Tuesday, May 19, 2020
What Was Shakespeares First Performed Play
Question: What Was Shakespeares First Play? Answer: Shakespeares first play was a history play called Henry VI Part II and was first performed in 1590-1591. It is impossible to be sure of the exact order of the plays because no definitive record was made in Shakespeare’s time. We do know when most of the plays were originally printed, but this does not necessarily reveal the order in which the plays were produced. Our list of Shakespeare plays brings together all 38 plays in the order in which they were first performed. You can also read our study guides for the Bard’s most popular plays.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Management and Project - 1719 Words
Why did Cisco need an ERP solution? When Solvik joined Cisco in January 1993 as the company’s CIO, he realized that the company was growing significantly. And according to his experience he realized that the present system did not provide the degree of redundancy, reliability and maintainability that Cisco needed. He also knew that the system will not be able to handle the growth of Cisco from a $500 M to a $5B company. This is when he decided to change a few things to satisfy the needs of the company growth. Changes Solvik made: - 1) Made functional areas to decide their IT budgets on their own. 2) Made IT organization report him directly. These changes didn’t quite solve the legacy problem. Instead a year later functional areas†¦show more content†¦Whether they are facing any problems with the system at present. Whether there is a need to change. If there is a need to change then what kind of application will be required as an addition to the previous system? Will the change in company help in its future growth. (In terms of data, capacity, efficiency.etc) What will be ROI (Return on Investment) . 6. Briefly describe the structure of the implementation teams. The structure of the implementation teams was hierarchical and well spread. The Executive Steering Committee was handling the whole team. He was reported by Program Management Office. PMO’s responsibility was to manage and delegate work to all 5 tracks (Order Entry, Manufacturing, Finance, Sales and Technology). Each track had an IT lead and an IT consultant. Order Entry, Manufacturing, Finance and Sales track had the business consultant and business lead too. All tracks were required to report to PMO who in turn reported to Executive Steering Committee. In this way work was divided efficiently and there was no confusion among teams. 7. Senior management â€Å"commitment†is important in ERP type projects. â€Å"Commitment†to do what?* Discuss what top management can do to improve the chances of project success?* Businesses should not lose sight of the fact that an ERP system fundamentally affects the way they operate. As a result, IT should notShow MoreRelatedProject Management : Projects Management902 Words  | 4 PagesProject Management Project Management. What does the words Project Management mean and what are the steps to managing a great project. If we break down the two words Project Management it is defined on dictionary.com as â€Å"The process of planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling the production of a system†. 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During _________formal tools and techniques were developed to help and manage large complex projects. a. 1950s b. 1980sRead MoreProject Portfolio Management : Project Management1432 Words  | 6 PagesProject Portfolio Management (PPM) is the centralized management of the processes, methods, and technologies used by project managers and project management offices (PMOs) to analyze and collectively manage current or proposed projects based on numerous key characteristics. The objectives of PPM are to determine the optimal resource mix for delivery and to schedule activities to best achieve an organization’s operational and financial goals ― while honoring constraints imposed by customers, strategicRead MoreProject Quality Management : Project Management1322 Words  | 6 PagesQUESTION 1 Q: Why Project Quality management is so crucial in the completion of any project? Outline the various project quality management processes used. Describe in detail the process of Quality control. a. 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The initiation process starts the project and identifies the organization’sRead MoreManagement and Project1498 Words  | 6 Pages Project Human Resource Management (DAPM07T) Assignment 03 Portfolio of Evidence Table of Contents Contents 1 Introduction 3 2 Project Scope 3 2.1 Project Statement 3 3 Project Objectives. 3 4 Matrix Organisation and responsibilities 4 5 Project title and responsibilities 4 5.1 Project Team 5 5.2 Roles Of the project team 5 5.2.1 Project Manager 5 5.2.2 Project sponsor 6 5.2.3 Contractor Construction 6 5.2.4 Project engineers 6 5.2.5 Project Coordinator 6 5.2.6 Contractor
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why is college education important to me Essay - 627 Words
Why is college education important to me â€Å"Knowledge Is Power†one of Sir Francis Bacon famous quotes, those three words says it all. I’ve been hungry and excited for an higher education, Education is very important to me and in order to move ahead in life, not just get by but to really succeed and prosper, I must get a college degree as it can openà ¶ up many close doors that a high school diploma couldn’t open for me. College is very important to me because it can equip me with the tools and knowledge I need to do better in life and not just barely making it, also help me to have a more open mind set about life and knowledge. Now I understand I need a good college education and more knowledge to move ahead in life. Also college†¦show more content†¦I am motivated by my dreams, being more success and also living a better life. In the great words of Nelson Mandela â€Å"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the worldà ¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢. So it’s very important to be ahead in life and for me to be focus of my career goals and what I want to accomplish. College also gives you great experience in the fields and real life training, college can also enhance skills set on computers and areas of work that high school didn’t teach you, so it’s important for me to get the education I need. A degree also can provide me with promotions in the near future. In my conclusion I’ve come to realize that going to college is one of the best decisions you can make in your life and finishing college is an even grateful feeling, in my spare time I talk and advice my friends to go school and get a better education because it can help you in the long run, so I won’t be a dummy ill stay in school and now I’m following my own advice. So I’m proud of myself for getting another chance at it with Ashworth College and I’m willing to work hard to get what IShow MoreRelatedW hy College Education is Important to Me1038 Words  | 5 Pagesup, this activity was more fun than anything else I might have done with my free time. I never got tired of being the â€Å"teacher†. Now as a college student many people often ask me, â€Å"What are you majoring in?†, â€Å"What are you going to school for?†and I tell them, I want to be a teacher in Early Childhood Education. The typical response I get from people is â€Å"Why would you want to be a teacher?†My answer is simple: I love children; I love their innocence and their ability to accept people as they areRead MoreWhy College Education Is Important to Me698 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"Why college education is important to me†. By Janelle D. Crichlow EN110 Achieving Academic Excellence Ashworth College A college degree is important for a variety of reasons for both the young and the old, namely to develop or improve one’s trade skills, to experience different cultures and to increase one’s educational background in order to attain a higher paying job. For me, a college degree is important because it will help me to attain the educational background I need to make myselfRead MoreWhy College Education Is Important to Me795 Words  | 4 PagesImportance of College Education to Me Stephen Nuamah Ashworth College ID: AC1209774 Health Care Administration Why College Education is Important to Me Am I free? I asked myself over and over again after reading a quote â€Å"Only the educated are free.†As concluded by Epictetus (55 AD - 135 AD), Discourse. I then realized I was not free. I want to be free, but how? I asked myself. Do I need to be rich or do I need to be the happiest man on earth? It finally occurred to me after pondering overRead MoreWhy College Education Is Important to Me869 Words  | 4 PagesThe Importance of Education (SAMPLE) Our quest for knowledge is something we should never complete; it is a desire that we should never resist. Education should empower us to answer such questions as how and why are as important as what, when and where; ask more questions, and then start over again. With an advanced education you have more choices in your life and more chances to make a difference for your community. Higher education pays you back: graduates of higher education programs earn moreRead MoreWhy College Education Is Important to Me592 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"Why college education is important to me†Continuing my education has been a goal of mine for some time, but I haven’t made the commitment until now. There are several reason why I chose to return to school after so long, the primary reason being advancement opportunities in my career. My other motivating factor is my daughter. I am looking forward to the knowledge I will gain and the ability to implement that knowledge into myRead MoreWhy College Education Is Important to Me839 Words  | 4 PagesWhy College Education is Important to Me Patty Murray said â€Å"A good education means learning to read, write and most importantly learn how to learn so that you can be whatever you want to be when you grow up.†Getting a college education will help open so many doors and give me opportunities to better myself, and provide me with a more successful life that I can be proud of. In today’s society it is hard to get a good job or have a stable career without first getting a college degree. A collegeRead MoreWhy Is A College Education Important to Me? Essays751 Words  | 4 PagesBuckhalter EN110.6.1 Achieving Academic Excellence Lesson 5 Writing Assessment September 26, 2014 Why Is A College Education Important to Me? Henry Ford, said, â€Å"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.†For years, I thought I was just too old to return to school. However, for 20 years, I’ve worked in a career that provided great financial stability, but it never brought happiness. When I was laid-off, I made the decision to notRead MoreThe Importance of College Education705 Words  | 3 Pagesnot to attend college can be difficult, especially given the tremendous costs associated with tuition, books, and campus living. Moreover, getting a good job or earning an attractive income is not necessarily guaranteed with a college degree. The decision of whether or not to attend college must come from within, and must transcend thoughts about money. For me, going to college represents a genuine personal feat. There are three main reasons why college education is important to me. First, I wouldRead MoreMy Decision to Study Mechanical Engineering Essa y824 Words  | 4 Pages I want to go to college because I know without a college degree, I would be going nowhere in my life. I want to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering; I have been dreaming about working as a marine surveyor since I was eleven years old. There are many reasons why I want to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering. One reason why I want to become a marine surveyor, marine surveying is my dream job; another reason is as a kid growing up I have always found it fascinating to create things andRead MoreThe Importance Of College Education884 Words  | 4 PagesCollege Education is an institution of higher learning. Harvard University is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States; it started in 1636. Colleges began to be established for two reasons. First, most were founded by religious denominations. Second, colleges were the pride of the community evoked by the revolution, the strange American pursuit of progress, and migration to the west. However, some people are against college education because many college graduates are employed
U.s. Foreign Aid During The Middle East - 2165 Words
The U.S. Foreign Assistance to Egypt Summary Over the last sixty years, the U.S. government has invested nearly $300 billion in both military and economic aid in the Middle East and Central Asian countries currently in turmoil. Egypt is one of the top recipient countries, which has received $114 billion since the end of World War II. Due to such a large amount of financial aid, the U.S. is sometimes described as â€Å"buying peace in the middle east†. According to the U.S. government, the purpose of foreign assistance is to support global peace, security, economic development and provide humanitarian aid. And foreign assistance is a strategic economic, and moral imperative for the United States and vital to U.S. national security. However, regarding the huge amount of foreign assistance, the government’s deficit and the domestic economic challenges in recent years, it is also argued that U.S. government should reduce the foreign aid and focus more on its domestic economic development. This policy brief aims to cla rify the problems about U.S. foreign assistance, such as the imbalance between military aid and economic aid, the dilemma of the large amount of foreign aid and the increasing deficit, the efficiency of foreign aid projects, and also come up with several recommendations that may provide possible approaches to alleviate such problems. Introduction: the U.S. Foreign Assistance Foreign assistance is aid provided by the United States to other countries in order toShow MoreRelatedSecretary Of State Condoleezza Rice1097 Words  | 5 Pagesof 2005, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice went up to 600 people at the American University in Cairo and delivered a very powerful speech on the advancement of democracy in the Middle East. â€Å"For 60 years, my country, the United States, pursued stability at the expense of democracy in this region here in the Middle East, and we achieved neither, she declared, â€Å"Now we are taking a different course. We are supporting the democratic aspirations of all people.†Her speech was seen as an attack on theRead MoreThe United States Foreign Aid to Developing Countries: A Research Report1679 Words  | 7 Pagesopportunity, and universal-brotherhood. The U.S. is currently the worlds leader in foreign aid to developing countries. It gives foreign aid to such countries in order to promote political stability and economic prosperity, a natural interest for any global hegemon. This aid comes in the form of money, food, humanitarian work, and military assistance. The countries who receive the foreign aid certainly need assistance, but do not always use the aid wisely. Now that our country is undergoing seriousRead MoreU.S In the Middle East1243 Words  | 5 Pagesrough journey to the current state of foreign policy and relationship with Israel. Since 1948, the United States’ active position in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has seen very little change or progress towards achieving settlement between these two nationalistic states. In the last 65 years, the majority of U.S. presidents repeated mistakes made by their predecessors in office, and this in turn has had little effect in bringing about resolution in the Middle East. The conflict between IsraelRead MoreHispaniola Essay1135 Words  | 5 Pagesrevolution occurred. The U.S. navy landed sailors, while the commanding Admiral threatened to bombard the capital, Santo Domingo, unless the insurgents surrendered. During the revolution threat, the State Department worked out a deal in which the United States would control Santo Domingo’s tax collections and spending. Likewise, financial instability and political unrest forced the United States to send 2,000 marines to impose strict martial law on Haiti in the summer of 1915. During that period, SecretaryRead MoreAmerica and Israel Essay1112 Words  | 5 Pagesin the United Nations; this quick action on our part shows how important having an ally in the Middle East is for America, and in addition the alliance helped the newly created nation. We had many reasons for continuing this rock-solid friendship, but perhaps the most important is that our values are the same. Israel is very l ike the United States; it’s the only democratic country in the Middle East, it wants to prevent war, and to gain stability and eventual peace the two recognized the need toRead MoreThe Eisenhower Doctrine Of The Middle East1587 Words  | 7 Pages The Eisenhower Doctrine in the Middle East Mahmoud Mseddi History Society L2G1 Mediterranean School of Business November 29, 2015 â€Æ' The Eisenhower Doctrine in the Middle East Dwight David Ike Eisenhower was the 34th president of the United States of America and was in office from 1953 until 1961. His presidency can be considered as a bumpy but remarkable road from the foreign affairs side. Taking over the office during the cold war, he fiercely protected his country and his allies againstRead MoreThe 1956 Suez Crisis in Terms of U.S Involvement Essay1293 Words  | 6 Pagesrevealed that the United States was capable of gambling in order to gain alliance with Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser as a gateway into the Middle East. America, left utterly dismayed by its allies who planned an endeavor that neglected the country, became involved in the Suez Crisis to confirm its position as the super power in the Middle East. Great Britain had been present in Egypt since the very beginning of the Suez Canal. The nation recognized the power of the man-made waterway thatRead MoreAmerican Involvement During Foreign Affairs1358 Words  | 6 PagesInvolvemen t In Foreign Affairs A Muslim immigrant shoots his two daughters to death on concerns about their â€Å"western lifestyle†. The people of the United States are firm believers of this country being the land of the free. Yes, the U.S. has problems of their own to worry about, for example the poverty and all the hate crimes going on, but the United States has historically taken on the responsibility on aiding other countries in need. Although people believe the U.S. should not be involved in foreign affairsRead MoreIsis Is A Terrorist Organization Made Up Of Shi1745 Words  | 7 Pagesindependent Islamic state in the Middle East. These terrorists go to any extent of violence in hopes of connecting the holy lands throughout Middle Eastern countries. Isis members are fighting for religious purposes hoping to secure land where the Muslim religion would dominate. Isis brings danger throughout the world with its political history, the military tactics it employs, and its attraction to foreign members. Isis originated as a group who fought against U.S. forces in Iraq, and later SyriaRead MoreCold War Research Paper1313 Words  | 6 PagesU.S. International Relations U.S. actions throughout and around the war will have lasting effects both during the conflict and afterward. How President Obama chose to work with allies and against enemies will set the playing field for the new administration. Russia Two of President Obama’s goals in Syria included seeing Assad relinquish and transition power to a new leader and ending al Qaeda and ISIS’s expansion in the region. Both Europe and the U.S. have been victims of acts of terror sponsored
Sears Scandal of 90s Essay Example For Students
Sears Scandal of 90s Essay SEARS, ROEBUCK, AND CO. : THE AUTO CENTER SCANDAL Sears, Roebuck, and Co. began in the late 1800s as a mail-order company that sold farm supplies and other consumer items. Its first retail store opened in the mid-1920s. Responding to changes in American society, such as the move from farms to factories and the presence of the automobile in many homes, hundreds of retail stores opened over the years. The company expanded rapidly, and eventually it diversified to include other businesses: insurance (Allstate Insurance), real estate (Coldwell Banker), securities (Dean Witter Reynolds), and credit cards (Discover). Each of these other businesses became its own division, in addition to the merchandising group which included retail stores, appliances, and auto service centers. By the early 1990s, the company was reporting revenues and earnings in the billions of dollars. 40 Despite its long history of high earnings and its penetration into the U. S. market, Sears’ retail business began to experience serious financial difficulties in the 1980s. Discount retailers such as Wal-Mart were pulling ahead in market share, leaving Sears lagging. Sears responded by adding non-Sears name brands and an â€Å"everyday low price†policy. But despite these efforts, in 1990 Sears reported a 40 percent decline in earnings, with the merchandising group dropping a whopping 60 percent! Cost-cutting measures were planned, including the elimination of jobs and a focus on profits at every level. 41 In 1991, Sears unveiled a productivity incentive plan to increase profits in its auto centers nationwide. Auto mechanics had traditionally been paid an hourly wage and were expected to meet production quotas. In 1991, the compensation plan was changed to include a commission component. Mechanics were paid a base salary plus a fixed dollar amount for meeting hourly production quotas. Auto service advisors 186 PART III ETHICS AND THE MANAGER (the counter people who take orders, consult with mechanics, and advise customers) had traditionally been paid a salary. In order to increase sales, however, commissions and product-specific sales quotas were introduced for them as well. For example, a service advisor might be given the goal of selling a certain number of front-end alignments or brake repairs during each shift. 42 In June 1992, the California Department of Consumer Affairs accused Sears, Roebuck, and Co. of violating the state’s Auto Repair Act and sought to revoke the licenses of all Sears auto centers in California. The allegation resulted from an increasing number of consumer complaints and an undercover investigation of brake repairs. Other states quickly followed suit. Essentially, the charges alleged that Sears Auto Centers had been systematically misleading customers and charging them for unnecessary repairs. The California investigation attributed the problems to Sears Auto Centers’ compensation system. 3 In response to the charges, Sears CEO and Chairman Edward A. Brennan called a news conference to deny that any fraud had occurred, and he defended Sears’ focus on preventive maintenance for older cars. He admitted to isolated errors, accepted personal responsibility for creating an environment where â€Å"mistakes†had occurred, and outlined the actions the company planned to take to resolve the issue. These included: _ Eliminating the incentive compensation program for service advisors _ Substituting commissions based on customer satisfaction Eliminating sales quotas for specific parts and repairs _ Substituting sales volume quotas According to Brennan, â€Å"We have to have some way to measure performance. †44 Sears also introduced â€Å"shopping audits†of its auto centers in which employees would pose as customers, and Brennan published a letter of explanation to the company’s customers in The Wall Street Journal and USA Today on June 25, 1992. Note that the compensation system for mechanics, based on number of tasks performed and parts replaced, was maintained. .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab , .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab .postImageUrl , .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab , .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab:hover , .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab:visited , .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab:active { border:0!important; } .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab:active , .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uce72a3310a4a2ad6e79c9baf593ce4ab:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: 12 English End Semester III EssayIn the summer of 1992, Chuck Fabbri, a Sears mechanic from California, sent a letter about Sears’ wage policy for mechanics to U. S. Senator Richard Bryan. Fabbri said: It is my understanding that Sears is attempting to convince your committee that all inspections in their auto centers are now performed by employees who are paid hourly and not on commission. This is not the case. The truth is that the majority of employees performing inspections are still on commission. †¦ The Service Advisors †¦ sell the repair work to the customer. The repairs that they sell are not only based on their inspections, but to a larger degree based on the recommendations of mechanics who are on commission. †¦ On January 1, 1991, the mechanics, installers and tire changers had their hourly wages cut to what Sears termed a fixed dollar amount, or FDA per hour which varied depending on the classification. At present CHAPTER 7 MANAGING FOR ETHICAL CONDUCT 187 the mechanic’s FDA amount is $3. 25 which, based on current Sears minimum production quotas, is 17% of my earnings. What this means is that for every hour of work, as defined by Sears, that I complete, I receive $3. 5 plus my hourly base pay. If I do two hours worth of work in one hour I receive an additional $3. 25 therefore increasing my earnings. Sears calls this type of compensation incentive pay or piecework; however, a rose by any other name is still a rose. This is commission plain and simple. The faster I get the work done the more money I make, and as intended, Sears’ profits increase. It is therefore obvious to increase his earnings, a mecha nic might cut corners on, or eliminate altogether, procedures required to complete the repair correction. In addition to this, since the mechanic often inspects or performs the diagnosis, he has the ideal opportunity to oversell or recommend more repair work than is needed. This would be especially tempting if it has been a slow day or week. In part greed may create this less than ethical situation, but high pressure to meet quotas by Sears’ management also presents a significant contribution. I have recently been threatened with termination if my production didn’t at least equal Sears’ minimum quotas. I might add that prior to this new wage policy, management had only positive response to my production, and my record proves this. †¦ There is no doubt in my mind that before their auto center employees were put on commission Sears enjoyed the trust of its customers. Today presents a different story. The solution is obvious not only for Sears, but for the industry. 45 Sears agreed to a multimillion-dollar settlement with the state of California and the 41 other states that had filed similar charges. The company was placed on three-year probation in California. It also settled a number of consumer class-action suits. In July 1992, the U. S. Congress held hearings on fraud in the auto repair industry. The long-term impact of the scandal is unclear. Sears has now sold off its securities firm, the Discover card, most of its real estate and mortgage business, and 20 percent of Allstate Insurance. At the end of 1992, auto center sales lagged behind prior levels. 46 Also in 1992, Business Week reported that employees in other areas of Sears’ business, such as insurance and appliance sales, were feeling the same kinds of pressures from sales quotas. 47
Promotion Advertising And Public Relations â€Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Promotion Advertising And Public Relations? Answer: Introducation Gluten free 4U is the bake house which provide 100% gluten free and allergy friendly products, and this house is also specializing in providing variety of breads, cakes, savouries, pastries, pastas, biscuits and other bakery products. From last few years, demand of gluten free products has been raised by the consumers and nothing is done by the market for providing these products. Gluten Free 4 U is the bake house which offer gluten free and nut free products to their consumers, especially for those consumers who are suffering from Celiac and to those also who are not suffering from celiac but have problem of improper digestion. This bakery is providing high quality gluten free products. The main aim of this bakery is to provide gluten free products without compromising with the taste and these products are offering with the excellent service. In other words, gluten free products do not mean that the quality of the product and taste of the product is less. For this purpose company refine its recipes on continuous basis and ensures that they will satisfy the taste buds of their consumers. Products made by bakery are not only for celiac patients but these products are for everyone. Other objective of this bakery is to develop innovative and delicious range of products (Gluten Free 4U, n.d.). After working in traditional free bakeries, owner of Gluten Free 4 U noticed high demand of gluten free products in bakery items. Owners also realized that expectations of consumers in this field are not satisfied and market does not take any action for meeting the demand of the consumers. At that time, they decide to provide 100% gluten free products and introduce this innovative step in the market. The main approach of this bakery is to use high quality ingredients for the purpose of offering perfectly creates baked collection. Bakery assured their consumers by providing high quality delicious products without gluten and consistency of products also (Gluten Free 4U, n.d.). Customer: Generally, company targets every type of consumer in the market, but their main aim is to provide gluten free products to those consumers who are suffering from Celiac disease and improper digestion. Products are offered to those consumers also who are gluten intolerant follower or wants gluten free diet. As per the companys statement these products are not only for those who diagnosed celiac but for everyone who wants high quality and delicious taste. Bakery business is considered as very tricky business because it requires expertise and other factors such as accurate market, loyal customers, etc. it is necessary to establish unique taste for getting success in the market. In this part we conduct SWOT analysis of Gluten Free 4 U: Strength: strength of this bakery is that it provides large number of products which are offered to large number of consumers for the purpose of meeting their needs. Another and most important factor of this bakery house is that it provides gluten free products which are accompanied with excellent services. These products are offered to especially those consumers who are diagnosed celiac and suffering improper digestion. While providing gluten free products bakery does not compromise with the quality and the taste of the baked products. Weakness: the main weakness of the gluten free 4 u is the other bakeries which are offering gluten free products, and these bakeries pose challenging to the gluten free 4 u by already own saturated bakery business in Melbourne. Other weakness of this bakery house can be its chosen location. Some of these cafes are Seedling Cafe Melbourne CBD, Spudbar various Melbourne locations, etc (The Coeliac Plate, 2014). Opportunities: opportunities available to bakery are not limited, as there are number of consumers who love baked products but not able to consume them because of the gluten present in the products such as patients of improper digestion and celiac diagnosed. Gluten Free 4 u provides gluten free products to such consumers without compromising the taste and quality of the product. Threat: threat for business is established competitors who are running their business from many years in the Melbourne and earned loyal consumers. Other threat for business is new competitors who are also launching similar business at similar location because these new competitors are also offering their products with innovative techniques and better tastes. However, another area of threat is changing government policies regarding food standards (profitable Venture, 2017). Collaborators: Gluten free 4U conduct very hard work for reaching the position on which they are right now standing, and now they want to expand their business into Regional Victoria and Interstate for which bakery is looking for an options. They are looking for passionate and driven people who want to help the bakery by expanding the business, products and reputation of Gluten Free 4 U. however, it must be noted that right now there is no franchisee and collaboration of business (Gluten free 4u, n.d.). Competitors: Now, number of cafes and bakeries are there which offer gluten free products to their consumers with excellent services and some of these bakeries and cafes are: Gluten Free Swiss Cakes and Bread. Mister Nice Guy's Bakeshop. Black Ruby Bakeries. Caffe Strada. As stated above, some new competitors are also entering into the market which can be accessed as threat for the Gluten Free 4U (Yum gluten free, n.d.). Segmentation: Segmentation of market is designed for the purpose of analyzing the most profitable segments of market for the business. However, this analysis is also done for understanding the needs of the consumers. Market segmentation of gluten free products is stated below: In 2015, global market of gluten free products was valued at $3,126 million, and experts also make expectation that amount of this market will reach $5,279 million by 2022. This market expands almost at CAGR of 7.5%. Diet of gluten free products is necessary for those people who are suffering from celiac and improper digestion as it cause problem in small intestine of human body. This food also helps the people in improving their cholesterol level, energy levels, and digestive systems. Usually, these foods are considered as healthy foods and help in weight loss by making right combination with other foods (Satsangi, 2016). Growth of the market of gluten free products is expected by experts in near future because of increase in number of celiac patients. However, market growth is also driven by millennial, improvement in marketing activities, and improved distribution channels. The impacts of these drivers are expected to increase if small and medium sized manufacturing units increase their investments in this market. The global gluten free food market is expected to witness high growth in near future. Markets of gluten free products are based on type and geography. By type, market segments include more range of bakery products which are gluten free, baby food which is gluten free, ready means which are gluten free, and continental dishes which are gluten free. On the basis of geography market of gluten free products is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA. This can be understood through diagram stated in Appendices (Diagram 1). However, this market is also segmented on the basis of distribution channel and on the basis of source. As distribution channel includes conventional sources, hotels restaurants, educational institutions, hospitals drug stores, specialty services and on the basis of source oilseeds pulses, rice corn, dairy meat products, and other crops (Markets and Markets, 2015). Targeting market: As stated above, in near future market of gluten free products will expand because of which it becomes necessary that company change their strategy while targeting their consumers. Some changes are already occurred in the strategy of companies such as now companies mainly targeting the consumers suffering from celiac disease (Thomas, 2013). Similarly, companies can also target those peoples who are concerned about their health. As peer one research third category of people is also there who wants to buy gluten free products because of their nutritious value. Some people preferred gluten free products because of their urge to lose their weight. Therefore, companies can target those consumers who are conscious about their health and suffering from celiac and improper digestion (The Gluten Free agency, n.d.). Positioning: Positioning analysis is considered for the purpose of showing how the current brand of the company is perceived by its market place. In this while identifying the target market opportunities, it is necessary to compare the way brand of the company is perceived with the targeted market needs. In the Gluten Free 4 U is already established its offered products in the market by mainly concentrate on the integrity of the product. Product integrity of Gluten Free 4 U includes: Bakery provides high quality of texture, taste and structure in their products. Products served by Gluten Free 4U are 100% gluten and nut free, and they are allergy friendly also. Their products are manufactured in total gluten free environment. Products have capacity of being freeze and thaw stability (Gluten Free 4U, n.d.). Tactical Planning: Perception of consumers as gluten free products can be considered as key driver which increase the growth of the industry in next few years. Unique strategies are adopted by the manufacturers for increasing their sale and expanding their business such as in store cooking demonstrations, shelf tags indications etc. as stated, gluten free play key role in increasing the demand of their consumers (Dublin, 2017). Products: Product strategy can be considered as product life cycle and also the execution plan for further development. This strategy allows the business to concentrate on product attributes. Gluten Free 4 U can launch new products for the purpose of expanding their business and for also increase their market penetration. Gluten Free 4 U is already offering bakery products to their consumers but now they can also offer gluten free baby food, gluten free pasta, ready means which are gluten free because these products attract the consumers at global level. There are number of manufacturers such as Pinnacle Foods, Inc., Hain Celestial Group, Inc., General Mills, Inc., and Kellogg Company are increasing their market portfolio by introducing these products with high nutrition value. This can be understood through example; recently gluten free chocolate was launched by Udi's in UK, and the two categories of these chocolates that are milk chocolate and raisin clusters, plus milk chocolate and caramel clusters attract the large number of consumers (future market sights, 2017). Gluten Free 4 U can adopt two strategies for the purpose of expanding their business and launching their new products: Value based price is the strategy which is used by company for pricing their product at initial stage. This strategy is not used exclusively by the company, and value of the product is calculated by considering estimated value of the product to the consumer rather than the actual cost of the product or historical pricing. This can be understood through diagram 2 stated in appendices (Dholakia, 2016). In this strategy, Gluten Free 4 U can make their pricing strategy by considering the experience of their consumers and present value of the products offered by them. Other strategy is market penetration strategy which can be used by organizations for pricing their products. In these companies set low price at initial level of the product. The main aim of this strategy is to attract the new consumers on the basis of low cost of the product. This strategy is effect for the purpose of increasing the market share and sales volume by reducing the competition in the market. Gluten Free 4 U can use this strategy for launching their new products stated above and for attracting the consumers for new as well as existing products. By using this strategy they can reduce the competition at market level (Business dictionary, n.d.). Place strategy is considered as key strategy in the marketing mix related to any product and service. This strategy outlines how and where company should place their products and services for the purpose of gaining for the purpose of gaining market share and consumers. Gluten Free 4 U can place their products near the education institutions, fitness centers, and institutions where celiac patients get their treatment. However, they can also distribute and sell their products in grocery stores because in these stores high number of consumers can be gained by providing them everything under one roof. Bakery can target educational institutions and fitness centers because in these places because in these laces there are number of consumers who are fitness freak and health conscious. Promotion: Next and last strategy of tactical planning is promotion strategy, and this is considered as the stage when business decided to introduce its products in the market. It includes choice of communication they want to include in their marketing plan. For this purpose business conduct detail market research, segmentation of market, and decide their budget. Generally, large companies choose national campaign especially in those cases when brand is already familiar to the consumers. On the other hand, small companies have very limited options to promote their products. Sometimes, small business chooses direct selling of their products because of budget restriction (Universal Class, n.d.). Following are some options which can be used by gluten free 4U for promoting their products: Bakery can launch their product by using more creative format, because creative things always attract the consumers. Bakery can distribute free samples in the fitness centers and education institutions. Advertisements are the best way to make the people know about any new product. Social platforms can also be used for introducing the new product (Zucker, 2017). Conclusion: After considering the above facts, it is clear that Gluten free 4 u can expand their business by using the above stated strategies. Brief summary of these strategies are: Company can segmented their market on the basis of type and geography such as by type include more range of bakery products which are gluten free and geography market of gluten free products is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA. Companies can also target those peoples who are concerned about their health and people of third category also who wants to buy gluten free products because of their nutritious value. Marketing planning of company include four factors that are: Product: it includes launching of new products. Price: it includes value based strategy and penetration strategy Place: it includes those places where consumers can be gained such as fitness centers, grocery stores, etc. References: Adams, I. (2014). How to Shift From a Cost-Plus to a Value-Based Pricing Strategy. Viewed at: https://www.optimizationgroup.com/how-to-shift-from-a-cost-plus-to-a-value-based-pricing-strategy/. Accessed on 30th September 2017. Business dictionary. Market penetration pricing. Viewed at: https://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/market-penetration-pricing.html. Accessed on 30th September 2017. Dholakia, U. (2016). A Quick Guide to Value-Based Pricing. 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