Monday, September 30, 2019
Capitalism and United States Essay
There are many aspects of FDR’s New Deal that must be analyzed in order to determine if this collection of economic programs helped or hurt America’s effort in ending the Great Depression. The Great Depression caused both a decline in national moral and economic productivity unprecedented in United States history. The previously prestigious capitalistic economy was brought to its knees on Black Thursday in October of 1929. Roosevelt had taken office with the intent to quickly relieve a nation from Hoover’s â€Å"do-nothing approach†within his first 100 days as president. He knew he had to act fast in order to fulfill the demands of the people that could be, in part, credited because of their investments in the stock market with unstable funds. There was a rebellion in full swing. As recorded in A People’s History of the United States, â€Å"Desperate people were not waiting for the government to help them; they were helping themselves.†After the stock market crashed, the flaws in the capitalist system were more predominantly brought to surface. The system had been given a bad name among a growing socialist nation in times of desperation. To a socialist critic, the system could be depicted as unsound by nature; neglecting human needs in the pursuit of large corporate benefits. The New Deal was set in place to save capitalism from itself. In order to do this Roosevelt felt that passing a number of social programs would keep the market economy from, once again, self destructing. Through his efforts, Roosevelt had consequently formed class warfare. The faces of business leaders had become the faces of bloodthirsty, evil men which appealed largely to an American public looking for someone, something, or anything to blame for the pain they were going through. Finding that happy-medium between relieving the economic crisis of the American people and not giving the public something they could view as a government fall-back was something that the country had never had to deal with before on this large of a scale. Throughout Roosevelt’s implementation of his social programs concerns surfaced from conservative Americans. Roosevelt did not want welfare to be seen as â€Å"a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit.†FDR’s New Deal, under a growingly socialist system, in ways got the country back on its feet and may have been the fix that America was looking for at the time. At the same time; however, it could have been the spark to the gradual lazy, entitled attitude that we experience today in the United States.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Ap Gov
AP UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS SYLLABUS: C (American Government: Continuity and Change. ) INTRODUCTION: Advanced Placement (AP) curriculum is designed to give students an analytical perspective on government and politics in the United States. Students will study both general concepts used to interpret U. S. politics and examine specific examples. The AP Government course requires students to learn facts and concepts and understand typical political processes.The course will require students to master historical and analytic skills, including; chronological and spatial thinking, historical research and interpretation. Students will evaluate viewpoints presented through major print and electronic media, understand statistical data and analyze trends related to significant political events. Emphasis is placed on applying problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, interpreting graphs and tables, organizing information, evaluating information, and communicating orally and in writing.The course aims to help the student to participate effectively and democratically in the American political society COURSE OBJECTIVES: This course explores the political theory and everyday practice that direct the daily operation of our government and shape our public policies. The express purpose of this course is to prepare students to take the AP Exam for U. S Government and Politics. The course is for all intents and purposes taught on a college level and it requires a substantial amount of reading and preparation for every class.The objectives of this course go beyond a basic analysis of how our government â€Å"works. †Students will develop a critical understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the American political system, as well as their rights and responsibilities as citizens. In addition to described content, the course will also work to refine important skills. They include analyzing data and writing and presenting written and oral arguments. In or der to help students master the ability to write a good political science essay the course will concentrate on the instruction of several essential skills: †¢ Effective writing style The ability to make arguments †¢ The ability to evaluate critically and to compare scholarly works †¢ The ability to synthesize political science data †¢ The ability analyze, interpret, and respond to stimulus-based data including charts, graphs, cartoons, and quotes The course will cover a large amount of content. The study of American Government is both historical and contemporary. Therefore, it is essential that students remain aware of what is happening in the world.It is suggested that regular reading of newspapers and news magazines as well as the regular viewing of news broadcasts be maintained throughout the course. COURSE STANDARDS: 1. Students explain the fundamental principles and moral values of American democracy as expressed in the U. S. Constitution and other essential documents of American democracy. 2. Students evaluate the scope and limits of civil rights and obligations as democratic citizens, the relationships among them, and how they are secured. 3. Students evaluate the fundamental values and principles of civil society (i. . , the autonomous sphere of voluntary personal, social, and economic relations that are not part of government), their interdependence, and the meaning and importance of those values and principles for a free society. 4. Students analyze the unique roles and responsibilities of the three branches of government as established by the U. S. Constitution. 5. Students summarize landmark U. S. Supreme Court interpretations of the Constitution and its amendments. 6. Students evaluate issues regarding national, state and local elective offices. 7.Students analyze and compare the powers and procedures of the national, state, and local governments. 8. Students evaluate the influence of the media on American political life. 9. St udents analyze the origins, characteristics, and development of different political systems across time, with emphasis on the quest for political democracy, its advances, and its obstacles. 10. Students formulate questions about and defend their analyses of tensions within our constitutional democracy and the importance of maintaining a balance between the following concepts: ajority rule and individual rights; liberty and equality; state and national authority in a federal system; civil disobedience and the rule of law; freedom of the press and the right to a fair trial; the relationship of religion and government. TEXTBOOK: O'Connor, Karen, Sabato, Larry J. American Government: Continuity and Change 8th edition. Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2006. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: Matthews, Chris. Hardball. How Politics is Played Told by one who Knows the Game. Free Press; 1st Touchstone Ed edition (November 2, 1999) Woll, Peter. American Government: Readings and Cases.Longman; 14t h edition 2004. The Enduring Debate-Classic and Contemporary reader. C-Span in the classroom. Cnn. com/SPECIALREPORTS http://www. nytimes. com/learning/index. html – on-line current events quiz Primary Source Documents as selected by the instructor from the 100 Milestone Documents collection at the NARA website http://www. ourdocuments. gov/ Articles from: NY Times, Congressional Quarterly, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor and other sources Collegeboard. com/ap website and various test preparation books. Quia. com- flashcard activities for key terms in each chapterYahoo. com/briefcase- PowerPoint presentations for each chapter Teacherweb. com – provides all assignments as documents for student downloads. Also provides essential links for informational research, etc. Access for this syllabus. Summer Reading: †¢ Select one book from list of current political viewpoints and issues with lit log. †¢ Collect 8 articles from Op/Ed section of various ne wspapers. †¢ Watch and write four reviews of political shows: Hardball, Meet the Press, Washington Journal, etc. †¢ Oral book report for chosen book. Unit I: Foundations of United States Government (8 Weeks)Objectives: What is the purpose of government? What was the founders’ view of the purpose of government and the role of the citizen in the American Republic? How does the Constitution underpin the U. S. government? What was the impact of the enlightenment thinkers on the development of the U. S. Constitution? In which ways did the framers deal with the following: pluralism, popular sovereignty, republican ideals and elite theory. Students will explore American political culture and characteristics of American democracy. Reading: Text: O'Connor-Foundations of Government Chapters 1-6Chapter 1-The Political Landscape †¢ Origins of American Government: What it is and why we need it †¢ Roots of American Government; Where did the ideas come from? †¢ Amer ican political culture and the characteristics of American democracy †¢ Changing characteristics of the American people †¢ Ideology of the American public †¢ Current attitudes toward American government Chapter 2-The Constitution †¢ The origins of a new nation †¢ The first attempt at Government: the articles of Confederation †¢ The miracle at Philadelphia: Writing the Constitution †¢ The U. S. Constitution The drive for ratification †¢ Methods of Amending the Constitution Chapter 3-Federalism †¢ The roots of the federal system: Governmental power under the constitution †¢ Federalism and the Marshall Court †¢ Dual Federalism: The Taney court, slavery, and the Civil War †¢ Cooperative Federalism: the New Deal and the growth of national government †¢ New Federalism: returning power to the states. Chapter 4-State and Local Government †¢ The evolution of State and local governments †¢ State government †¢ Loca l government †¢ Grassroots power and politics †¢ Relations with Indian nations State and local finances Chapter 5-Civil Liberties †¢ The First Constitutional Amendments: the Bill of Rights †¢ First Amendment guarantees: Freedom of religion †¢ First Amendment guaranteed: freedom of speech, press, and assembly †¢ The Second Amendment: the right to keep and bear arms †¢ The right of criminal defendants †¢ The right to privacy Chapter 6-Civil Rights †¢ Slavery, abolition, and winning the right to vote, 1800-1890 †¢ The push for equality, 1890-1954 †¢ The Civil Rights Movement †¢ Other groups mobilize for rights †¢ Continuing controversies in civil rights.Assignments and Activities: Readings on Locke and Hobbes-internet sources The ACLU: Freedom Files-video segment AP United States Government and Politics; Origins of Constitutional Principles and Rights. Chapter 1 Canon, Coleman & Mayer. Constructing the Government: The Fou nding of the Constitution Federalist Papers 10 & 51 Lanahan Reader; Alexis de Tocqueville: Democracy in America Learning About Rights and Responsibilities- Washington Post Shay's Rebellion Can the People Be Trusted to Govern Themselves? PowerPoint: Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Montisqueu PowerPoint: teacher-all chapters.Put on-line Constitutional Power Grab Constitutional Numbers Document-Based Activities-Due Process-Using the Internet to Study Civil Rights and Liberties/Miranda Rights. Canon: The Enduring Debate, Debating the Issues: Racial profiling and fighting Terrorism Standard Deviant Government: video Origins of government, types of government, monarchy, oligarchy, aristocracy, direct democracy, indirect democracy, Components of American Democracy, popular consent, popular sovereignty, majority rule, individualism, Socratic Seminar based on Woll reading Assessments: Chapter essays with short essaysPowerPoint-Philosophers impacting development of the Constitution Government Treasu re Hunt-online activity Citizenship Test Fish Bowl Activity-peer evaluation Federalist # 10 Writing Assignment Timed unit essay. Collegeboard rubric Cornell notes Unit II: Institutions of Government (7 weeks) Objectives: Students will understand the three major branches of government and how they are organized. They will also learn how they function as separate branches, controlled by a system of checks and balances. Students will understand the interdependency of these branches to stabilize the powers within each branch.Students will also be able to recognize the evolving government and how the U. S. Constitution has been interpreted to allow these changes. Reading: Text : O'Connor-The Constitution, Chapter 7-10 Chapter 7- Constitution †¢ The Constitution and the legislative branch of government †¢ How Congress is organized †¢ The members of congress †¢ How members make decisions †¢ The law-making function of congress †¢ Congress and the president â₠¬ ¢ Congress and the judiciary Chapter 8- The Presidency †¢ The roots of and rules governing the office of the President of the United States †¢ The constitutional powers of the president The development and expansion of presidential power †¢ The presidential establishment †¢ The president as policy maker †¢ Presidential leadership and the importance of public opinion Chapter 9-The Executive Branch and the Federal Bureaucracy †¢ The executive branch and the development of the federal bureaucracy †¢ The modern bureaucracy †¢ How the bureaucracy works †¢ Making agencies accountable Chapter 10-The Judiciary †¢ The Constitution and the creation of the federal judiciary †¢ The American legal system †¢ The federal court system †¢ How federal court judges are selected †¢ The Supreme Court today Judicial philosophy and decision making †¢ Judicial policy making and implementation Additional Readings & Resources: Advan ced Placement: U. S. Government & Politics, 2: Why Great Men Are Not Chosen President. Lanahan Readings. Pork: A Time-honored Tradition Lives On Canon. Enduring Debate. Checking and Balancing â€Å"All the President's Men†PBS- Presidents series (segments from modern day presidents. ) PBS-Supreme Court Assignments and Activities: Cornell Notes-study guides for each chapter Creating a Bill/defending and promoting position State of the Union essay analysis. -video of speech -span or whitehouse. gov Essay- student selected case. Supreme Court Case Analyses Standard Deviant Video; all three branches C-span in the classroom: three branches of government Writing/debating a bill Supreme Court Justice report. Cornell notes/per chapters Survey: politicalcompass. org with evaluation Assessments: Unit II Essay Exam-Collegeboard rubric-timed response Essay. In response to the State of the Union Research: landmark Supreme Court case Multiple Choice Exam w/short essays Chapter tests with s hort essays. Cornell notes Unit III: The Electoral Process (8 weeks) Objectives:Students will analyze political parties with regard to the mechanisms that allow citizens to organize and communicate their interests and concerns. Students will focus is on the historical evolution of the US party system, the functions and structure of political parties, and the effects they have on the political process. Explore the historical evolution of the U. S. party system. Compare the functions and structures of political parties, and their effects on the political process. Reading: Text: O'Connor-Political Behavior, Chapter 11-16 Chapter 11- Public Opinion and Political Socialization What is public opinion †¢ Efforts to influence and measure public opinion †¢ How political socialization and other factors influencer opinion formation †¢ Why we form political opinions †¢ How public opinion is measured †¢ How polling and public opinion affect politicians, politics, and pol icy Chapter 12- Political Parties †¢ What is a political party? †¢ The evolution of American party democracy †¢ The function s of the American parties †¢ The basic structure of American political parties †¢ The party in government †¢ The modern transformation of party organization †¢ The party in the electorate Third-partyism Chapter 13 – Voting and Elections †¢ The purpose of elections †¢ Kinds of elections †¢ Presidential elections †¢ Congressional elections †¢ Voting behavior †¢ Reforming the electoral process Chapter 14 – The Campaign Process †¢ The structure of a campaign †¢ The media and campaigns †¢ Campaign finance †¢ Bringing it together: the 2004 presidential campaign and election Chapter 15 – The Media †¢ The evolution of journalism in the United States †¢ The U. S. Media today †¢ How the media cover politicians and government †¢ The media's influe nce on the public †¢ The public's perception of the media Government regulation of the electronic media Chapter 16 – Interest Groups †¢ What are interest groups? †¢ The roots and development of American interest groups †¢ What do interest groups do? †¢ What makes an interest group successful? Additional Readings and Resources: Hardball American Polity:Kurtzman-Spin Cycle-†â€Å"Outfoxed†-DVD Assignments and activities: Chapter reading Cornell Notes Hardball Dialectic Journal Nominations, Primaries, and Elections Simulation Socratic Seminar based on Hardball Survey: Political opinion Research any interest group/political powerUnit Essay-timed writing-collegeboard rubric. Chapter tests with short essays. Cornell notes Assessments Chapter tests with short essays Unit essay: timed writing using Collegeboard rubric Propaganda PowerPoint project Chapter reading Cornell Notes Political Party website analysis/oral report The Living Room Candidat e website campaign commercial analysis Political Party guest panel Socratic Seminar, Woll reading Unit IV: AP Review (4 weeks) Final dates to be determined In-class exercise: AP released exam multiple choice with immediate discussion and feedback regarding â€Å"why this answer? This will establish a diagnostic baseline for ongoing AP exam review. Students will Research/Write out Answers to 35 Previous U. S. Government Free Response Questions. Teacher Follow Up with Rubric/Answer; Discussion; Teacher Created Review Exercises. Current Event/AP Outline Matrix Practice Test-65 Question released M/C and Free Response essay Selected Topics: See Units of Study TEACHING STRATEGIES This is a large lecture course and, as such, the teaching strategies used focus on giving students opportunities to analyze and respond in class, to write mini-essays of 50 words or so reacting to provocative statements, and o do short role-play simulations. Instructions are given throughout the course on the fo llowing: †¢ Essay organization diagram for free-response questions †¢ Essay tasks for AP Exam free-response questions †¢ List of directive terms used in free-response questions †¢ Reminders for answering timed essay questions †¢ Essay frame †¢ Generic free-response scoring guidelines STUDENT EVALUATION Quizzes are given on the reading assignments. Occasional outside-of-class assignments may also count as daily grades. Test formats are objective (multiple choice), free-response questions (Essay Exams).Most objective tests consist of 60 to 65 multiple-choice questions and a 25-minute essay question, and are timed to approximate the time allowed on the AP Exam. Homework is accepted before students begin to take the unit exam. The homework consists of unit terms and/or outlines; questions about readings, notations, and/or assigned primary and secondary sources; charts that pertain to the unit and applicable historical maps, diagrams or political cartoons. W ell-completed terms and course themes demonstrate a student’s effort and most students find this to be indispensable in maintaining a high grade point average.The unit exams are a requirement of the AP Government and Politics course. A final semester comprehensive exam for all material covered will be given at the end of the term. The AP Government and Politics exam is comprehensive, covering material from the entire semester. Students who are enrolled in the course are expected to take the AP United States Government Exam. Class time and after school reviews are held prior to the AP Exam. In addition, many students participate in informal study group review sessions.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Instructional Design Essay
Task analysis is often considered the most critical component of instructional design. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Task analysis is a critical component in the instructional design process because it provides important information about the content and/or tasks that will form the basis for the instruction being developed. Careful consideration must be taken to ensure that there is a clear understanding of what learners are to know or are able to accomplish by participating in instruction. Coming to this understanding requires the identification of the type of content that will make up the instruction and in what sequence this content should be provided (Brown & Green, 2005). I must agree that a task analysis is very critical in the instructional design process. It serves as a guide for teachers and learner of which to lead each to the end product-successful implementation and application. Support your response with examples. The mathematics teacher knows that she needs to conduct a task analysis to determine the steps her students need to take in order to master the skills taught. With following the procedural analysis approach, she analyzed the task of adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators by identifying the various steps required to successfully complete the task. In conducting the procedural analysis, the teacher went through the each step sequentially. Once they had the steps listed, the student performed the task through practice and eventually became more comfortable with the skill. The process helped the teacher identify if there were any missing steps. The result of the procedural analysis was a flowchart that identified the different sub steps that needed to take place in order for the students master the skill when different scenarios occur, such as regrouping when subtracting fractions. The flowchart was compared to the implementation of the skill the previous year. The teacher determined that the previous implementation left out important steps and that new implementation proved that needed to be developed.
Friday, September 27, 2019
1. What Role Should the European Central Bank Play in the Current Essay
1. What Role Should the European Central Bank Play in the Current European Financial or Public Debt Crisis - Essay Example 3 The present European economic crisis has built up as a result of the countries within the continent struggling to pay up the debts they have been building up in the past few decades. Several countries within the union have failed to record an economic growth in turn failing to pay the bondholders their required guarantees. These countries include Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece and Ireland. 4The crisis was exposed by the American recession of the year 2007-2008 that made many countries in Europe experience slow financial growths due to the unsustainable fiscal policies that most European countries were utilizing.5 The countries that had not made financial reforms such as Greece were the first to feel the pain of the crisis when they experienced very high deficits in their budgets which were also unsustainable. 6 Investors who had interests within the countries that were experiencing financial difficulties in turn demanded superior yields on their bonds raising the costs of these coun tries debts.7 The union’s central bank should resist the idea of printing more money so that they can buy out the union’s distressed debts.8 In the month of December 2011, the central bank availed credit facilities to the troubled financial institutions that were within the region. This move that the central bank has been putting much effort in has not helped in solving the continents problems, however, it helped in boosting the confidence of potential investors who now perceive the economies that were largely in debt as experiencing slow growths in their activities. This move has additionally helped in preventing the collapse of the economies of some member countries along with keeping the European currency stable in the global monetary markets.9 The union’s central bank should establish legal instruments such as the European monetary stability facility with the cooperation of the
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Human Resources Management in Health Care Assignment - 2
Human Resources Management in Health Care - Assignment Example According to Exhibit 3 this results to ADR of around $340, and the earliest this can be achieved is March to June, most probably during May. There are many reasons why I do not recommend overhauling the training process. First, the 7-day countdown is a Ritz-Carlton tradition that has been proven through time to prepare its new employees to become a proud part of the famous hotel chain. In fact, there have been no reports that the hotel chain have subpar employees. Second, there are many other ways to increase occupancy, such as providing packages for events participants, creating a loyalty card for frequent guests, increasing advertising, etc. Human resource is an integral part of service business. This makes experimenting more difficult, because not only should it be considerate of the customers’ happiness, but also of the employees’ welfare. Unlike machines that only need power to drive it, butlers, managers, and other personnel need more than food and clothing, they also need job security, sense of achievement, and good work
International perspectives in organisation Literature review
International perspectives in organisation - Literature review Example According to Javidan et al. (2006), global leadership is one of the critical factors in the management of large multinational corporations. In their paper titled â€Å"In the eye of the beholder†the researchers particularly use the research findings from the Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) program as a basis for conceptualizing the global leadership differences. Generally, Javidan et al. (2006) effectively presents the cultural profiles of four countries namely France, Egypt, Brazil and China as a case study to highlight the potential cultural implications of a hypothetical American executive working in the business environments in these countries. Javidan et al. (2006) particularly suggests that cross cultural leadership should represent an open mind and understand overly the cultures of different countries. Mangers should be critical and analyze empirically the cultures of their countries’ to the cultures of the people in the countries of their business operations. Managing and leading in different counties: The corporate management should be considerate on the types of marketing activities across the different countries of their operations. Both the dominant and metropolitan countries managerial schemes should be in an equilibrium and modal way of management. Regional clustering of globe nations: The business corporate world is prone to completion. Through these competitions, a global cultural clustering is therefore eminent with about 62-case studied culture clustering from America continent through to African continent to Asia and Europe (Jovidan et al, 2009 p.122). The study concludes by highlighting practices such as the ability of the individual global managers to share information about their culture alongside the culture of the host country, contemplate bridging the gap between two diversified cultures, to exhibit a high level of ambiguity tolerance and to remain
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Race and Gender Roles Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Race and Gender Roles - Movie Review Example The reflective lyrics makes Knowles envision herself in the role of her disregarding guy as is in the lyrics "I'd put myself first/ And make the rules as I go/ 'Cause I know that she'd be faithful/ Waitin' for me to come home." However, the wife is shown to be relentlessly trying to understand her husband and making excuses for him but it is never the other way around. It shows how a woman feels through the eyes of herself. It uses technique of making the man sit at home and act like a wife by running behind her all the time. If it were shot otherwise, the wife may not have looked as dismal and ignored as a husband did in this video. This fact not only shows the perspectives the society has long built up but also the insensitive attitude toward them. According to a review: "The lyrics are both a lament for misunderstanding between the genders and an indictment of the male side of relationships. It's a perfect follow up to the independent attitude of B'Day and lays the groundwork for another exploration of what it means to be a woman in the world today. The pain of experience is palpable counter-balanced somewhat by a sense of hope that progress can still be made." The video disregards any observable aspects race may have played in such a situation.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
How far can we use the shape of the yield curve to derive expectations Research Paper
How far can we use the shape of the yield curve to derive expectations about outlook for an economy - Research Paper Example The slope of the yield curve is considered as one of the important indicators as it shows the difference between the long and short run interest rates in the economy. The critical difference between the two interest rates therefore defines how the future outlook of the economy can change. The overall macroeconomic significance of the slope of the yield curve is based upon the overall monetary response to the shocks received by the economy over the period of time. Economists therefore use the statistical relationship between the slope of the yield curve and economic growth and observe as to where the yield curve is actually pointing. This approach also requires taking different parameters before the overall state of economy can be reliably estimated based on the interest rate spreads. (F. Cwik, 2005) The slop of yield curve can be one of the most important indicators for assessing the economic performance of a country and make future expectations. Yield curve slope can provide essential information about the economic growth, inflation and recessions. Yield curve showing the difference between the 10 years treasury bonds and the federal fund rate therefore serves as one of the key economic indicators about the overall state of the economy. It has also been argued that if consumers expect to have a recession in future, they may reduce their consumption in order to increase their savings for future consumption. Thus the short term interest rates may go up as a result of this and resultantly the gap between the short and long term interest rates may narrow. In such a situation therefore the shape of the yield curve therefore can provide the estimate about the economy. (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland , 2011) Yield curve provided two important forecasting insights into the overall affairs of the economy i.e. the growth as well as the recession. First, it also can help
Monday, September 23, 2019
How can we tell if we are doing the right thing Discuss with reference Essay
How can we tell if we are doing the right thing Discuss with reference to the philosopher Kant - Essay Example The US government set up military action in the Middle East in a move to fight terrorist activities in the region. The attack adversely affected the US economy and resulted to a revolution of the airline and safety regulations in the country. This essay gives an in depth analysis of the 9/11 terror attack and how it changed various sectors in the US. The 911 attack is known as the worst terrorist that the American history that changed the lives of the citizens and the world at large. The attack refers to a sequence of well- organized terrorist attacks that were instigated by the Al Qaeda in New York City (Langley, 2006). Terrorists hijacked two passenger airlines and flew them into buildings in suicide attacks. Two planes were crashed into the World Trade Centre and two hours following the attack the two Towers caved in. The fires and debris fully or partially destroyed the structures that were in the surrounding. Another airline crashed into the West wing of the Pentagon resulting into its partial destruction. The fourth airline crashed in Pennsylvania but was meant to crash in Washington D. C. This essay gives an account of the 9/11. Most Americans were interested in finding out the individuals who were behind the worst terrorist attack in history. Investigation showed that nineteen terrorist hijacked four airlines and all of them were from the Middle East. It was clear that all of them belonged to the renowned Al Qaeda terrorist faction that was headed by Osama bin Laden who was among the most sought after terrorists in the modern times. Al Qaeda is known to be a well- organized terrorist group that practices extreme Islam practices (Langley, 2006). Members of this group are also immensely opposed to Western nations mainly the United States. They termed the 9/11 attack as a revenge mission against the US. The Al Qaeda was highly opposed against the military presence in the Middle East and the attack was a retaliation of the military activity in
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Equations from Harrison Essay Example for Free
Equations from Harrison Essay Nature has a way of bringing everything to its normal position, plants give off oxygen during photosynthesis, humans and animals use up this oxygen for survival and in turn give off carbon dioxide (CO2), which is used up by plants. This relationship shows how nature has created a balance between plants and animals. In natural water all living organism depend on the oxygen or dissolved oxygen in water for sustainability. Dissolved oxygen (DO) I water helps maintain a healthy river, lake and ocean and thus supporting different kinds of aquatic organism. A symbiotic system exits whereby all aquatic organisms depend on themselves for survival. Most of the dissolved oxygen (DO) in water comes from photosynthesis and atmosphere, about 8 10mg/l is needed to maintain 100% saturation in water. However, the level of dissolved oxygen in water varies, the amount or concentration of oxygen (O2) rises from morning through o evening, this is as a result of serious activity by plants in water. At this time photosynthesis is taking place and so oxygen (O2) is given off, whereas at night, the level of oxygen drops because photosynthesis has stopped. Nonetheless, plants and animals continue to consume oxygen. The level of oxygen drops, this drop may bring down the level of to about 4mg/l and this is the minimum amount that is required to sustain the living organisms in water. Man and nature contribute significantly to the level of dissolved oxygen (DO) in water both in a positive and negative way. Nature The levels of dissolved oxygen in water can greatly be affected by weather conditions, these are; temperature, pressure, erosion, sedimentation and ice cover. These factors affect the solubility of oxygen (O2) in water. An increase in temperature reduces the amount of dissolved oxygen. As the temperature increases the saturation concentration decreases (Gray N. F 1999). Table (1) shows the relationship between dissolved oxygen in water and temperature at 1 atmosphere. Temperature (oC) Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l) 0 Table (1) source; Gray N. F 1999 pg 67 From table (1) above it can be observed that as water gets warmer, there is a reduction in dissolved oxygen (DO), this is because the oxygen molecule becomes energised and diffuses to the water surface thereby leaving fewer dissolved oxygen in water. Dissolved minerals in water could be as a result erosion, sedimentation and weathering. Dissolved salt in water reduces the concentration of dissolved oxygen in water; water being a universal solvent dissolves salt. Oxygen is used up to form other compounds as shown below; SiO2(s) + 2H2O Si(OH)4 (1) Fe2O3(s) + 3H2O Fe 2O3. 3H2O(s) (2) CaO(s) +H2O Ca(OH)(aq) (3) CaCO3(s) + CO2 + H2O Ca2+(aq) + 2HCO3- (4) (Equations from Harrison R. M et al 1996) When these solid minerals dissolve in water, oxygen is used up to another compound. Man The quest by man for a better living has in a way impinged on the quality of water. To improve agricultural yield, fertilizer is added to plant root for growth, however, plants take up few amounts and the rest is washed into river and or lake. Nitrogen and phosphorus are the major constituents of fertilizer, if in excess, both elements in a compound form causes eutrophication thereby reducing the amount of dissolved oxygen in water. In developed countries treated sewage is disposed off into river, this waste contains microorganisms, detergents, and other waste product. If untreated or regulated these causes severe reduction of dissolved oxygen in a water body. Sewage contribute large amount of nutrients into the river, plants and microorganisms use up these nutrients, rivers or lake that contains essential mineral nutrient may support heavy growth of algae (Manaham S. E 1993). Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) In water dissolved oxygen (DO) place an important role in maintaining a balance as enumerated above, for instance, when oil or for that matter any substance that is a stranger is introduced into a water body, some biodegradation will take place to break down the hydrocarbon molecules, usually oxygen is the fuel that is used up or consumed to carry out this breakdown of the hydrocarbon molecules. Biodegradation can be chemical reaction or biological that is caused by living organisms like; bacteria, fungi, sulphate reducing bacteria etc. The amount of oxygen required to completely breakdown the hydrocarbon molecules by chemical reaction is called the Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), this is a measure of the amount of oxygen required to breakdown the molecules. Also the amount of oxygen required to breakdown completely the hydrocarbon molecule by biological activity is called the Biochemical Oxygen demand (BOD). However, in these report Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) will be focused on rather than Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD). Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) can simply be defined as the amount of oxygen used up by microorganism (e.g. aerobic bacteria) in water. The rate at which oxygen is used up is perhaps more important than the determination of dissolved oxygen (Pierce J. J et al 1997). How much clean a water is can well be determined by the amount of BOD, this is because the amount of oxygen present is determined and also the amount available for both plants and organisms to use up and maintain a balance ecosystem. Increase of biochemical oxygen demand in a water body can be caused by; * If there is high level of organic pollutant  High level of nutrients. Increase in BOD causes species or microroganisms that are sensitive to lower dissolved oxygen to be replaced by organisms that are more tolerant to low dissolved oxygen, these results in a shift in the ecosystem. Organic and nitrogenous compounds are responsible for high levels of BOD, basically biochemical oxygen demand is divide into carbonaceous and nitrogenous oxygen demand. Aerobic organisms utilize organic and nitrogenous nutrients and these processes require high amount of dissolved oxygen. This is represented thus; Organic C6H2O6 + 6O2(aq) + bacteria 6CO2 (aq) + H2O (5) Nitrogenous. COHNS + O2 + bacteria CO2 + NH3 + energy (6) From equations 5 and 6, it is obvious that oxygen is consumed to the detriment of the water body. Factors that causes high Biochemical Oxygen Demand Organic matters are the source of high biochemical oxygen demand, the sources of these contaminant are, industrial effluents, leaves, dead plants, animal manure, sewage treatment works, urban runoff and agricultural runoff. However, in Nigeria the most significant contribution of organic compounds in water are the petroleum and petrochemical industries, oil exploration activities are being carried out.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Acute Kidney Injury Aki Health And Social Care Essay
Acute Kidney Injury Aki Health And Social Care Essay The first description of ARF, then termed ischuria renalis, was by William Heberden in 1802.25 At the beginning of the twentieth century, ARF, then named Acute Brights disease, was well described in William Oslers Textbook for Medicine (1909), as a consequence of toxic agents, pregnancy, burns, trauma, or operations on the kidneys. During the First World War the syndrome was namedwar nephritis26, and was reported in several publications. The syndrome was forgotten until the Second World War, when Bywaters and Beall published their classical paper on crush syndrome.27 However, it is Homer W. Smith who is credited for the introduction of the term acute renal failure, in a chapter on Acute renal failure related to traumatic injuries in his textbook The kidney-structure and function in health and disease (1951). Unfortunately, a precise biochemical definition of ARF was never proposed and, until recently, there was no consensus on the diagnostic criteria or clinical definition of ARF, re sulting in multiple different definitions. DEFINITION AND CLASSIFICATION Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a protean syndrome of varied severity. It is characterized by a rapid (hours to weeks) decline in the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and retention of nitrogenous waste products such as blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine.2,3 In recent years, it has been recognized that the time-honored term acute renal failure (ARF) fails to adequately describe what is a dynamic process extending across initiation, maintenance, and recovery phases, each of which may be of variable duration and severity. The term acute renal failure suggests that the syndrome is dichotomous and places an undue emphasis on whether or not renal function has overtly failed. This belies the now well-established fact that even mild decrements in glomerular filtration may be associated with adverse clinical outcomes.28-32 The alternative proposed term acute kidney injury has much to recommend it, perhaps better captures the diverse nature of this syndrome, and has entered into widespread clinical use. Historically, patients with AKI have been classified as being nonoliguric (urine output >400 mL/day), oliguric (urinary out-put 26.5 mmol/l) when they occur within a 48-hour period.24 Two recent studies examining large databases in the USA40 and Europe41 validated these modified criteria. Thakar et al. found that increased severity of AKI was associated with an increased risk of death independent of comorbidity.40 Diagnostic criteria for acute kidney injury24 An abrupt (within 48 hours) reduction in kidney function currently defined as an absolute increase in serum creatinine of more than or equal to 0.3 mg/dl (≠¥ 26.4 ÃŽ ¼mol/l), a percentage increase in serum creatinine of more than or equal to 50% (1.5-fold from baseline), or a reduction in urine output (documented oliguria of less than 0.5 ml/kg per hour for more than six hours). A major challenge in the investigation and management of AKI is the timely recognition of the syndrome. It remains difficult to easily and reliably measure rapid changes in the GFR. Although the severity in decline in GFR correlates with the onset of oliguria, the latter is insensitive marker of the syndrome because many subjects with severe renal failure remain nonoliguric. In AKI, there is poor agreement between serum creatinine and GFR, at least until a serum creatinine steady state is reached, and even then, the absolute rise in serum creatinine must take into account differences in creatinine generation rates.42 As a result, definitions of AKI that are based on a fixed increment in serum creatinine would be expected to be biased toward making an early diagnosis in well-muscled as compared with malnourished subjects or in men as compared with women. Creatinine clearances, especially when measured over a short time frame such as 2 to 4 hours, has some utility but may substantially overestimate GFR at low levels of renal function owing to a relatively high proportion of tubular secretion. Even the use of markers such as iothalamate to estimate GFR may be less precise in the acute as compared with the chronic setting owing to alterations in their volume of distribution as well as issues relating to tubular obstruction and backleak. INCIDENCE Acute kidney injury is a common and important diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for clinicians.43The incidence of AKI is difficult to estimate because no registry of its occurrence exists and because up until recently there was no standardized definition. From a variety of predominantly single center studies it is estimated that 5% to 7% of hospitalized patients develop AKI.44-47 More detailed information is available regarding its development in the intensive care unit (ICU) environment, where approximately 25% to 30% of unselected patients develop some degree of AKI, although again estimates vary considerable depending on the definition used and the population casemix. Renal replacement therapy is typically required in 5% to 6% of the general ICU population or 8.8 to 13.4 cases per 100,000 population/year.30,43,48-53 AKI is also a major medical complication in the developing world, particularly in the setting of diarrheal illnesses, infectious diseases like malaria and leptospir osis, and natural disasters such as earthquakes. The incidence of AKI has grown by more than fourfold in the United States since 1988 and is estimated to have a yearly incidence of 500 per 100,000 population, higher than the yearly incidence of stroke. AKI is associated with a markedly increased risk of death in hospitalized individuals, particularly in those admitted to the ICU where in-hospital mortality rates may exceed 50%.44 AKI IN THE DEVELOPING WORLD The epidemiology of AKI differs tremendously between developed and developing countries, owing to differences in demographics, economics, geography, and comorbid disease burden. While certain features of AKI are common to both-particularly since urban centers of some developing countries increasingly resemble those in the developed world-many etiologies for AKI are region-specific such as envenomations from snakes, spiders, caterpillars, and bees; infectious causes such as malaria and leptospirosis; and crush injuries and resultant rhabdomyolysis from earthquakes.44Factors responsible for this higher incidence of AKI in the tropics include hot climate in conjunction with excessive sweating, increased predisposition to hypovolemic insults, poor nutritional status and increased susceptibility to infections.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Modern Allusions Of Shakespeares Romeo And Juliet Film Studies Essay
Modern Allusions Of Shakespeares Romeo And Juliet Film Studies Essay Shakespeares play Romeo and Juliet models a traditional love story for todays entertainment. Romeo and Juliet chronicles the feuding between the Montague and Capulet families. The intense rivalry between these two families forbade any interactions between their members. Romeo and Juliet were both in attendance at a party and as their eyes met across the ballroom, Romeo and Juliet experienced love at first sight. Their love was deep and forbidden, yet the young lovers secretly married. The continued feuding between their families drove Romeo and Juliet to their untimely deaths. Modern music, TV shows, and movies frequently use allusions from Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. Whether the story of the young lovers is portrayed on television, film, Broadway, or in music lyrics, people have always enjoyed the story of Romeo and Juliet. Themes including forbidden love, destiny and time, and the forcefulness of love are influential in the creation of new, up-to-date productions. Perhaps the one theme that no one can forget is the forbidden love of star-crossed lovers. Most creations in todays entertainment depict the illicit love between two young people from rival groups. During the Renaissance period, attending afternoon plays was a popular pastime. Now that technology plays such a major role in entertainment, our new favorite activity is watching television in the comfort of our own homes. Numerous television shows have made references in their programs to Romeo and Juliet. Popular shows targeted at todays youth including: Hey Arnold!, Family Matters, Neds Declassified School Survival Guide, Hannah Montana, and The Brady Bunch, have all showcased Romeo and Juliet as a school play. Typically the television shows main character earns the role of either Romeo or Juliet, depending on his or her gender. The opposing love interest role is played by a passionate character that appears to have a crush on the main character. By creating these episodes, the writers and producers help remind viewers of the tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet. Music plays a prominent role in many cultures throughout the world. The lyrics of much of todays popular music, focuses on love, relationships, and lifes struggles. Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet also demonstrates these same topics. The tragic love story of Romeo and Juliet is recounted in the lyrics of artists including, Taylor Swift and the Dire Straits. In the song Love Story, Taylor Swift recites the story of Romeo and Juliet throughout her lyrics. She sings, We were both young when I first saw you/ I close my eyes, And the flashback starts/Im standing there / On a balcony in summer air/ See the lights, See the party, the ball gowns /I see you make your way through the crowd/ And say hello/ little did I knowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Taylor Swift grasped the tragic story of love lost and fashioned it into her own song. Romeo and Juliet by the Dire Straits translates Shakespeares story into modern slang. The band sings, Juliet says, Hey, its Romeo, you nearly gave me a heart attack!, Hes underneath the window, shes singing, Hey la, my boyfriends back. You shouldnt come around here singing up to people like thatAnyway, what you gonna do about it?' Through their music, the Dire Straits recreate the balcony scene where Romeo and Juliet profess their love for one another. Several music artists have covered this song including, The Killers, The Indigo Girls, and Lisa Mitchell. Today, many artists refer to Romeo and Juliet for lyrical inspiration. The love story of Romeo and Juliet is frequently portrayed on the big screen and the stage. Cinematic productions such as The Ringer, West Side Story, Gnomeo and Juliet, The Baz Romeo and Juliet, and the Zeffereli version of Romeo and Juliet, utilize allusions from Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. The Ringer is a movie about an average, working-class man who in an effort to repay a large debt to his friend, tampers with the Special Olympics and pretends that he is a special needs athlete. The movie showcases special needs athletes working together in their free time to produce their version of Romeo and Juliet for the stage. The play helps to solidify the relationship between the main character and his love interest. Gnomeo and Juliet is a computer animated movie that takes kids on a wild journey through the story of Romeo and Juliet. Gnomeo and Juliet is about two rivaling gnome families: the Montagues and the Capulets. The movie takes the general concepts of Romeo and Juliet and transforms it into a kid-friendly adventure that retells the basic story of Romeo and Juliet. West Side Story is about two gangs: the Puerto Rican Sharks and the rich, white Jets. The movie is set in New York City in the 1950s. The Sharks and the Jets are from different backgrounds which has caused a rivalry to form between the two groups. A love affair between members of each gang comes between the rivalry, as it did in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. The forbidden love results in feuding between the gangs. West Side Story has also been adapted for the main stage and remains in production both on and off Broadway. Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet continues to serve as a traditional love story which inspires artists to create and fashion their own unique interpretations through various forms of entertainment. Modern music, TV shows, and movies make frequent allusions to Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet as they showcase the themes of forbidden love, destiny and time, and the forcefulness of love.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Free College Essays - The Mood of Othello in Shakespeares Othello :: GCSE Coursework Shakespeare Othello
The Mood of Othello   Othello is a play that evokes many emotions from a reader’s mind. The mood is changing, yet throughout, it demands a lot of contempt for the villain, Iago. Beginning with act one, there is an immediate setting for suspicion which will remain characteristic throughout the whole story. There is a touch of happiness for the newlyweds, Othello and Desdemona, which quickly disintegrates with the mighty villains lies and deceit. There is a feeling of empathy for Othello when his extreme, yet falsely founded jealousy causes him to lose his mind, and his beloved wife. The mood is sad and frustrating when poor innocent Desdemona is being punished for a crime she didn’t commit. And at the end there is a slight feeling of satisfaction that Iago’s plan was revealed, yet the mood is overwhelmingly depressing because Othello and Desdemona both suffered severely and died. Iago introduces suspicion in the very first scene. He is discussing how he hates Othello, yet he must feign loyalty for his position. This is already a clue to the reader that Iago cannot be trusted. This feeling of mistrust is vital in the mood of the play because it is most ironic that Othello trusts Iago as much as to murder his own wife. This ironic plot creates a frustrating feeling for the reader which is felt throughout the play. The mood is tense when we find out that Brabantio is angry that Othello has taken his daughter. He i s determined that Othello must have tricked Desdemona into loving him. Othello defends his love for her, and she in turn vows her love for him. This situation of a forbidden relationship is romantic, it makes the reader feel a great deal of respect and happiness for their mutual love. When Iago begins poisoning Othello’s mind with false suspicion of Desdemona’s fidelity, the mood is extremely frustrating. The reader is aware of Iago’s lies, yet Othello is being easily led to believe them. This also evokes anger towards Iago, he is evil in his constant lying, yet he is referred to by Othello as kind and honest. This irony is painful to the reader because it is so blatant. Othello’s extreme jealousy causes the reader a combination of emotions. Jealousy is a very painful emotion, and the reader sympathizes with Othello. Yet, since the reader is aware of the falseness in the roots of the jealousy, they feel a little disgusted by how easily Othello is being tricked.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Vivisection: Progress as Paradigm :: Animals Science Papers
Vivisection: Progress as Paradigm "Progress is an optional goal, not an unconditional commitment, and its tempo has nothing sacred about it. A slower progress in the conquest of disease would not threaten society, but would be threatened by the erosion of those moral values whose loss, possibly caused by the too ruthless pursuit of scientific progress, would make its most dazzling triumphs not worth having." –Hans Jonas, bioethicist, 1969 I. Introduction The debate over animal experimentation for scientific advancement is serious and highly controversial. It brings our assumptions about the value of human life and scientific advancement into question. Analysis of this controversy does not purport any easy solutions: there are many points of view. However, it is apparent that the tones are shifting to entertain alternative methods. In allowing the interests of our own species to override the greater interests of members of other species, can we be equated with racists? Sexists?[1] To oppose the use of live animals in scientific experimentation do we not oppose all cruelty to animals, and should we not all be vegans? Should we not charge congress on all fronts for every connection between us and non-human animals? All of these questions will be touched on in this paper, but I will focus more directly on the vivisection controversy, for which I will borrow the Animal Liberation Front's definition: "Any use of animals in science or re search that exploits or harms them." I will give a brief history institutionalized experimentation and challenge the antagonistic viewpoints presented about the efficacy of the use of live animals in research, and offer some budding alternatives. II. History of Institutionalized Experimentation Experiments involving animals for scientific interests began centuries ago, but became institutionalized with Francois Magendie (1787-1855). Magendie was known as a hardworking and brutal physiologist. Barbara Orlans describes some of his experiments in In the Name of Science: Issues in Responsible Animal Experimentation: "Magendie isolated a section of the dog intestine so that it was attached to the rest of the body only by a single artery and vein. This of course was done without anesthesia. Magendie injected various powerful poisons including prussic acid into the intestinal segment and found that the animal was poisoned just as if the normal connections had been intact. He obtained a similar result by injecting a leg detached except for its crural artery and vein.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
At the back of the stage
The most prestigious event in the town where I considered being one of my most unforgettable moments in life because it's like a dream came true. Before, I'm Just an audience who dreamed to be part of the show who ramp at the stage watched by my own fellow Jimenez. But it's my fortune to be given a chance to be one of them. At the start I hesitate because it's my first time to ramp at the stage crowded by a lot of people, but I hanged my mind because I told to myself why not try it?There is nothing to lose of trying right? As long as we enjoy and we love what we do. Someone will say, how came that the Search for b. Jimenez 2014 is one of my unforgettable moment if I didn't made it to the top 5? Well, getting the Crown is not all that matter but what matters most is the learning, the experienced, the friendship we build with all the staff and the memories that I will treasured for the rest of my life. Not all of us had even a chance to be part of that prestigious event.So, win or lost that moment will still marked an important part of the piece of my heart and soul. In every competition it is not Just the Crown, the medals, or any awards that matters but it Is for us how we accept things without any regrets, because we all know within ourselves that we did our best and accept the fact that In every competition from small to the biggest one there will always be a winner and there Is always be a loser, Loser In the eyes of everyone but a winner for themselves.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Three Day Food Intake
Food Intake Three Days Food Intake Three Days Healthy eating is important to the human body. Healthy eating provides the body with nutrients and energy to help the body function properly. Nutrients provide the body energy to keep the brain cells active, the heart pumping, and the muscle flexible. Nutrients also help to build strong bones, enhance the circulatory system, and other bodily functions. Healthy dieting means to consume all food groups so the diet can have a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, milk, meats, bean, and oils.Even when eating from all food groups individuals must eat in moderation controlling the fats, salts, and sugars to maintain a healthy diet (Richford, 2011). Upon enrolling in a Human Nutrition class the professor assigned an individual assignment to assess my eating habits through iprofile factoring my weight, height, age, meals, and daily activities. The assessment evaluates three days of eating breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. The nutrients asses sed were the lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates to access my positives and negatives about healthy eating.I entered my daily intake for three days and what a discovery. I revealed that my protein intake was excellent 70%, my lipids were high by 11%, and my carbohydrates were 80% below the recommended DRI. The results shocked me because I am not a regular meat eater, but my protein intake was in excellent. The carbohydrates did surprise me at all because I love eating vegetables, sweets, and I consume very little to none to be honest. Because I am fully aware that I need to make a change to avoid further issues, here are some ways that I intend to improve my carbohydrates.First I will eat more vegetables consuming the recommended amount two cups per day, ensuring that the vegetables are different every week. Carbohydrates are the main energy source for cells and organs. The basic carbohydrate units are called monosaccharide’s, such as glucose, GA lactose, and fructose. Glucos e and glycogen are stored in the liver and when the body becomes. Carbohydrates help fuel the body and create sugar. Sugar causes the body to release insulin and stress hormones. Consuming too much carbohydrate leads to obesity, diabetes, and several more health problems.The groups of foods that are underrepresented in my diet are grains, fruits, milk, and vegetables. The groups of foods that are overrepresented are meat and beans and discretionary. I honestly do not have a good excuse as to why I did not consume the recommended number of servings for each of the food groups. I only have myself to blame and I believe that my reasoning is sad. I am busy with school and work, I like food. I eat what I want when I want it which is not healthy. Proteins are important for repair and tissue growth helps the body to make enzymes and hormones, as well as preserve lean muscle mass and is a source of energy.My daily protein recommendations 71 grams. Protein has many important functions in the body and is essential for growth and maintenance. Protein needs can easily be met by eating a variety of plant-based foods. Combining different protein sources in the same meal is not necessary. Sources of protein for vegetarians and vegans include beans, nuts, nut butters, peas, and soy products (tofu, tempeh, veggie burgers). Milk products and eggs are also good protein sources for lacto-ovo vegetarians. Iron sources for vegetarians include cereals, spinach, and kidney beans.Calcium is used for building bones and teeth and in maintaining bone strength. Sources of calcium for vegetarians and vegans include calcium-fortified soymilk, calcium-fortified breakfast cereals and orange juice, tofu made with calcium sulfate, and some dark-green leafy vegetables the amount of calcium that can be absorbed from these foods varies. Consuming enough plant foods to meet calcium needs may be unrealistic for many. Milk products are excellent calcium sources for lacto vegetarians. Dietary fiber is prominent in recommendations for prevention of both coronary heart disease and cancer.The National Cancer Institute gives primary emphasis to dietary fiber in its recommended food choices. A range of intake of 20 to 30 g/d is suggested for US adults. The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, through its National Cholesterol Education Program, emphasize reduction in fat intake and compensatory energy replacement through the increased intake of other foods, including those with high fiber content. (Fiber Study, 2012). Not in sufficient protein intake may cause tissue injury and muscle wasting. Too many proteins chronically hard of kidneys, such as progression of renal failure, gout and cancer.Excessive intake Carbohydrates make high risk of blood sugar and are heart disease. Fiber intake in normal limits to prevents the high risk colon cancer. Not in sufficient amount cause colon disease and bowel syndrome. References Fiber study. (2012). Retrieved from http://circ. ahajourna ls. org/ My plate. (2012). Retrieved from http://www. myplate. gov Richford, (2011). nutrition study. Retrieved from http://nutritionstudy. com Gordon, M. , & Smith, A. M. (2011). Contemporary Nutrition (8th ed. ). New York, New York: Mc graw hill. Grosvenor, M. , & Smolin, L. (2012). Visualization nutrition: Everyday choices
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Educational Philosophy Essay
Human nature is the product of one’s environment. Change the environment to change the behavior. Reinforce good behavior, punish bad behavior Conservation of cultural heritage preserves the wisdom of the achievements of humankind. Behavior evolves within the conditioning influence of the institutional system, tradition is the repository of a collective social intelligence. Constructivism is an educational methodology which asserts that learners should be taught in a way that allows them to construct their own understandings about a subject. The purpose of the teacher is not to cover material but to help the child â€Å"uncover†the facts and ideas in a subject area. Essentialists believe that children should learn traditional basic subjects. (Reading, Writing, Literature, Foreign Languages, History, Math, Science, Art, and Music. ) Generally teaches children progressively, from less complex skills to more complex. Schools should transmit the traditional moral values and intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizens. Focus is on basic skills. Existentialism rejects the existence of any source of objective, authoritative truth about metaphysics, epistemology, and ethics. Do not accept any predetermined creed or philosophical system and from that try to define who we are. Aim for the progressing of humanity. Use independent thinking. It engages the student in central questions of defiming life and who we are. Answers imposed from the outside may not be real answers. The only real answers are the ones that come from inside each person, that are authentically his or her own. For the existentialist, there exists no universal form of human nature; each of us has the free will to develop as we see fit. â€Å"Stimulate learners to achieve a more vital and fuller identification with the Absolute Mind or the Macrocosm†¦ Students come into a gradually expanding mental awareness that leads to self-definition based on a comprehensive understanding or perspective of the universe. †(Gutek, p21) Liberalism focuses on the individual. Ideas come from experience. Sensation and reflection create learning. Behavior Modification Conserve/preserve heritage. Constructivism Essentialism Willaim C. Bagley Arthur Bestor Existentialism Idealism Plato Liberalism John Locke Marxism Karl Marx Marxism promotes socialism, as opposed to capitalism where one class oppresses another. Education is use d to change society. Naturalism Rousseau The child should develop in the natural way s/he is designed, guiding the process Perennialism Perennialism Robert M. Hutchins Perennialists believe that one should teach the things of everlasting importance to all people everywhere. They believe that the most important topics develop a person. Philosophy is improtant to study. Studens should learn principles, not facts, teach scientific reasoning, not facts. Teach first about humans, not machines or techniques.. Perennialism focuses first on personal development. Prepared for ED828 Educational Philosophies and Change Jean Marrapodi †¢ Capella University †¢ September 2003 Construct new ideas Back to the Basics What is real? Striving for the ideal Blank slate of individual experience All for all Natural development of the child Like perennial flowers, great principles repeat Educational Philosophies. Philosophy Pragmatism Philosophers Beliefs Key Thought John Dewey Scientific problem solving, experiential learning Progressivism William Kilpatrick Realism Aristotle â€Å"Ideas were to be judged by their consequences when acted on; truth was a warranted assertion, a tentative statement based on the application of hypotheses to solving problems; logic, following the scientific method was experimental; values were experienced within the context of ethical and aesthetic problems and issues charged by the unique features of particular situations. †Gutek, p 77. Progressivists believe that education must be based on the fact that humans are social animals who learn best in real-life activities with other people. Teachers provide not just reading and drill, but also real-world experiences and activities that center around the real life of the students. Discovery follows the scientific method: 1. Become aware of the problem. 2. Define the problem. 3. Propose hypotheses to solve it. 4. Test the consequences of the hypotheses from one’s past experience. 5. Test the most likely solution. â€Å"Cultivate human rationality, the human’s highest power, through the study of organized bodies of knowledge†¦encourage human beings to define themselves by framing their choices rationally, to realize themselves by exercising their potentiality for excellence to the fullest, and to integrate themselves by ordering the various roles and claims of life according to a rational an hierarchical order. †Gutek, p 41 Education should examine, define the problems and change the social structure of society. Rebuilding Society George S. Counts Social Reconstructionism. â€Å"Learn by Doing! †Rationally real Theistic Realism Thomas Aquinas Similar to realism, but God is central God in the core Totalitarianism Adolph Hitler Totalitarianism is a political system in which a citizen is totally subject to state authority in all aspects of day-to-day life. Government controls education. Total dependence on government Utopianism Robert Owen A perfect society can be achieved through the education of the young. Perfect society through education Prepared for ED828 Educational Philosophies and Change Jean Marrapodi †¢ Capella University †¢ September 2003.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Final proposal on tourism
No part of this proposal should be used without the prior permission by the author or Mom University. Name: Janet, Esther Signature†¦ Date: 2nd Gauge 2014 Declaration by the supervisor This work has been submitted for examination with our approval as university Name†¦ Supervisor Dedication †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Date: This research is dedicated to my beloved parents, for the moral and financial support they have accorded me while preparing this paper. God bless them all. Acknowledgements I thank The Almighty God for the sustenance, wisdom and strength he has accorded me to undertake this project.Secondly, I thank my family and friends for their love and moral support throughout the period of my studies. I would like to sincerely appreciate the work of my supervisor without whose guidance and incisive comments I would not have undertaken this project successfully. I also wish to thank the entire fraternity of the Mom University staff who were supportive through the entire fraternity of the school uniform limited . To all of you ,thank you and God bless you.Abstract This research paper identifies the available tourist attraction facilities within the Moisakos County in Kenya. This is to address how the locals participate directly or can participate in the entrepreneurship either by providing accommodation and there attractions to either local or international tourists. This focus study in Moisakos County tries to find out the best way of re -imaging of rural areas features and activities to make them tourist attractive, and to relate rural tourism with social cultural and economic elements of rural areas.The area is not well imaged, commodities and packaged to tap the rural tourism potential of the area, despite the current county government trying to revivalist declining areas and ensure their possibilities of achieving a sustainable future; much still needs to be done. In the IANAL analysis, the identification of character as being significant for place is of critical importance for rural areas and the notion of reality. CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION OF THE STUDY 1. 1 Introduction This chapter provides an overview of the background that would enable an in depth analysis of the phenomena.It also highlights the main objectives that further interrogate the underlying assumptions while guiding the study. 1. 2 Background of the Study People go to places for different reasons: Temporary change of location, relaxation, recreation, getting acquainted with traditions and spending the leisure time. Nowadays, rural tourism has turned into a leading economic activity and studies show a positive relationship between developing rural tourism and an increase in income. It can be a suitable way to enhance economic advantage and employment.Considering the potentials for rural tourism, Moisakos County can act to enhance its economy and rural economy as well. Today, the importance of tourism and the necessity of conducting research on it because of significant economic, and social, and cultural roles that it can play is known for everyone. It had turned into one of the most important factors to create lath, Job, dynamism, moving people, and national assets . Len any country, the entrance of tourist corresponds with income enhancement and economic.At this purpose, rural tourism must be considered like a complex plurality of multi – faced activities, contributing both to growth of other activities in rural areas and to improvement of life quality for local inhabitants, all this as part of an effective rural development integrated system. With downturns in rural economies over the last three decades, it is perhaps understandable that governments have given a great deal of attention to the economic benefits of tourism, particularly for rural areas attempting to keep pace and adapt to the vigorous globalizes economy.As Teller (2002) suggested, growing numbers of city-dwellers are getting away from it all in the countryside. One of the advantages of rural tourism is that it is based on local; initiatives, local management, has local spin -offs, is rooted in local scenery and it taps into local culture. In theory, the emphasis on the local can help to generate regional development. According to Sharply and Sharply (1997), rural tourism is increasingly being used for socio – economic regeneration and diversification.While the definition of rural varies in different countries, Sharply and Sharply (1997: 20) further describe rural as all areas ‘both land and water, that lie beyond towns and cities which, in national and regional contexts, may be described as major urban centers'. For tourism to be described as rural tourism then it should mirror the characteristics that signify a rural area including small settlements, low population densities, agrarian -based economies and traditional societies. Lane (1994) details the difficulty in attempting to create a definition of rural tourism as not all tourism in rural areas is strictly rural.Rural tourism extends beyond farm -based tourism to include: Special-interest nature holidays and customers, walking, climbing and riding holidays, adventure, sport and health tourism, hunting and angling, educational travel, arts and heritage tourism, and in some areas, ethnic tourism. (Lane, 1994:9) 1. 3 Statement of the Problem Against this background, it is at this point that useful reference may be made to the experience in Kenya on the ground that an understanding of entrepreneurial opportunities of rural tourism development issues in a different cultural and institutional context can add new perspective on common concerns.The Government of Moisakos through the its devolved Ministry of Tourism and the central government's Kenya Tourist Board are working round the clock to develop the city in order to make it an international and domestic tourist destination. Greater strides have been already made with the bus station being decorated and artificia l flower gardens placed in strategic places e. G. Mustang Junction. A greater part of Moisakos County is made up of rural areas, considering this; it means that most of the tourist activities and features that this region can offer are based in the rural areas within the county. 1. 4 Objectives of the Study . . 1 General Objectives The purpose of the study was to establish factors enhancing tourism on the local area . Moisakos County was our case study. 1. 4. 2 Specific Objectives The purposes of the study with a higher importance are as follows: a) Recognizing the inputs and the support the county government can offer for the growth of rural tourism in Moisakos County. B) The tourists' familiarity with tourist attractions in Moisakos County c) Training individuals for giving service to rural tourism in Moisakos county d) Preparing individuals for establishing and managing rural small industries in Moisakos county using technology. 5 Research Questions The following questions will g uide the study a) How does the government of Moisakos county involvement help in rural tourism growth? B) How does culture affect rural tourism? C) How do training rural dwellers support and respond to changes induced by tourism? D) What is the effect of technology on growth of rural tourism? 1. 6. Justification of the Study The most important purpose of tourism development is economic and social development of the tourism areas.Although a minor part of tourism includes rural tourism and plays an important role in economics of rural areas of developed Mounties, but other advantages and even received harms through these activities in rural areas should not be neglected. As some benefits may be obtained from tourist development, its inappropriate development will bring about losses and negative effects. Nevertheless, the level of these effects would be changed proportionate to different factors such as importance of local tourism industry, potentials of tourists and their activities, consolidation of local environment and authority of local cultures and customs.Certainly, tourism development would not be met unless some expenses are being considered for it and in line with this purpose the village's environment may be put at risk. Moisakos County has a diversity of rural residential areas and tourist attraction sites, and the most attractive sites which enjoy a higher potential for tourism enter this study. Here we have conducted field and library research using two types of questionnaires distributed to rural residents and organizations responsible for tourism. 1. 7. Limitation of the Study 1. 7. Accessibility to Information Accessibility to information and premises was thought would be challenging but the duty will attempt to make some formal request from the relevant authority to enable effective facilitation of the study. 1. 7. 2 Confidentiality Confidentiality issues in work place are thought would pose a daunting challenge but an attempt will be made in ea rnest to mitigate these issues. 1. 7. Study area The study will be confined to the Moisakos County rural and the focus will be in assessing the factors enhancing rural tourism on the local areas.The study will be carried out during the months of June and July 2014. CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2. 1 Introduction This section reviews literature related to the current study. This chapter comprises the review of past studies, critical review and the summary. 2. 2 Review of Theoretical Literature The motivation behind most villages is to escape limitations and the urban routine life and the regulations opposite to the free will and voluntary entertainment.Nevertheless, organizing the tourists is a crucial part in the procedures of rural tourism management (Tag, 2004). Rural tourism is tourism, which is directly and positively linked to the economic, social, cultural and natural resource in the rural region in which it takes place. It seeks to make optimal use of these resources. It is c lassically a perspective or an approach to tourism development, which is sensitive to the nature of local resources, traditions and opportunities, for sharing in the benefits of tourism development.Operationally, it is characterized by a number of concepts, which reflect adherence to certain guiding procedures and processes Judged to be desirable for the development of tourism in rural areas. These are outlined below, and in the case of each, key findings from the study are reported: 2. 2. 1 . Destination profiling and promotion Tourism in the rural is mainly small-scale and centered on the special interest markets. It is heavily dependent on its extensive inland waterways, in particular its lakes, rivers and canals, attracting those seeking water-based activity, more especially angling and inland cruising.In general tourism terms, the region does not hold a definite tourism image that distinguishes nor differentiates it from other similar regions, resulting in a mixed and confused tourism image. Such mixed images are evident among tourists themselves. Prior to visiting, they perceive the region as being an out of the way place, a nothing to do place; lacking in spectacular scenery but, that it has an excellent road infrastructure which routes hem to other destinations like Tsars.Though some businesses and agencies are firmly built on place-specific resources, their use of images and imagery in their promotional and marketing activity is perceived as weak. The use of imagery in promotion is characteristic of the tourism industry in that the tangible nature of regions such as the Sawmill product means that potential customers place greater importance on the image being portrayed in order to inform their purchasing decision.This study suggests that the lack of such an image may be attributed to the fact that he Moisakos County has no clear status as a tourism destination, rendering it difficult to have a tourism image associated with it. The associated rural are as of Moisakos counties are also linked with witchcraft a phenomenon perceived by respondents to be the ‘poor relation' within the regional tourism structure. For effective tourism development to occur there is a real need for the region to expand its tourism image beyond the Sawmill alone, and to develop the other resource images such as cultural and human, which are readily available.Distinct regional imagery can add to the differentiation of the regional quality products and revives, and there is scope in the study to link its defined characteristics with customers' perceptions and values. 2. 2. 2. Appropriate scale Moisakos County Draft envisages tourism development to be appropriate to issues of congestion, carrying capacity and seasonality. For tourism in rural areas to be effectively ‘integrated', it must be organized at an appropriate scale, and lean more towards ‘soft', rather than ‘hard' tourism.Compared to its spatial extent and variety of resource s, the volume of tourism to the study is relatively low. The season is short, although some events/activities take place throughout the year. Some local areas have a comparatively high influx of visitors at certain times, placing constraints on catering services, creating traffic congestion, as well as limited parking space. But even then, the scale of tourism activity is not such as to raise serious problems about reaching the limits of ‘absorption capacity – physically, culturally or socially.The range of tourism activities, attractions and services offered does not entice many non-specialist or general type of visitor to the region; general visitors interviewed expressed dissatisfaction with what was on offer by the way of family-focused activities, local transport, choice of food outlets, and the range of package holidays available. What the region needs is more tourists as well as a tourism infrastructure that will meet their needs, such as an improved range of acc ommodation, information, and improved choice of attractions and activities.Tourism development is well within its carrying capacity for resource based tourism. 2. 2. 3. Local control and retention of benefits Moisakos County draft is based on the desirability for local interests to have a strong influence on decision-making and that tourism benefits remain within the local immunity. In our study, a considerable share of tourism development action is instigated locally, but it is noticeable that the interest levels among actors to participate in the tourism decision-making process is low. Most of them see their role in tourism as minimal and unimportant.At the community level difficulties in; accessing capital; feeling isolated from centralized organizations; disaffected by the bureaucratic procedures, as well as the perception that some national agencies, intentionally or otherwise, pay greater attention to the main tourism destinations, are rowing and have led to a feeling of commu nities being ad's-empowered over resource use in their region. Indirect and direct development agencies operating in the region are extensions of state or semi-state bodies and, as such, are exogenous.The policy of the various county led tourism agencies involved in training, marketing and accommodation approval is determined at the county level, in â€Å"Matura's†interest. However, county tourism policy implementation has implications at the local level. The key policy decisions still tend to be taken at county level, which respondents felt further educes their influence in the rural. Core tourism institutions, which operate outside the region, are not built around the specific circumstances.There is also a degree of concern about the influx of outside capital and enterprise in some of the newer types of development, such as self-catering accommodation and cruise hire company ownership. 2. 2. 4. Resource complementarily and cross use Tourism essentially happens if it Joins forces with some other resource, thus depending on partnership to some degree. The concept of complementarily and cross use includes a number of ideas: complementarily between tourism provision ND provision for the indigenous population; linkages between agency programmer, and between tourism and the resources within a place.Resources can include human, social, natural, cultural and economic, through strategic packaging and marketing of ‘linked-up' local products. There are good examples of multiple and compatible resource use in the rural areas. The study points to the fact that complementarily and cross use is not being fully embraced among stakeholders in the region, and tends to be an informal, task-oriented, once- off effort. Many stakeholders do not consciously give practical effect to achieving implementation in their resource use activities.This may be attributed to their not seeing their role as primarily serving tourism. Other obstacles to complementarily may include the lack of strategic vision for developing the region and lack of complementarily among development activities such as housing, physical planning and infra-structural development. 2. 2. 5. Sustainability Potential to increase tourist numbers in certain areas and during low tourist periods was acknowledged. However, the type of tourism development was considered important in determining tourism impact on communities' everyday lives.It was felt over, that the natural resources are being harnessed in a sustainable manner, and thus far have not been affected negatively by tourism. There is concern regarding farming and industry practices, which have shown some minor environmental impacts, and which in turn could impact on the long-term viability of water-based tourism. Further, these environmental impacts may at the same time have a negative influence on the social and recreational life of host communities.Economically, the consensus prevails that tourism is not a viable option in the region unless serious support from the tourism agencies is provided, especially in regard to calculating effective collective action, product development and up-killing for tourism. Coupled with this is the region's attraction for the independent, older tourist, with limited purchasing power, rendering its tourism economically vulnerable? Its short tourism season has stifled commitment to businesses and tourists, and presents a real insecurity to those working in, and dependent on tourism.Most providers, for example are holding down a second Job, with their tourism business operating on a seasonal basis. In the more remote areas, much of the tourism initiatives have depended on laundry effort within local communities. While volunteerism is an important contributor to locally based tourism, respondents believe that it alone cannot not sustain tourism initiatives in the long term. To counter such decline, integrated tourism development encourages tourism product and service diversifi cation.In the rural areas, tourism can be enhanced with further development focusing on the organic sector, the arts and cultural sector, underpinned by an improved range of tourism accommodation and food outlets. 2. 2. 6. Quality The pursuit of quality in all aspects of the rural tourism place, product and service is armament, and increasingly quality has become a major interest among providers in a growing competitive tourism sector. It is also an important determinant of consumers' choice.In the Rural areas, while a high satisfaction rate prevails among tourists, they were critical in some respects. The quality, range and choice of tourism activities and services in the region were questioned and concern was raised as to its ability to remain sustainable or to compete with similar tourism destinations in Kenya. Non-specialist tourists in particular expressed dissatisfaction with the range of attractions and services available to tourists in the rural areas of Moisakos County.Sign ificant improvements were needed: greater opportunity for family focused recreation activities; improved bus and rail access; ease of access to walking trails; wider choice of food outlets and tourism accommodation and an improved range of package-holidays offered. Several other improvements included more provision of public amenities, parking areas, public toilets, lighting, litter control, security and tourist safety. These were seen as the responsibility of the relevant county government agencies, local
Friday, September 13, 2019
Concept Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Concept Analysis - Research Paper Example Fortunately, these are steadfast and always find a place for the duty of care as this form the tenets of their profession. This is the place of nursing in our contemporary set up. The importance of those in the profession is largely ignored by the public and their value is only recognized when one is need of their expertise. It is this maligned nature of the profession that has strengthened the call for â€Å"the heart of nursing†. The heart of nursing is an apparent reference to a set of qualities that a nurse needs to discharge their duty in oblivion of the external factors that would otherwise affect successful discharge of commensurate duties. This is a key part of ensuring successful delivery of nursing care in light of pandemic ailments affecting the world populace (Schnatz, 2007). In trying to understand nursing and what it encapsulates we must try to look at the underlying enablers of nursing care. It should be noted that nursing as a practice is as strongly reliant on professional education as it is on human duty and obligation to care for others. Notably, in primitive societies where the decision to be a nurse (caregiver) was made on behalf of a person at birth the successful discharge of nursing duties was still possible. ... In the midst of these informal means of gathering nursing expertise the sole or the basic drive was the willingness to care given the plight of patients. The fact that nursing has been existent since antiquity and the knowledge that the first formal nurse training school was established in 1872, nurse training school of Women’s Hospital of Philadelphia, further underlines the duty for care or compassion as the most fundamental aspect in nursing (Egenes, 2010). Method of concept analysis and why this method was chosen In discussing compassion as nursing’s most precious asset or as the most dominant altruistic ideal in nursing care this study adopts Chinn & Kramer’s (1991) approach to concept analysis. Chinn & Kramer (1991) identify the purpose of their concept analysis approach as â€Å"producing tentative definition of the concept and a set of tentative criteria for determining if the concept ‘exists’ in a particular situation (88). Under this appro ach the first step is selecting the concept, clarifying the purpose, identifying the sources of data, exploring context and values and formulating criteria. Data sources Data to be used in the concept analysis will be derived from existent studies on nursing care and specific review of compassion and compassionate care as a key ideal in nursing. A host of this information is published in peer reviewed journals and professional websites which have sought to explain and research on nursing. Equally important will be historical data on the place of nursing in our society as well as the foundations and prerequisites of being a successful care giver. In essence, this analysis envisions that successful care giving as a factor is determined by the compassion of the care
Thursday, September 12, 2019
The human resources management practices in the UK Essay
The human resources management practices in the UK - Essay Example According to the research findings it can therefore be said that the practices of HRM are particularly required since companies are engaged in activities that are no more restricted to the local regions but have their presence globally. In order to uphold significant competitive advantage and manage the global pressure, companies need to focus on its HRM practice effectively. The human resources management practices involve certain core activities that are common to every country irrespective of the businesses being in prevalence in the nation. These activities include human resource planning, job analysis, recruitment and selection, performance management and appraisal, career development, pay management, employee relations, and training and development all that are associated with the human resource management in different countries with probable differences in the manner the measures get executed, and thus help in a complete and integrated management of businesses in every country . Considering the human resources management practices in the United Kingdom (UK), studies reveal that several changes have taken place over the years in the frameworks of regulation, globalization as well as the pressures associated with the need for costs reduction. Sparrow had suggested that the key responsibility of the HRM in this context is to involve people in the right manner such that they get to learn and understand significant issues and accordingly cooperate towards effective performances. (Cesyniene, 2008, p.43). The present study focuses on the human resources management practices in the UK, and discusses and analyses on the cultural, political, economic and social factors that tend to affect such practices within the country. Human Resources Management in the UK: An Overview: Both the government of the UK as well as their membership of the EU have led to higher degrees of regulation in the country that is reflected on the human resources management practices of UK. Th e UK government follows strict legislative rules on labor activities that are known to bring significant improvements as far as the rates of strikes and absence at workplaces are concerned. Studies reveal that strike activities were reduced to great extents in during the time periods of 1999/2001. Also, the numbers of working days that are lost were found to reduce from 330 during the 1980s to as less as 11 days in this period. However this regulation was again found to get disrupted due to labor unions and strife during 2004-2006. Apart from the issues of regulation there are other factors associated with the HRM practices in the UK. Although an Equal Pay Act has been acted in the country focusing on equal value of men and women, yet there prevails a gender gap in the country and differences in wages and salaries have also been obtained (Cesyniene, 2008, pp.43-44). Individual innovative measures of HRM practices are also found in the UK where the managers of different organizations tend to employ different programs involving the employees of the organization effectively and trying to focus on employment relations as well (Bratton & Gold, 2001, p.31). Policies and procedures in regard to HRM practices are considerably taken concern of in the UK. The HR policies state the activities needed to be followed for particular issues. The procedures on the other hand determine ways to implement the different policies as decided the HRM teams for different organizations. The policies and procedures are mandatory for organizational employees to follow
Underage Females Working in Brothels via Sex Trafficking Research Paper
Underage Females Working in Brothels via Sex Trafficking - Research Paper Example Underage Females Working in Brothels via Sex Trafficking The results are tragic because in most cases, the underage females that are working in brothels are victims of sex trafficking. They feel frustrated and worthless, seeing no prospect of escaping their wretched lives. Sad to say that even parents that are supposed to show love and protect their children, often contribute to the climate of permissiveness, because they claim that poverty led them to sell their children into prostitution. Widespread depravity and rampant barbarous pedophile cannot be controlled by law enforcement. However, influential personalities recognize the devastating effects of child prostitution by sex trafficking. In fact, nation leaders considered this as a barbarous crime. Thus, working alongside with government agencies, officials and legislative bodies, they are doing their earnest efforts to stop the problem. Yet, despite their noble intentions, sex trafficking of minors is still growing. How extensive is the problem of sex trafficking today? What leads to this horrific situation? According to Sex trafficking Fact Sheet, â€Å"sex trafficking is a modern-day form of slavery in which a commercial sex act is induced by force, fraud, or coercion, or in which the person induced to perform such an act is under the age of 18 years†. The Fact Sheet declares that considering sex trafficking as a serious violation of Federal law, Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, or TVPA, is being ratified. TVPA defines ‘commercial sex act’ as any sex act on account of which anything of value is given to or received by any person. It also recognizes that sex traffickers customarily use psychological and physical coercion, such as making threats of serious harm to or physical restraint against any person, using any scheme, plan, or pattern intended to cause the victim to believe that failure to do the command action would result in serious harm. The Fact sheet enumerates the various types of sex trafficking. The victims are forced into different forms of commercial sexual exploitation such as prostitution, pornography, stripping, live-sex shows, mail-order brides, military prostitution and sex tourism. Sex trafficking operation usually takes place in a more underground systems such as closed-brothels that operate out of residential areas. It also can be found in a variety of public and private locations such as massage parlors, spas, and strip clubs. Additionally, Fact sheet specifies the common patterns of traffickers for luring the victims, such as, a promise of good job in other country, a false marriage proposal which turned into a bondage situation, parents willful intent of selling their children into sex trade, and others being kidnapped by the traffickers. Frequently, traffickers subject their victims to debt-bondage, the expenses incurred by their travel which include food and transport, thus they must pay the debt by their sex services. Traffickers will use various methods to condition their victims to perform sex acts, such as starvation, confinement, physical abuse as beatings, rape, gang rape, threats of violence to the victims and to their families, forced drug use, and the threat of staining their reputation by revealing to their friends and families friends their nature of work. What an awful situation these underage victims are facing! So far, trafficking is considered to be one of the leading
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