Monday, December 30, 2019
Consequences of Human Desire in The Scarlet Letter - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 481 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/05/08 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Scarlet Letter Essay Did you like this example? Nathaniel Hawthrones 1994 novel Scarlet Letter shows the cause and effect of actions from human desire. In the beginning of the novel we meet two main characters who had the town beileve an identity the two had created of Hester Prynne from commiting adultry. Yet throughout the novel we see the sins both Chillingworth and Dimmesdale have commited, causing one to seek revenge. Identity plays a major role throughout Scarlet Letter. Hester Prynne has her identity made by the town from commitying adultry, not allowing the town to accept her as who she really was. Throughout Scarlet Letter we see Hester Prynne being a great mother showing good deeds, creating her own identity to overshadow her past. Those who had before known her, and had expected to behold her dimmed and obscured by a disatrous cloud, were astonished, and even startled, to perceive how her beauty shone out, and made a halo of the misfortune and ignominy in which she was enveloped. (46). Hester staying in a hate filled town showed how strong she was to not let the towns opnion not question her own identity. But the point which drew all eyes, and, as it were, transfigured the wearer, so that both men and women, who had familiarly acquanited with Hester Prynne, were now impressed as if they beheld her for the first time,-was that Scarlet Letter, so fantastically embroided and illuminated upon he r bosom. It had the effect of a spell, taking her out of the ordinary relations with humanity, and inclosing her in a sphere by herself. (46). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Consequences of Human Desire in The Scarlet Letter" essay for you Create order In The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne explores the theme of sin in Hester Prynne, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth. Although it seems at first that Hester has committed a serious sin adultery it is Dimmesdale and Chillingworth who are the true sinners as they are consumed by the sins they commit. And that, moreover, as is most likely, her husband may be at the bottom of the sea; -they have not been bold to put in force the extremity of our righteous law against her. The penalty thereof is death. (54) Thou hast escaped me! he repeated more than once. Thou hast escaped me! May God frogive thee! said the minister. Thou, too, hast deeply sinned! (209) The theme of revenge in The Scarlet Letter is embodied by Chillingworth, who represents pure evil. Chillingworth is so consumed by his plans for vengeance that he makes it his ultimate life goal and quickly perishes once his goal is fulfilled. What evil have I done the man? asked Roger Chillingworth again. I tell thee, Hester Prynne, the richest fee that ever physician earned from monarch could not have bought such care as I have wasted on this miserable priest! (141) Roger Chillingworth, letting the lurid fire of his heart blaze out before her eyes. Better had he died at once! Never did mortal suffer what this man has suffered. (141)
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Character of Youth - 2161 Words
Role of youth in society Youth are back bone to the nation.They can change the future of the society with their well being and courageous behavior. They are here to show us that which we have not been willing to look at within ourselves.Unfortunately today we find the youth those who are more interested in other places witch are not useful to them as well as nation.They chooses to spend their days doing drugs and playing video games. they spends their nights partying and living it up, so to speak.More and more young men of this age group are sitting at home in front of their televisions playing games all day instead of bettering themselves or going to work. They have no vision and if they do have dreams they do not have the drive to make†¦show more content†¦Results like this don t just speak for the character of a generation, they are testimony to the way that adults represent the world to the younger generation. It shows the sort of example being set in the culture at large. It is very easy to point fingers at media, celebrities, divorced or single parents, working mothers, and liberal attitudes toward things like sex, drugs and alcohol. Much too easy. But the things that disenfranchise youth and lead them astray are rarely that simple. In fact, the tactic of laying blame at convenient targets usually only makes the problem worse. Whether adults want to accept it or not, teens like their celebrities, their TV programs, music and movies, and their culture. The things that are popular are popular because teens are drawn to them, not because divorce rates are high or women are in the workforce. Instead of laying blame, adults should try listening to youth. It is a proven fact that when adults listen, when there is an open dialogue between parent and teen, issues are better resolved and compromises more readily reached. If attitudes like those demonstrated in the Josephson Institute survey are to be reversed an open and honest dialogue between adults and you th must occur. : The preliminary results of the 2000 Report Card on the Ethics of American Youth are in and the results aren t encouraging. The survey is conducted every two years by theShow MoreRelatedYouth Sports and Character Development3975 Words  | 16 PagesYouth Sports and Character Development Introduction Character development is not something that can be gained or developed over night. Character development is the multiple life skills that an individual builds within themself throughout their lifespan. When a person develops good character in their early years of life, they will benefit in the long run because they used the life skills they gained and put them to use, becoming a successful individual in all aspects of life. There is one thingRead MoreCharacter Development in Youth Sports Essay2283 Words  | 10 Pagesmastering. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Network Assignments Free Essays
Kim Doe Jung is a commercial attachà © in the Korean embassy. She works as an investment and financial consultant providing useful information and data to those interested to invest in Korea. Prior to the interview we had met at a luncheon organized in our college by the Korean Embassy. We will write a custom essay sample on Network Assignments or any similar topic only for you Order Now The luncheon was targeting students wishing to take their post graduate studies in a foreign country. Also invited along with students were business persons with an interest of investing in the expanding economy of Korea. Kim Doe Jung was a guest speaker and I was able to secure an interview through the help of one of my father’s friend who works in the embassy. She is an MBA graduate from a Korean University specializing in financial matters. The mere thought of interviewing was exciting and inspiring too. She had been able to accomplish what I have always looked forward to; she has my dream career. The interview took place inside the Korean Embassy’s expansive offices. She has a beautiful office facing the oval offices from afar. I was taken right up to her 3rd floor office by a security officer and she received me cordially which was rather flattering as I believed she had to be a very busy person. I had a large interest in knowing what her work duties and responsibilities entail. A commercial attachà © she told me was generally an agent of her own country, sent to a foreign land to represent her country’s commercial and financial affairs in that foreign land, I was hoping for a more specific answer and to get it I asked her to describe her typical average day to me. She arrives early in the morning, the first thing she does is to update the ambassador on any developments in her field. Then businessmen and women start coming in with all manner of issues. Some would wish to enquire on the likely trend that the inflation in Korea is taking and what the government is doing about it, how their investments are doing, any viable investment opportunities available. Koreans also drop by just for a casual visit, others have solid reasons like wishing the Korean government to negotiate for  trading concessions and low export duties for their goods. This is her typical day. Day in day out she is supposed to have answers to these questions as well as be able to analyze the recommendations she receives from the public. Her answers enabled me to have an idea of what to expect in my career dreams and was able to get from her responsibilities the enormity of the challenges a career diplomat goes through. To her, being a diplomat job is quite a challenge and ideal candidates for the job have to exercise diligence and good work ethics. One has to have high analytical and communication skills, be a team player, have a willingness to learn new things, physical stamina to withstand long working hours and ability to cope and interact with persons of diverse communities. This was very helpful, and this being my dream career, I was able to know the areas I needed to improve on as well as appreciating my strengths (Zachary Bromer, n.d). The working conditions are just marvelous as I could discern from what I could see: her office was smart and exotically furnished with expensive Korean rugs, she was also expensively dressed. She told me that her job is well paying as one has to be well compensated for accepting to work overseas away from her family. This interview, I must say, was an eye opener. It was my first interview with a person of such a high social standing and who represents interest of a far away state. Her confidence and intelligence were equally inspiring. Now I have a strong conviction to follow my intended career path, armed with the information that she gave to me.I have to act with reasonable diligence, work to improve on my strengths and weaknesses to achieve my life time goal of a career diplomat. Reference: Zachary Bromer, contributor; Dream job: diplomat Available online at Accessed How to cite Network Assignments, Essay examples
Thursday, December 5, 2019
The Collin’s ATM System Capabilities Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Collins ATM System Capabilities. Answer: System vision document: Problem statement Considering the havoc that people are required to face in order to carry out their bank proceedings adequate number of ATM booths which are simpler to operate is of the utmost requirement. In the present date the number and varieties of cyber attacks have only increased, thus posing threats to the assets of millions of people (Gluchshenko Foerster, 2013). Keeping such problems in mind it can be said that the existing ATM system available in the markets are needed to upgraded as soon as possible. Other banking related issues such as limited number of transactions, limited amount of transactions are also required to be solved on the earliest basis. A much simpler, organized and modernized ATM system is essential in order to cope up with the present date scenario. Simpler operation of the ATM must also be considered while installation of the ATMs because it is observed that the number of customers finds difficulty in understanding the functioning or operations of the ATMs (Prasanthi et al., 2014). The Collin ATM system intends to bring such changes by providing customers easier access, simpler mode of operation and strict security surveillance inside the ATM premises. System capabilities In context of the case study of the Collins ATM system it can be said that the installed system of the Collins ATM comprises of a card reader where the customers would insert their card so that the system could access the bank details of the customer, a keypad with the help of which the customers would insert their security PIN, in the process the system would verify the card number and the card details. After card recognition the system will display a list of menu option from where the customer could choose the required option. A cash dispenser for dispensing the amount a printer for providing the customers with the transaction receipt and slot in case the customer wishes to deposit the cash are also included in the Collins ATM system. In order to maintain strict security measures the, the Collins ATM system will allow only one customer at a time within the ATM premises. The ATM system could be accessed by only one user at a time. The system at first performs card recognition in order to verify the bank details. This also enhances the security system of the Collins ATM system. In case the card is not identified an error message will be displayed to the user. In such cases, the customer is required to re-insert the card. After the card recognition the system will verify the PIN so that the system could get authorization from the concerned bank. The user is given three chances to re-enter the correct PIN code. This ensures that an unauthorized person could not withdraw money without the consent of the card holder (Padmapriya Prakasam, 2013). After successful PIN verification the user would be displayed with the possible options. The user is required to choose his/her account type which means weather the account is a current, savings or super saver account (Wilson, Suzic Van der Stricht, 2014). In the next step, the system will drop the list of the options from where the user could choose. The displayed options are- banking, mini statement, withdrawal, balance enquiry, cash deposit, change password. System benefits Then following are the system benefits of the Collins ATM system: There is no limit on the number of transactions in a day in the Collins ATM system; this means that the customers could withdraw the required amount of money if he/she possesses the required account balance (Sabatini et al., 2015).. No limit on the number of transactions in a day. Offers number of operations such as cash withdrawal, cash deposit, cash transfer, balance enquiry, printing mini statement. Strict security services. The system regularly generates the reports from the respective banks in order to keep a track on the inflow as well as outflow of the cash. This is done in regular basis (Kampichler, Steiner Eier, 2013). Resources required for the Collins ATM business A number of resources are required for setting up the Collins ATM business. The following are list of some of the required resources: Infrastructure Management team Software developers Hardware developers Sufficient land plots for setting up the ATM booths. Software maintenance team Network operator Security monitoring system Stakeholder map Figure: Stakeholder map Source: Author Feasibility of the Collins ATM business Considering the case study of the Collins ATM system it can be said that although strict surveillance is incorporated in the system but there lies a potential theft of the accounts of the user getting hacked. The hackers with the help of Malware programs could hack the necessary information regarding the credentials of the users (Ghodke et al., 2014). The Collins ATM system do not provides the users with any limitations considering the number and amount of transaction. Therefore, in certain instances, the ATMs may run out of cash. Apart from this adverse climatic condition can lead to system failure thus creating chaos within the users (Onah Ani, 2014). References Ghodke, A. P. S. S., Kolhe, H., Chaudhari, S., Deshpande, K., Athavle, S. (2014). ATM transaction security system using biometric palm print recognition and transaction confirmation system.International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science,3(04). Gluchshenko, O., Foerster, P. (2013, June). Performance based approach to investigate resilience and robustness of an ATM System. In10th USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar(pp. 10-13). Kampichler, W., Steiner, W., Eier, D. (2013, April). Distributed mils: A novel approach to advanced atm communication services. InIntegrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Conference (ICNS), 2013(pp. 1-8). IEEE. Onah, F. I., Ani, C. I. (2014). Application of integrated modeling technique for data services resource allocation in atm based private wan.Nigerian Journal of Technology,33(1), 72-77. Padmapriya, V., Prakasam, S. (2013). Enhancing ATM security using fingerprint and GSM technology.International Journal of Computer Applications,80(16). Prasanthi, B. V., Jyothi, U. P., Sridevi, B., Krishna, T. V. (2014). Security Enhancement of ATM System with Fingerprint and DNA Data.International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering. Sabatini, R., Gardi, A., Ramasamy, S., Kistan, T., Marino, M. (2015). Modern avionics and ATM systems for green operations.Encyclopedia of Aerospace Engineering. Wilson, S., Suzic, R., Van der Stricht, S. (2014, April). The SESAR ATM information reference model within the new ATM system. InIntegrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance Conference (ICNS), 2014(pp. L3-1). IEEE.
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