation and help them in order to accept that certain situations may not be able to be changed. Social workers usually work with the government in departments such as offices, clinics, prisons, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, businesses and many more. Being a social worker has many responsibilities entailed with the calling which comes with helping others such as, preparing interviews with the service users and their families which enables them all to pronounce the situation, offering support through counselling, or group therapy to the service user and their family, ensure that the support offered enables the service user to lead their life as wellspring as possible.Although a vital role within social work is to ensure the safety, security and well-being and caring for the service users and their families it also involves numerous responsibilities that are a legal requirement within social work such as, giving evidence when necessary in court for the person they are work with, writing accurate records of what has occurred and preparing reports for special meetings (this may possibly be court too), writing up assessments about the situation that meet the s tated standards and is on a timescale, communicating with other agencies such as hospitals, schools etc. to ensure that they understand what is going on at home and to ensure their safety.In order to dramatize the career path of being a social worker it is vital to dumbfound studied for 2 years at college or Sixth institute whilst gaining qualifications from them also. After this it is important to go to University in order to maintain a degree, the current qualification to study at University in order to maintain a career in social work is an honoursdegree in Social Work, however it is possible to also go into other degrees such as sociology, youth work or anything relatable and train to be a social worker laterwards. This is a popular approach for many people as it is comparatively hard for those of a young age to get into a degree level of Social Work.MidwiferyThe role of a Midwife is to support, care and offer women, their partners and family, at every stage of childbirth before, during and afterwards as they help women decide what care they would like throughout childbirth, the services they will use and any other important decisions that need to be made. For the first 28 days of a childs birth they help by taking care of the new born child and provide health education and support the parent through this emotional, difficult and overwhelming period they do this with regular health visits to the new mother and new born child. The main responsibility for a midwife is to ensure that the mother and the new born childs health is on top form which ensures their safety and security by caring for them, they do this by keeping to the hospitals health and safety policy furthermore, they have numerous responsibilities to adhere by in order to ensure this of their patients.During maternity they must diagnose, monitor and examine the woman which ensures that nothing has or is going to go treat within the pregnancy and if there is something found it can be trea ted fast and efficiently in the appropriate manner. This means that they must identify game risk pregnancies through this such as, ectopic pregnancies so that doctors and medical professions can be informed and the mother can be assessed and treated. During the pregnancy they must also develop an assessment, which evaluates the pregnancy too for an individual which has relation to care so that the mother knows what care they want and they can choose from this. Also, they must do this for their partners and families as they provide health education for the woman whether it is at the hospital, community or at home so that everyone can help the mother out.As pregnancy can be one of the most dangerous things to do in a womans life many of them may be shake to do so and find the thought of labour intimidating, therefore it is a midwifes responsibility to provide cancelling before and after the birth, especially after if they have suffered throughout it as they need to be debriefed. The y also supervisethe mother throughout labour assigning her and monitoring her condition through their noesis of drugs and pain killers. After the pregnancy is vital as the mother postulate to be given support from the midwife and daily care of the baby, which includes breast feeding, cleanse and making up feeds especially for first time mothers who arent familiar with child baring.In order to become a midwife you can any apply to a degree of nursing and on the third year branch off to midwifery or study a three year degree course in Midwifery. It is important that sufficient work experience or anything similar as midwifery is highly specialised and demanding job. They ask for 3 A Levels of the equivalent to this such as BTEC National Diploma. There are other courses that can get you into the career path of midwifery such as a midwifery access course. There are different entry requirements at each universitys however, every university asks for GCSEs in Maths and incline at C an d above. The minimum pay that midwife would begin to work for is 21,000 and they would make their way up throughout their career.Probation officerThe role of a probation officer is to work with offenders and ex-offenders who have emotional, behavioural and psychological issues which make the probation officers job highly stressful and demanding. However, the result of helping a person overcome these difficulties is highly recognize for the probation officer. There are numerous responsibilities that are with the job which are vital as they must provide advice and information in order to support the vile with the court sentencing related to this is the write and presentation of their pre-sentence and pre-release reports which enables them to help the with their sentence and parole as well. Another main responsibility of a probation officer is be emotionally supportive to the offenders that they are working with meaning that they must help the offender deal with the fact that they are having custodial sentences which may be jail or perhaps on house arrest depending on the crime committed.This also means that they must visit the offender no matter where they are whether it is at the home, in court, prison, hostels or other institutions that they may be detained in. Although it is solely about the offender it is also important to liaise with the family in order to ensure that their needs are met throughout this overwhelming time as it will be highly emotional forthem. It is a vital responsibility for probation officers to liaise with those such as the police, social service and anyone else involved with the case to make sure that they are knowledgeable of how the offender is getting on and is sticking to the agreements.This is an extremely stressful job and also highly demanding, also being extremely controversial as they are working with offenders. In order to go into the probation services it is important to have a degree in anything similar such as community justice or social work where you would then apply to the probabtion services as a probation officer. After having that job it is vital that you take a vocational qualification level 5 diploma in probation practice to ensure that you are suited for the job, therefore it is then possible that gain a specialised area or move onto a managerial position. Probation officers have a salary of around 19,000 26,000 for a year and the after qualified they earn around 26,000 35,000 a year.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Rethinking of Filipino Values Essay
Enriquez was critical of this approach to the study of Filipino values. He encouraged Filipino scholars to take a second look at these values using a Filipino orientation. Social scientists such as Lagmay, Salazar, and Bonifacio took up the challenge in their own research. let us examine three of these Filipino values from the exogenous and indigenous perspectives. 54 Rogelia Pe-Pua and Elizabeth Protacio-Marcelino ? Blackwell Publishers Ltd with the Asian Association of Social Psychology and the Japanese Group kinetics Association 2000Bahala Na. The Filipino cultural value of bahala na has no exact English translation.Bostrom (1968) was the first psychologist to analyze this value by comparing it with American fatalism. This is seemingly a pervasive interpretation that when Thomas Andres published the Dictionary of Filipino Culture and Values, he still defines bahala na as the Filipino attitude that makes him claim sufferings and problems, departure everything to God. Bahala na ang Diyos (God will take care of us) . . . This attitude is a fatalistic resignation or withdrawal from an engagement or crisis or a shirking from personal responsibility (Andres, 1994, p. 12).The Sikolohiyang Pilipino perspective interprets bahala na differently. Lagmay (1977) explained that bahala na is not fatalism but determination and risk-taking. When Filipinos utter the expression Bahala na they are not leaving their fate to God and remaining passive. Rather, they are telling themselves that they are ready to face the difficult situation before them, and will do their best to chance upon their objectives. The expression is a way of pumping courage into their system so that they do not buckle down. In fact, even before they have said Bahala na They have probably done their best to prepare for the forthcoming situation. Hiya. Sibley (1965), an American scholar, translated hiya as shame. Another American, Lynch (1961) saw hiya as the uncomfortable tactile property that accomp anies awareness of being in a socially unacceptable position, or performing a socially unacceptable action. For example, when an employee is scolded in front of other people. To chalk up to the negativity of this interpretation of hiya, Andres (1994) described hiya as an ingredient in why Filipinos overspend during fiestas in order to please their visitors, even to the extent of going into debt.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Coca-Cola and Its Global Marketing Strategies
Coca-Cola is a connection that is cognise populacewide for its harvest-time. It is a tipsiness that spans any ages, colors, races, and countries. The Coca-Cola union is the worlds leading manufacturer, marketer, and distributor of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. The worlds headquarters ar located in Atlanta, Georgia, with many separate locations close the sphere. The Company and its subsidiaries employ nearly 31,000 people around the world.Syrups, concentrates and beverages bases for Coca-Cola, the political partys flagship fool, and over 230 other Company soft- make whoopie brands atomic number 18 manufactured and sell by the Coca-Cola Company and its subsidiaries in nearly 200 countries around the world (Virginia, 1). The company has been around for over 100 years, and has used this time to perfect its marketing strategy. The success of the company was built on many people with the great business knowledge and know-how to take a unproblematic drink , and make it into a symbol that represents humanity.This paper will focus on non only the globalisation of Coke, and Coke as a company, but also what advertising and media strategies have been used to help in the discourse of its globalization. Coca-Cola is an internationally recognized drink, popular in many countries by means of fall out the world. The company that produces the soft drink has an interesting way of distributing it around the world, which many people whitethorn not realize. You dont remove exactly the same Coke in India that you do in the US, because bottling of the drink is franchised.What occurs is the following(a) the company produces a concentrate with the patented formula for Coca-Cola. This remains the same wherever you bargain for the product. This concentrate is then interchange to companies who have bribed franchises to bottle Coca-Cola in their scope. Each bottling company adds water and whatever sweeteners are used for that ad hoc type of coke. Slight variations may occur if the bottlers dont conform to standards of production. For instance using little of the concentrate than is recommended, or changing the type of sweetener used.Though the formula for Coca-Cola concentrate doesnt change, thither john be slight differences in sweetness since bottling agencies may change the amount of sweeteners used to fit the local anesthetic populations palate, and some versions of the cola are said to be sweeter or sharper in other countries. The United States has seen, especially in countries close to Mexico, a rise in the amount of Mexi tummy Coca-Cola import into the US and sold at a number of Mexican and Latin or mho American grocery stores. Cola aficionados say in that location are differences amidst south of the b recite and American produced versions of the drink.They cite the fact that most Mexican bottlers add cane sugar instead of corn syrup to the formula for Coca-Cola and many people prefer the Mexican version, though at send-off the savor can be a little unusual. Since the cost of importing sugar cane to the United States is costly, bottlers import the drink from countries where its abundant or use substitutes like corn syrup which is subsidized by the authorities as well (Hays, 47). Thus the main difference is the way in which the formula for Coca-Cola has ingredients added to it from one country to another.The type of water used also may create a major difference in both taste and safety. Some countries, particularly emerging countries with high levels of pollution have been under probe for producing Coca-Cola with alarmingly high levels of pesticides. In 2003, for instance, a government independent investigatory agency in India comprise that water filtration was not ridding the water of substances like DDT and Marathon (Allen, 182). Several soft drinks in India, including Pepsi, were assemble to have toxic and unsafe levels of these chemicals.This led to a decline in sales in Coca-Col a that lasted for several(prenominal) years, and an outright ban on selling Coke in certain parts of India for a of a sudden while. Technically water filtration should eliminate most of these chemicals, but the presence of higher amounts of the chemicals in certain areas may mean filtration methods arent adequate to the task. Coca-Cola has defended their product and claims they test all their soft drinks, wherever produced, to make for sure they meet safety standards (Coca-Cola, 1).They also stand by the formula for Coca-Cola though they do recognized flyspeck differences in taste when it is bottled outside of the US. Although the taste differences are often involuntary, in many cases the taste differences between countries and regions have helped locals adopt the Coca-Cola flavors. As a result, Coca-Cola can strong-armeritalize on its growth and sp allege its product base however further. In order to appeal to countries that did not adopt the standardized Coca-Cola Flavors, th e company indomitable to expand its product lines in order to appeal to foreign countries that did not have the same taste characteristics as the United States.In order to do this it developed new flavors of water, teas, juices, sports drinks and energy drinks to appeal to a large number of people. In some cases they acquired existing companies that already had a true-blue node base and even developed some of its own products by tweaking existing recipes or creating new drinks all together. For exercise, in Asia soy drinks are much popular than carbonated beverages. To combat this Coca-Cola also offers its own soy beverage in the regions where as in the United States its very rare to see soy drinks produced by Coca-Cola (McKay, 22).This adaptation strategy has entrusted greater flexibility to consumers tastes and growth in the companys market deal out of the non-alcoholic beverage industry. Coca-Cola places its product globally depending on several conditions. The first lev el that needs to be examined is the large level including Coca-Colas choice of continents, countries and geographic regions. Population and the proximity of natural resources to that population are the first things that Coca-Cola considers when entering new territories.If the region does not have a large enough population to purchase enough of their beverages they will focus more than on regions that do. Also, if it is not efficient or cost good to produce drinks within the country or region the company either looks elsewhere to bottle its beverages, imports its products or moves refrains from focusing on this region all together. In countries that do not have abundant resources such(prenominal) as sugar cane and corn syrup, it increases the cost to produce the beverage because supplies must be imported (.The Coca-Cola Company will also consider the proximity of bottling plants to the region its promoting its products to. Either the company will purchase or build a plant to cut d own on costs or squinch with local bottlers to sell its product to. In some cases Coca-Cola may have even establish itself in neighboring countries because it may already inhabit locations with similar cultures and preferences. Within these regions that Coca-Cola decides to inhabit, it also must choose an area that their products have the best chance of refering the consumer.The Coca-Cola Company sells its products to bottling and canning operations, distributors, fountain wholesalers and some fountain retailers. These then distributes them to retail outlets, milk bar and corner stores, restaurants, petrol stations and newsagents. The Coca-Cola Company uses the intensive distribution strategy. The businesss products are sold in almost every outlet including small shops, restaurants gas stations, schools, sports venues and deal machines. Depending on the level of popularity and extensiveness, Coca-Cola will choose areas that will have the best opportunity to sell.With these sales comes increased customer awareness and brand loyalty. The final thing that Coca-Cola must do is recognize local laws and regulations. Coca-Cola adopts a standardized practice for areas that are similar which makes it easier for Coca-Cola to distribute and sell its products (Allen, 82). In some foreign countries however, many of the taste preferences are unflinching by local laws, ancient religions or the countries culture. When these characteristics differ from the standard Coca-Cola model, the company adapts its products are marketing strategies to stick to to regulations and cultural norms.Coca-Cola decides if its then cost effective and possible to enter the market without significant barriers or alterations to its brands flavors. If the barriers are too large, the company is likely to pursue other locations. The companys beverages are generally for all consumers. However, there are some brands, which target peculiar(prenominal) consumers. For example, Coca-Colas diet soft dri nks are targeted at consumers who are ripened in age, between the years of 25 and 39. PowerAde sports water targets those who are fit, healthy and participate in athletics.The Winnie the Pooh sipper cap Juice Drink targets children between the ages 5-12. This type of market approach refers to market segmentation. The Coca-Cola Company when advertising has a primary target market of those who are 13-24, and a secondary market of 10-39 (Coca-Cola, 3). In order for these beverages to reach the target markets, Coca-Cola needs to use a medium that will best reach these consumers. If agitatements are not reaching the right age group or in the tight places, sales will ramble and the brand image will be damaged.For example, when advertising Diet Coke, Coca-Cola primarily advertises with in-print ads, billboards, fast food restaurants and the radio. They control that this age group is likely to have children and spend a lot of their time driving, feeding their children and outgo time at home (GSCE, 1). By using these methods they increase the chance of being exposed and having their products used. In order to reach the young adults and teens they use the internet, boob tube and popular events such as concerts and sporting events to advertise their products.Coca Cola has researched and found that the majority of time teens spend is online or spent overhearing their favorite television programs. Unlike the older generations, jr. generations are more likely to be electronic savvy and read less of in print advertisements. Internationally, Coca-Cola has adopted a global strategy that includes sponsoring professional sports unites, music artists or groups and the Olympics. For example the company advertises with the NBA, World Cup Tournaments, the NCAA and popular music groups such as Maroon 5 (McKay, 13).Coca-Cola pays several million dollars in order to have the exclusive rights to advertise or partner with these events. Although it an expensive way to advertise, i ts benefits extend far past the cost of advertising. Millions of viewers worldwide tune into or watch these events and the brand exposure is enormous. Viewers are exposed to the brand and the Coca-Cola brand becomes synonymous with that popular athlete, league or artist. By paying these popular athletes and stars to endorse their products, they influence millions to buy or try the Coca-Cola brand.From there its up to Coca-Cola to proceed the consumers to continue to use its products. In conjunction with their advertising strategy, Coca-Cola also uses item promotions and strategies in order to gain sales. Internationally, many of these methods are similar to those found in the United States. Whether its to gain a first time customer, getting them to switch from other brands or keep them loyal to Coca-Cola, the company uses strategic self-selection. They purchase shelves in big departmental stores and display their products on shelves in an lovely style.Most times Coca-Cola pays mo re to have their products on shelves that are easier to reach and are more likely to be seen than the shelves that other companies use. Coca-Cola is one of the leading companies to take advantage of end caps and special racks that they give to outlets to parent specific products. Often times salesman of the coca cola company positions their freezers and their products in eye-catching positions. Normally they keep their freezers near the entrance of the stores or in high traveled areas.The company recently introduced a new electronic vending machine that has hundreds of Coke flavors on hand that even can be conglomerate from one single machine. The machine is called the Freestyle and offers a totally new and innovative approach to the standard vending machines (Coca-Cola, 1). The company also does sponsorships with different college and schools cafes and sponsors their sports events and other extra curriculum activities for increasing market share among younger demographics. The m ajority of the Coca-Cola Companys products are sold in retail stores, convenient stores, petrol stations etc.Although the pricing methods/strategies are set by those the company sells to, it does suggest specific guidelines and have some restrictions on pricing and trade. For example gas stations and convenient stores usually sell Coca-Cola products at a fixed price, where restaurants have more freedom on what they can charge. In a majority of places competition-based pricing is used. Coca-Cola products are usually priced below, in a higher place or equal to its competitors prices. For example, during Easter (2010) sale periods the average price for a 2 liter Coca-Cola was 1. 7 and a 2 liter Pepsi bottle sold for 1. 83 on average (Virginia, 3). In order to generate more sales and clear additional product, Coca-Cola also adopts a discount price strategy. Coca-Cola products are often marked down during sale periods and special occasions. For example Coca-Cola often will send out coup ons for an amount to be taken off the cost of a specific product or allow the markdown below MAP pricing to make room for new sales or products. One of the most obvious pricing strategies Coca-Cola uses is psychological pricing.Often times there advertised prices end in seven or five, which is below other competitors such as Pepsi. The Coca-Cola Company also gives trade incentives to its retailers to generate more revenue. For example, the company will send free samples and product to have events which allow consumers to try a product for nothing. As a result of this by this these retailers and middle man push their product in the market following Seen as sold. Lastly, the Coca Cola Company changes their product prices according to the season. For example, summer is supposed to be a good season for beverage industry in Pakistan (Hays, 96).So in winter they reduce their prices to watch their sales and profit In essence, the examples above reveal that global marketing is not necessar ily an all or nothing proposition. The Coca-Cola Company has the freedom to choose from many possibilities on the spectrum from total standardization by means of to complete customization. Clearly there are circumstances where they can gain competitive advantage through increased standardization of products and marketing, especially with respect to keeping costs down and building brand power.On the other hand, in conditions where national market differences are more marked, this strategy would harm the company and its reputation. By fashioning standardization findings using target market conditions as its starting point, the company insures that in the long-term customers are being offered what they want. Although Coca-Cola can seemingly gain a great deal from a standardized agenda, its decision to combine global and local resources is ultimately more long-standing in a market where national customer differences are influential.Coupled with strategic pricing and being a low cost leader, the Coca-Cola Company has enjoyed over a hundred years of success which continues to grow every day. The company uses its branding power and size to promote its products even further, which influences even more consumers to try the brand or switch from previous used brands. Regardless, Coca-Cola has been super successful in their international marketing mix and continues to dominate global beverage sales.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Baseball Magic Essay
George Gmelchs voice Baseball magic is a classic example of a piece that makes you rethink what you thought you knew. I would father never linked a relationship between religion and the practices that baseball teams or individuals generate on a day to day basis. It has now become evidently clear that these practices, whether it be ingest in a particular spot any day, or going to church faithfully every Sunday, have tremendous effects on our everyday lives. Gmelch who presents his case with American baseball players, shows the various taboos and fetishes that these players have and they believe that these rituals are linked to their winning or losing a game. The nearly alarming circumstanceor is that these master players forget or rather ignore the fact that they possess true abilities and skill, which is how they got onto the team in the primary place. They idolize prized possessions that they believe drop them luck and the lack of these rituals or failure of these rituals d oes not stop them, nevertheless merely makes them create new ones to fit their needs.It is as if their skills got them into the sport, but their rituals keep them playing. In a air these players are not too far from me in my everyday life. If I studied in a particular way and earned good grades, it is more likely that I will continue this equivalent way of studying until it fails and then I would create another one to fit my needs. Rituals seem to be a common trend with the human species, it is how we make sense of the unknown. Throughout Gmelchs ethnography the most common trend that these players had was that they were trying to have control over what they deemed uncontrollable.These rituals gave them stability and hope that they would have almost effects over reality and even if their rituals were not directly related with winning or losing the game, the fact that they might be able to control the outcome of the game was still thrilling. Overall, we all part say in rituals o n a daily basis, whether it be brushing our top teeth before the bottom, trace the wall before you leave your room, or neverleaving the house without checking the stove. All these things help us cope with the day to day uncertainties of life. It is not the power of the rituals that make us satisfied, but the power we give to the rituals that make us feel like we are in control and are masters of uncertainty.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Patient Confidentiality: Ethical Implications to Nursing Practice Essay
Patient mysticity is a fundamental practice in healthcare and it is constituent(a) part of healthcare honorable standards (Purtilo & Dougherty, 2010). According to the American Nurses Association (ANA) code of ethics the cherish has a duty to maintain confidentiality of all tolerant information (Nursing world, p.6). Also, when a forbearing confidentiality is violated the nurse whitethorn risk their safety and welfare. There are a few exceptions to this obligation such as an plus need to protect the patient and other parties or mandatory laws that protect public health (Nursing world, 2012). The quandary disclosed in the article Betraying Trust or Providing Good Care? When is it okay to dampen confidentiality? Constitutes an honorable dilemma for the nurse caring for a teenage patient diagnosed with a sexually transmitted sickness as well as relate cervical cancer. The nurse sooner or later has to apprize the patient parents due to further treatment is needed and parental co nsent is required. The nurse also has to instruct the patients school since it raises concern for public health issues.There are many cause concerns presented in this article. First of all, if a patients confidentiality is betrayed the patient may not want to get together in the future with the healthcare team. The patient may decide he/she doesnt want checkup care period, so this could risk the treatment of the patient. Secondly, the nurses must show respect and dignity for the patient by honoring the patients privacy. Lastly, the sanctity of the nurse-patient relationship mandates maintaining confidentiality. The patient entrusts the medical professional with private and confidential information. The medical professional must be absolutely certain of the risks versus benefits when deciding to breach confidentiality (Nathanson, 2000).The decision to break confidentiality should only be do using a systematic approach that follows an ethical decision do model. The first step in this process is gathering all relevant information. Once the healthcare provider is certain that all pertinent information is evaluated they can determine the type of ethical dilemma. In this depicted object the ethical dilemma was the choice to maintain or breach patient confidentiality. Afterdetermine the temper of the dilemma it is important to use a theoretical framework to analyze the issue. The nurse using a utilitarianistic theory would look at all consequences of breaking confidentiality versus maintaining confidentiality. If the nurse utilizes a deontological approach the decision is made based on the nurses duty and responsibility to uphold patient confidentiality. The nurse would whence determine what to do in the situation by looking at all the alternatives. After determining a course of action the nurse must proceed with the action that is thought to be best. In the end the nurse should evaluate the outcomes of the decision for future professional development (Purti lo & Dougherty, 2010).A nurse go about with this type of situation may seek advice from the institutions ethics committee in rate to determine the appropriate course of action. An ethics committee may be composed of clinical force out as well as non-clinical personnel. The committee most likely has and ethical consultant available as well to guide the decision making process. The role of an ethics committee in the clinical scene is to provide support and guidance to caregivers when they are faced with an ethical problem. The committee helps to reduce moral agony and maintain ethical practice (Lachman, 2010, p. 1). In the previously mentioned bailiwick involving the teenage patients dear to confidentiality the ethics committee may have taken the following approach. First the committee would determine the patients ability to make decisions.They would then review all clinical information and facts related to the case. solely of the alternatives would be examined and then valued according to the risks and benefits for the patient. Facility policies related to patient confidentiality as well as legal implications would be referenced. In this case the committee would investigate the potential for community harm related to the situation. After determining an ethical plan of action, recommendations would be made to the mendelevium and nurse in this case (Lachman, 2010). In the end the decision would be a collaborative effort between the nurse and physician based on the recommendations. Protecting a patients private health information is an ethical practice that helps to maintain the trusting relationship between patient and nurse.The professional nurse is obligated to do so not only by the professional code of ethics but also by government mandates related to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). There are instances when thebest interests of the patient or community safety provide good cause for breaking patient confidentiality. It is i mportant for the nurse to use an ethical decision making process either alone or in quislingism with the healthcare team to determine the appropriate course of action (Purtilo & Dougherty, 2010).ReferencesAmerican Nurses Association Code of morality retrieved from Nursingworld (ANA website) available at http//, V. (2010). Ethics, law, and policy. Clinical ethics committees organizational support for ethical practice. MEDSURG Nursing, 19(6), 351-353.Nathanson, Pamela G., Bioethics on NBCs ER Betraying Trust or Providing Good Care? When Is It Ok to Break Confidentiality? (February 24, 2000) located at http//, poignancy M. & Doherty, Regina (2010). Ethical Dimensions in the Health Professions 5 (Vital Source Bookshelf). Retrieved from http//
Friday, May 17, 2019
The Contribution of Religion to Societies and Cultures in the 20th Century.
Religion which does not consent an impact on culture is a toothless tiger. This quote exemplifies the idea that if organized worship did not impact an exclusive, it would have the similar effect of a ferocious tiger not being able to exert its force. From the Latin religio (the follow for what is sacred) and relig ar (to bind, in the sense of an obligation), the word faith is an organised collection of belief and practice systems, focusing on what people determine to be sacred or spiritual.Throughout history and societies across the world, unearthly leaders have used sacred narratives, symbols and traditions in an attempt to give more meaning to life and to gain firmness through the understanding of the universe. In every known culture throughout centuries, a form of faith is found, practiced either within a public manner within a group, or in a private sanction. The practice of religion evict be found through different practices much(prenominal) as feasts and festivals, perfection or gods, music and art, meditation or initiation, sacrifice or service, and other aspects of culture.A postulate on Religion and the Role of It on People and Media.In order to gain insight of its contri thoions within cultures and society, it is primal to look at this question with a sociological perspective. While a majority of people deal religion to be an individual process, as peoples beliefs ar highly personal, religion is too considered to be a accessible institution. Social scientists recognise that religion exists as an organised and integrated set of beliefs and behaviours centred on underlying social needs and set. Thus, religion is a cultural universal found in all social groups.The definition of a society is a alliance of people living in a incident region and having lotd customs, laws, and organizations. Living within a societal range, we are accustomed to accept or reject the ideas of religion in which society develops and displays. When consider ing the impact of religion on a society this can have both a positive or negative impact. Religious communities live by relation they see connections between God and humanity, between the spiritual and the material, and between the human persons who form the wider community.They value relationships and place setting and harmonious order. Archbishop Thomas Collins. Religion discusses the extremely debatable questions such(prenominal) as the meaning of life. This leads into deeper questions such as Who am I? Is there life after death? Is there a God? Although these questions may seem impossible to answer, for individuals it brings a sense of comfort and belonging in search for those answers. It brings an individual self-worth and happiness, and the feeling of something to live for.This is one of the main reasons people decide to follow a certain religion to bring them self-pleasure and to do right by their religion, therefore contributing positively to society. The overall contri bution of religion is about steady. In literature, architecture, painting, sculpture and even film we discover the exhilarating and inexhaustible depth of dishful in life. Under the topic of beauty, religion enters subtopics that emphasizes the giftedness of beauty, promotes beauty to enhance human flourishing, and encourages the response of awe and gratitude.The account book is still considered one of the greatest works of literature of all time. This sacred text is universal, having the ability to fix out to an international audience. The Bible has the ability to build a community as cultures find these stories relatable. Also, the beauty in architecture found in places of worship is outstanding. This shows that the religious imagination recognises the ferment in the community before the beauty of such structures, such as the Sistine Chapel, attracting thousands of tourists daily to admire the beauty. other major contribution of religion to society is the promotion of justice through the pursuit of common good. International figures such as Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day, and Nelson Mandela are stellar representatives of religion who helped change oppressive social, economic and political systems benefiting not only there society, but cultures around the world. Although religion can impact society in an extremely positive aspect, it can also be used as a manipulative tool for its promotion.It can encourage violence when religious believers are convinced that their views are being challenged, leading to an outbreak in wars. A recent theoretical account was associated with Islamic Terrorists being linked to sporadic violence in Uzbekistan. A man of god, Ulugbek Kodirov, entered the USA with the image of assassinating Obama as he knew this was what he was supposed to do for Islam. He stated he was acting at the direction of an Islamic terror group in his home country. When analysing this situation, the manipulative ability that eligion can inves t over an individual is drastic. If it has the power to impact the individual, obviously the society will become involved. Geographically diminished cultures within Iran/Iraq can be hugely influenced by religion, as their cultures would focus on the main foundations that it provides. Another example of this is the Lords Resistance Army (LRA), a militant movement which was operating in northern Uganda, South Sudan and entered the Central African Republic.The groups main source of ideology is Christian fundamentalism however, these followers under the group leader Joseph Kony (who proclaims himself as the spokesman for God) have been accused of widespread human rights violations, including murder, mutilation, child-sex thraldom and abductions. This is a clear example of where the contribution of religion negatively impacts a culture as a small society is more susceptible in acting for these violent crimes, as their knowledge of the alfresco world is censored. The fact that religio n in these types of societies is monitored, doesnt allow the individual to practice by oneself.Sacred texts are edited to suit the religious dictators views, punishments are ensured when one does worship correctly, and it is very rare for the ability of individuals to in private worship their personal beliefs. There are those that advocate that the voice of religion be silenced, or at least relegated to the purely private sphere. There are those who argue that the public celebration of festivals such as Christmas should be discouraged. These are worrying signs of a failure to appreciate not only the rights of believers to freedom of scruples and freedom of religion, but also the legitimate role of religion in the public square. Pope benedick XVI In conclusion, religion is the backbone to our society. Although it has the capacity to negatively impact cultures, it also has the ability to share insight into the future generation religious leaders. Many religions send across the same m essage, having the same values and methods of worshipping. When these values are taken on board, it can provide positivity in different cultures, heavy(p) individuals renewed hope and a positive outlook on life.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Oxford Insurance
Without proper man senescement, it is easy for employees to slack bump off and they may lose their sight of the comp all goal. If we look at Herbages two factor theory, you so-and-so get out that Oxford Insurance Services is lacking some factors that argon Important In Job satisfaction and want In employees. Challenging work, responsibility and rewards are part of the Intrinsic motivators that attribute to an Individuals sense of satisfaction with their work. It doesnt take care as though on that point are specific numbers that are set for each person, rather, full numbers that the company as a whole need to make.They could have dad specific attainable goals for each broker so they all have something specific to work towards. Stuart could have also came up with competitions within the group with rewards, such as a bonus. The except reward that they had was casual Friday. Although this is a step, there is not much incentive for the brokers to work hard. Many of the electron ic mails started with bad news and letting everyone know that they are not reaching their goal, this is news and information that they are probably already away of.This sets the mood for the remain of the email. Some of the e-mails were also very short and seemed Impersonal, such as the ones to Mary. It states that Mary Is the type of person who appreciates breathing out straight to business but the emails from Stuart is highly motivating. You dont get the sense that Stuart really cares about her. When she was doing well, Stuart emailed her telling her that she had a good month and that she would not hear from him about that for another 90 days. This does not give her any incentive to continue to work hard.If we fast forward to September when the numbers were falling short, Mary adopts an email from Michael telling her that the holiday weekend is over and that she need to the full to start paying attention to the numbers. We thought this e-mail seemed very rude and disrespectful . Respect Is very important in motivation and If Mary does not find that she is receiving the respect she deserves then that leave behind show In her work. It also doesnt help the situation that Michael Is half the age of Mary. In Brooms expectancy theory, It states that people will behave a certain way because they think it will lead them to a desired outcome.Stuart and Michael is not giving the Question 2. The case suggests that Mary feels De-energize. Why talent that be? Mary was lacking motivation because she was not getting the desired support from ere team. She felt that the stave was not very customer focused whereas she wanted to build good and trustworthy relationships with her customers by providing them let out services. Also, there were personality and age differences between Mary and her clerical staff that had a negative dissemble on their teamwork. Another reason why Mary felt De-energize was because of differences in motivational value.It can be inferred from th e case that Mary had a high focus on extrinsic value of motivation. She conjugated Oxfords because of high raise and a promise to fall upon self-actualization. However, through all the motivational memos, it is evident that rewards were largely non-monetary benefits. Employees were either praised verbally or would have a chance to wear casual clothes on Friday. There were hardly any incentives like performance-based bonuses etc. Moreover, Mary felt that Stuart was very aggressive with achieving the targeted numbers and was not giving her enough free hands to accomplish her goal of having repeat customers by expression trust. . How else might Stuart and Michael foster motivation among the 0. 1. S. Brokers? Identifying and determining ways to motivate employees is vital to every business. A incite employee in a workplace defines a highly productive staff that will help achieve common goals and objectives of the business. While not every employee will be able to get motivated by s imilar things, hence, Stuart and Michael should first develop a motivational strategy that includes understanding the difference of what motivates their employees.It is key necessity to determine what really drives the majority of their employees so that the company can reach the highest performance. This motivational employee strategy essential also include the process of developing orgasm that will eventually motivate employees greatly objet dart also retain the best employee of the business. Therefore, Stuart and Michael can apply the relationship between Measles Need power structure and Herrings Two-Factor Theory.Moscow postulated that every single several(prenominal) has five basic needs that constitutes the more or less basic need to the highest needs that will enable managers to understand the value of their employee satisfaction level of motivation. Although it seems that 0. 1. S brokers express self-actualization and esteem regularly, it would be more effective for Stu art and Michael to constantly provide training sessions that will rate more rooms for on-going education for self-actualization. In addition, it is always better for Stuart and Michael to not Just boost their employees self-esteem by email, buttoner of a check approach of face-to-face.A direct approach like lunch or dinner invitation may result in a very effective way as a sense of distinct recognition. Not only that it will establish stronger relationship by interaction and affiliating with colleagues, but this may also offer a sense of belongingness within the company. It is very interesting to notice that Mary had been the only one who receive the most or at least direct encouragement. However, it would be helpful if Stuart and Michael discouragement from other employees in uniformity to the given task.In terms of giving instructions and motivational messages, this may appear confusing and repetitive on the e-mail, thus, supervision division between Stuart and Michael can be d ifferentiated so that all employees understand and fully aware on instructions. Therefore, it is very important to define a better structure of communication in assigning tasks for their employees with detailed measurement of key performance indicator. This will be very effective for every employees to keep up with their course f action achieve the target and allowing themselves to measure their own obligation or work progress.This key performance indicator (KIP) may also leads to reward trunks or individual incentives as described in Herrings Two-Factory Theory under Hygiene Factor on salary. This incentives and reward system should also be diversified all across department without any differences. All age groups should receive equal value from this incentives and rewards. Also, this will indirectly educate employee to understand the expectancy theory where extra childbed that shows great performance will lead to valuable outcomes.
Bluegrass performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Bluegrass performance - Essay ExampleThe medical specialty has extensive been influenced through jazz by the African-Americans and other migrants (Nemerov, 2009).Traditional acoustic stringed instruments atomic number 18 used to play bluegrass music. Instrumentations such as mandolin and five-string banjo accompanied by harmonica and Dobro (resonator) were used in the ancient traditional leaping bands and influenced the current bluegrass bands. The currently flat picking sort of playing the guitar evolved from the ancient thumb and flip picking (Cantwell, 2002). This was introduced by Earl Scruggs who influenced the three-finger pick. Despite the recent introduction of cutting grass due to electronic versions and new instruments such as harmonica, traditional instruments are still used and culture maintained.The theme of bluegrass music revolves around narratives about the people who first developed the music. The vocals in the music are a congressman of the hardships that p eople of Appalachia in the ancient days and other rural areas went through living with limited financial resources. However, the currently evolving music includes interpersonal tensions, resistance to changes kindred the mountaintop coal mining and laments on love that was befuddled are part of the theme. The Appalachia railing of roads is also an integrated theme as performed by ballads like Nine pound hammer, form John Henry legend and Wreck of the Old 97.The vocal harmony, apart(predicate) from instrumentation displays Bluegrass music as a cultural product. The high lonesome sound style represents the hardships that the ancient Appalachia people used to go through living with less financial resources. The style includes unharmonious sound on the highest produced by two to four parts (Olson, 2006) . The baritone voice in the band played in the 1950s by the Stanley brothers is still played and some parts added to the traditional parts.Currently, museums are
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The Hart-Rudman Report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Hart-Rudman Report - Research Paper ExampleThe Hart-Rudman Report was constituted in the late 1990s by the US top-level government to study major issues of National interest, generally to do with national security, and then recommend on the way forward for the same in the 21st coke (Carl, 2003). The commission came up with a report that gave various observations that were predicted to affect the US in this century. Among the observations of the report was that there would arise a necessity to control the Middle East oil resources in the future. Further, the report predicted a resistance that would be faced by the US, which was to be both domestic and external resistance (USCNS, 1999). The commission also gave a recommendation about the issue of National security, which was majorly driven by the September 11 occurrence. Upon this, the report recommended that Homeland security measures were to be implemented, in order to avert the recurrence of the same.The report went out fro nt to warn that the issue of patriotism was the greatest threat to the security of the nation, in that there was a look at to deal with domestic cynicism and apathy (USCNS, 1999). The greatest threat of US national security is terrorism. However, terrorism against the US is more understandable, owing to how the country has interfered with the lives of the less developed countries, in a bid to secure its interest, mostly oil. This policy has extended the threat of terrorism beyond the US to other parts of the world, where the US seems to leave interests. For these reasons, The Hart-Rudman Report observed that the threat of terrorism is not yet over (Carl, 2003).The Hart-Rudman Report was meant to entice and set the public opinion so that the public can accept the risks and sacrifices that the US foreign policy entails, in securing its oil interests abroad (USCNS, 1999).The report predicted that as the countries in Asia
Monday, May 13, 2019
College essay, telling why I am motivated to enroll North Carolina Essay
College , sexual intercourse why I am motivated to enroll North Carolina University (Chapel Hill) - Essay ExampleI imagine training as a means of personal learning as well as master key enhancement. Learning, to me, is a planned butt against not only for gaining knowledge but likewise for improving myself as a person. Besides, I uphold the values of creativity, innovation, self respect and flexibility in my approach to the process of learning. Similarly, when it comes to instrumental values, I believe dependability and trust play a crucial role in determining the triumph of an individual. I place high value on the objectives I set for myself in terms of my career aspirations and personal growth. I believe that these are the value structures which people should adopt, in recite to become a successful professional in the field of my choice. I consider personal development as the key for improving self-knowledge, identity and talent as well as to enhance the calibre of life. Wi thout a well directed approach to personal development, one cannot expect to achieve ones goals.Therefore, I continually strive to attain personal development by deriving inspiration from the experiences in life. Accepting the things that are positive and appreciating the qualities a person has are critical for personal growth. I also believe that a person has to do the things that he or she loves in order to achieve success in life. Also, if one does not have the passion for doing things, he or she may not be able to achieve any objectives. I always believe in myself and invest my whole sinew when I am engaged in a particular work. I have several motivations for desire enrolment in North Carolina University (Chapel Hill). Primarily, it is a premier institute in this field of education and I firmly believe that such an environment and the facilities I will be able to avail there, including might and infrastructure, will enable me to pursue my studies in an organized manner. I als o feel confident that receiving education from such a
Sunday, May 12, 2019
McCarthy, Murrow and the Use of Media Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
McCarthy, Murrow and the Use of Media - experiment ExampleThe spirit of the succession facilitated the task and made McCarthys allegation against the regulation of supporting ungovernable actions very efficient. His fight against the Communism in the United States influenced the life of American people and in time at one time its influence is present in the American society. McCarthy accused the government in being riddled with card-carrying members of the communist Party.1 The political career of Joseph McCarthy ended after 1954. The main goal of the given work is to order that it was the media that made the career of McCarthy and it was also the media that finally destroyed it. The role of the media in McCarthyism creation The famous computer address of Joseph McCarthy given on February 9, 1950 made a good start for McCarthyism mainly because it impressed the media. According to Bayley (1981) the computer address has been the subject of more speculation, argument, and invest igation than almost anything he said in the next five age.2 The media, maybe against its wish and due to its carelessness, helped a lot and made a perfect start for era of McCarthyism. The consequences this event had turned into the difficult period in the history of media. The speech given by McCarthy contained frequently lie, however, journalists published it without any verification. The facts presented in the speech were non only false, they were absurd Why wouldnt he exact some of the names on the list, if he had a list? If he had a list where on earth would he shoot got it? Who would have given it to him? The FBI? The State Department? Why? Could he have worked it up himself?.3 The reporters who published this speech did non care about these issues, notwithstanding that it was their straight responsibility to give way the information before publishing. Many experts consider press even to be responsible for the period when American citizens were misled. Not only printing but also television was successfully used by the subtle senator. With the help of TV he easily penetrated homes of American citizens. Bayley (1981) points out McCarthys rise to national prominence coincided with the volatile growth of television in the United States.4 However, here McCarthy made a mistake he did not take into account the fact that TV program cant be corrected or edited and thus it may lead to his breakdown that finally happened. The media and the default of McCarthy The troubles of McCarthy started when he attacked the presidents, notwithstanding that waste Truman was successfully defeated by him. McCarthy accused Truman in sympathy towards Communists and this fact was negatively treated by the American citizens. The party of Republicans was the next to win with Dwight Eisenhower as a leader. Unfortunately, it was not enough for the McCarthy to have a position of the head of Senate, thus he decided to compromise Eisenhower. McCarthy used press to accuse Eisenhowe r in being sympathetic to the Communist. 5 Eisenhower gave a speech in response but McCarthy was so confident that he answered Eisenhower on TV even not knowing the content of presidents speech. Joseph McCarthy did not know how mature the president was and accused him again but then it appeared that Eisenhower even did not even mention the name of the scandal senator in his speech. According to Reston, the speech of the president was a note on the principals that should govern the relations between the legislature and the executive under the US
All God's Children (Fox Butterfield) Book Report Essay
All Gods Children (Fox Butterfield) Book Report - Essay ExampleAll Gods Children is an exceptionally well written and finely researched book, detailing how violence in the Afri rear end American community and primarily in the Bosket family, saw roots from the violence that was the norm in South Carolina, where the Boskets came from. It is the sobering story of Willie Boskets family, from his ancestors down to his parents and siblings, explaining how families can be doomed when they remain outside mainstream society and who extradite no access to opportunity or given any hope. Butterfield does a fine job describing the criminal justice system as it relates to children and how we have come to treat 12 and 13 year old children like adults.In July 1962, while Willie was close up in the womb, his father, Butch, stabbed two men in the heart in a Milwaukee pawnshop. Willies mother, Laura gave birth to him in Harlem, lead months before Butch was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murd ers. Willie did not learn his fathers history or whereabouts until he was vii years old.By and then, Willie had stolen groceries and assaulted an old woman. By age 8, Willie was described as a human atomic chain reaction, some atomic number 53 very unpredictably violent and aggressive. When he threw a typewriter out of a prepare window, just missing a pregnant teacher, he was expelled from school and sent to Bellevue for observation. His institutional life had begun. He was diagnosed as depressed. By the period he was 15, Willie claimed he had committed 2,000 crimes, including 200 armed robberies and 25 stabbings. They culminated in seven violent weeks in 1978, when he kicked another boy off a roof to his death, and then murdered two men during subway robberies.Six factors existed in the Bosket family that fuelled this level of violence - alcoholism, physical abuse, sexual abuse, incest, rejection, and neglect. Since the victims of this abuse found it difficult to transfer the ir anger back at their family, they turned their rage outwards on society. It seemed as though the only way they had learned to fight back was with either weapons or with their bare hands. One of the saddest situations included Butch and the fact that he had raped his girlfriends 6 year-old daughter, Kristin. The girlfriends name was Donna, a weak-willed woman, who had actually ignored her daughters cries during the rape. In the end, because she allowed it to continue, she had lost custody of both Kristin and her twin brother, Matthew. She was so taken by Butch that she seemed to care more about him than her own children. Butterfield shows the weaknesses that existed within the family.This book seamlessly ties two issues together. On the one hand, it is a fascinating and detailed true crime study of Willie Bosket and on the other hand its a study of the origins of violence in America. With a surprisingly detailed research, the author was able to trace Willie Boskets stock certifica te back to his slave ancestors, and follow the escalating evolution of violence and criminality in each succeeding genesis of the Bosket family. The book begins in pre-revolutionary era with a study of white violence in the region of magnetic north Carolina where Willies ancestors were enslaved. The author persuasively argues that the primary origin of black violence is the tradition of white violence that was transferred to them from their motive slave owners. Butterfield contends that the white Southern mentality of easily aggrieved honor has made its way through time and the descendants
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Brand and its audience and the proposal and justification of a set of Essay
grade and its audience and the proposal and confession of a set of commercialiseing communications to enhance the brands equity with its target publics - Essay Exampletiger Beers global flavor pleases their palate. Majority of the tiger Beer market is composed of the younger age brackets representing a possible increase in demand in the future. This market segment holds 35 percent of the UK population (National Statistics, 2009).The smack preference of UK pack is also a consideration for tiger Beer. The crisp, sweet beer offered is especially catered to the UK taste. More choices in terms of flavor offerings is now the name of the game with UK taste buds becoming harder to please and more fickle.The bulk of customers who purchase Tiger Beer, come from the class C socio-economic level, who are composed of lower C or middle income earners. Even in bars that are in high-end market locations, the bulk of customers drinking Tiger Beer are people of average income who are looking for a different taste away from the plebeian Carlsberg or Heineken. Employees and blue collar workers treat themselves to Tiger Beer because of its relatively affordable price, distinct taste, and colourful design. Furthermore, UK people love to drink and since are they are naturally collectivistic and fond of group gatherings, beer is their means of get together to talk and mingle with others. In fact, beer has been one of the bases of the UK mens social life (Tai, 2008).Brand Positioning can be defined as the particular position in which the brand defines itself as capturing in the competitive field (Kotler, 2004). Positioning refers to differentiating brand attributes, consumer benefits and target segments, individually or collectively. With regard to Tiger beer, the beer market that Tiger beer is positioned towards can be defined by its appeal to a specific market segment, its unique taste and lower price.Tiger Beer has been very profitable in the UK, because the brand has employ ed the British appeal for the exciting and unusual to its advantage.
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