
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Female Power, Maternity and Genderbending in Shakespeares Antony and C

Female Power, Maternity and Genderbending in Shakespeares Antony and Cleopatra The 19th century essayist and literary critic William Hazlitt wrote of Cleopatra, She is voluptuous, ostentatious, conscious, boastful of her charms, haughty, tyrannical, and fickle, which are great and inexcusable faults (Hazlitt 2-3). Much of the criticism of Antony and Cleopatra has recycled this judgement, depicting Cleopatra as a villainess uses her eroticism and sexual urge to motivate Antony to seek business leader. Cleopatra is memorable for her propensity for violence as well. date Antony and Cleopatra was written after the death of a violent English queen, Elizabeth I, Shakespeare whitethorn have been faced with a dramatic dilemma how to make a woman come out believably violent and intimidating on the stage. Copplia Kahn notes that Cleopatra was capital of Italys roughly dangerous enemy (111),i but how does one make the Queen of the Nile seem like such a threat during a time when women had petty(a) social and political power. Shakespeare does several things to accomplish this task 1) he locates Cleopatras power in a foreign or supernatural realm 2) he inverts her gender role with that of Antony 3) he suppresses her maternal qualities and 4) he allows her to be save only in death. Indeed, it is the only way to handle a rough woman on the Jacobean stage.Locating Codes of Female Power In Antony and Cleopatra, the Roman values of honor and bravery embody masculinity, while Egypt and the manoeuvre symbolize feminine weakness and fragility. Caesar and Agrippa are depicted as reasonable, logical, and practical, peculiarly in matters of strategy and war. Cleopatra and her servants and eunuchs are consistently referred to in terms of laziness, let... ...ication of her top-hole intelligence. She understands that, should she live, she will be taken to Rome and will suffer the mortification of seeing some squeaking Cleopatra boy my greatness / I th posture of a wh ore (V, ii, 216-217). iv In addition, Cleopatra has demonstrated her readiness in the outgoing to ruin Egypt for Antonys sake. Without blinking, she considers unpeopling her country in order to send a smart messenger to Antony in Rome every day. To mirror Antonys Let Rome in Tiber sink, Cleopatra says, Let Egypt in Nile melt. v Of course, her actions indicate that, as a Roman wife, her entire existence must center on Antony only, which nub a rejection of anything else, including her earthly children (What should I stay--). The point is to emphasize her selfishness and her absolute concentrate on Antony, a constant of the queens personality.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Jim Crow Laws :: essays research papers

&65279      Jim Crow LawsThe name for the Jim Crow Laws comes from a quality in a Minstrel Show. TheMinstrel Show was one of the commencement ceremony forms of American entertainment, which started in 1843. They were performed by successors of black call option and dance terrene actors. The first MinstrelShow was started by a group of quaternity men from Virginia, who all painted their faces black andperformed a small breed and dance skit in a small theater in tonic York City. Thomas DartmouthRice, a white actor, performed the Jim Crow Minstrel Show. Rice was excite by an old blackman who sang and danced in Louisville, Kentucky (Clay, 1). The skit terminate in the same chorusas the old black mans verse which was Wheel about and turn about and do jis so, Ebry time Iwheel about I jump Jim Crow. Rices song and dance got him from Louisville to Cincinnati toPittsburgh to Philadelphia and then to New York City in 1832. Finally, Rice performed destruction- to-end Europe, going to London and Dublin, where the Irish especially liked Ricesperformance (http//www.sims.berkely.edu/courses/is182/paint167.html).      In the magnetic north, slavery was just about non existent, so blacks could be seen free in a lot ofcities in the north. In nearly cities even, blacks and whites lived together without a problem sosegregation was non seen on the whole throughout America. Before 1890, segregation was nonseen in most of the south, which was where 80 percent of the black population lived (Massey, 17-20).     Segregation actually started in the north, just now when it moved into the south, it becamemuch worse (Woodward, 17). It was thought that segregation came along with slavery, simply therewere more reasons, like pure racism. Cities had ghettos where all of the blacks lived in acommunity, away from the whites. After slavery ended, the north did treat the blacks with morerespect, entirely not much mor e. In the north, slaves could not be separated from their families andthey could not be legally forced to work. Even though the blacks in the north were not slavesanymore, they were still treated poorly in some cases. Towards the end of the Civil War, thenorth was really showing their racism (Woodward, 21). Most hotels, motels and restaurantswould not let blacks inside, so shortly after the Civil Rights Act of 1875, the blacks time-tested theirrights on all sorts of public utilities. They did not, however, take advantage of these rights sothey would be assured to keep them. The south still treated blacks with disrespect.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Brice Family Essay

The Brice family consisted of a family unit of five. The father Davie a lawyer, the mother Caroline, their teenage female child Claudia, the younger girlfriend Laura and younger son Don. The family was referred by a psychiatrist who had been seeing Claudia, but felt the whole family needed to be in therapy. The front session was a ch anyenge, the family agreed to go in all together only for the initial session and they were not very pleasant to begin with.The mother Caroline felt the chore that should be plow was the issues their teen miss was having and she did not believe the entire family should be there. two(prenominal) the mother and female child came in angry to the therapy session and there was a lot of tension in the room. The father was respectful and stated he was happy to be there, but his body language told the therapist he has not comfort competent be there. The youngest daughter Laura take cargvirtuosod to be in a cheerful mood with high energy. The younge st son Don did not sharpen up for the first session.During the session there was an argument that broke emerge between mother and daughter, Carolyn seems to think they are in therapy to resolve the daughters issues that is affecting the entire family, but she does not feel the family as a unit has a problem. Both therapists agreed that it would not be ideal to start the family session without the youngest son Don who did not put down up. David and Carolyn did not seem happy with this choice and felt the desireer they waited for their daughter to get help the worst it would get.Carl explain the dynamics of the family and how important it was to contract Don at the initiation of the family session, and asked the family to think if they wanted to be a part of the family they are in, and if they did to call and fructify up a period for the next session with Don include. Dave did not hesitate and agreed to set up an appointment then and there he looked over at his wife and ask ed he if she agreed. Carolyn agreed and towards the end of the session Carl connected with Laura the youngest daughter by engaging her in dialog and asking what she thought more or less everything that was going on in the family.By doing this Carl was able to show the family how every member of the family has a valuable place in therapy, and it is not scantily about one person. Second SessionThe second session with the Brice family was as intense as the first one. Don the younger brother did pursue the second session. He came in with a sloppy walk. Don has long blond hair and dressed in body shirt jeans and sandals. He introduced himself to Carl and seemed confident. Once the family was settle and the session started the focus of the session would always seem to try and come back to Claudia. Both parents think that Claudia is the take of the family disfunction and their marriage is in trouble because of her. Carl did a great job by taking the focus away from Claudia and putting it back on both parents.He was able to have them see that there were other issues that caulescent with them as a couple, and the social organization of the family unit. David over workings and not being a part of the family and Carolyn being over involved with her mother and her needs. Whitaker and Napier conceptualized the familys difficulties as a whole problem. They did not see it stem framing one family member.They felt the family all had some issues as individuals and as a couple for the parents that were not address when they should have been. Because the issues were set aside they resurfaced and escalate along with Claudias changing attitude and miss behavior. This is one of the reasons both parents seem to focus on Claudia and identified her as the main cause of the familys problems. When using individual understanding of a familys problem each family member is seen separate.The family is not taken in as a unit, but instead they work on the individual to be able to creat e harmony in the family. Each member issue are addressed individually and worked on without the rest of the family having a part.When looked at as individual there is a targeted behavior the individual is seeing as the problem not the family unit as a whole. Carl used the general family approach with the Brice family, both therapist looked at the circular interaction of the family problem, the family berth of each family member and how they fit in to contributing to the family dysfunction and make sure the entire family was present for the first intervention.Both therapist looked for optimistic contributions to the social organization of the family that they could look back on to start working with the family as one unit and not focus on one member of the family to be the problem. One of the interventions came by the simple sitting constitution the family had. The family in the beginning of the session unconsciously sat according to the family structure and how they felt it was. By having the therapist change the seating arrangements was a symbolical change and shift in the family structure to what it should be.Systematic therapy seems to be the high hat time of therapy for the Brice family. In this paper I have talked about the first two sessions of the Brice family, I have included Whitakers and Napiers conceptuality of the families difficulties and described ho this differs from individual understanding. I also talked about particular(prenominal) interventions used with the family.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Comparative Essy

Ferdowsi Tus hakim Abul-Qasim Ferdowsi is a well-known Persian poet who lived a life that will forevermore be told as a heroic tale. Ferdowsi created one of the most pregnant literary works of Iran called the Shahnameh. By generating this national epic, Ferdowsi displayed great knowledge of the old-fashioned legends of Persia and has passed down these historic stories to modern Persians today. Ferdowsi (940- 1020Ad) was born in Tus, a trivial town in North Eastern Iran, into a amily of landowners.Due to the fact that they were cockeyed enough to be independent, he was expected to peruse extensive goals and eminent successes. However, he chose to do what he loved and perused writing poetry. He was get married to a musician and has a son, who died at the climb on of thirty-seven, and a missy who helped him though the tragic loss. Ferdowsi began to write his masterpiece at about the age of forty, by collecting a millennium of old oral traditions of the Iranian lateau, into her oic verses.The Shahnameh, also known as The Book of Kings, is the most originative of literary Persian works in the tenth century. Containing over fifty- meter verses, which is arguably the longest poem written by a exclusive poet, The Shahnameh narrates the history of Persia from its creation, through to the Arab invasion, and is structured according to the mythical and historic overshadow of fifty Persian Kings. Mainly, one of the Epics most significant themes is the nature of ingship, where Ferdowsi emphasises the overlord approval of Irans rulers, including Gods will over other countries.The Epic also highlights the vixenish nature of the universe, and ones destiny. Through the actions of the heroes, it inspects the immorality of righteous actions. This epic allows readers to visualize the issues that took business office in Persia and informs them of Persian culture before it was changed into something different. In addition, the Shahnameh plays a life-and-death role in shaping the literary state, both poetic and historical

Sunday, January 27, 2019

American Prisons

As far as memory could recall, man has continually actual laws to nurse resolute civilization along with criminal sanctions to discourage the attack of those laws. Accordingly, the number of inmates in federal and state penal colonies in the joined States has so atomic number 18d to ab let on 200,000 since the 1940s, and at the start of 1997, about 645 out of every 100,000 the Statesn citizens resided behind bars (Dakrat 1). However, secondary sanctions during the last decade take for granted over occasion prevalent in the United States, as well as in early(a) western nations.The introduction of option sanctions has turned into one of the virtually significant developments in penalty principles in the area, in view of the situation that it reflects on the victims, wrongdoers, association, as well as sentencing as a whole, in an absolutely different outlook. In a country with the worlds grownupst prison house house macrocosm, adding up to much than 2. 2 million, an d where a number of States allocates more(prenominal) funds to the brinytenance of criminals than on direction, alternative punishments ar at this metre a matter of necessity. Problems Faced By American PrisonsIt is non abstemious for around volume to pop the question compassion for the millions of convicts incarcerated in the all overcrowded prisons of America. A near(a) number of the countrys population even believes that what takes place internal every prison establishments do not affect them. On the contrary, what occurs in prisons comes back to the society with a vengeance. Approximately 13. 5 million people in the country pack served their own time in prisons and jails over the course of the course of instruction, and in the long run 95 percent of them are discharged back into the society ( rise prison problems begin to permeate into society).Because too many prisons are inhumane, unhealthy or unsafe, several(prenominal) of the released inmates return to the so ciety as more hardened criminals eager to perpetrate in the raw transgressions as well as to blame for spreading hereditary diseases, such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV, etc. , that were not taken cared of during the time that they were locked up. Currently, prison problems embarrass 1. Corrections officers and inmates similarly are constantly in devotion of being assaulted. Even so, numerous prisons still do not field or collect information concerning the assaults, and when they do, the information is generally untrustworthy.2. Education lessens rule-breaking and is proven to cut the rate of recidivisms by almost half (Rising prison problems begin to trickle into society). However, despite the fact that the prison population has doubled since the 1990s, the pace of funding for prison vocational training and education has not persisted. 3. In excess of 1. 5 million prisoners carrying severe transmitted diseases are discharged every year (Rising prison problems begin to tri ckle into society).In fact, a number of penal complex with as many as 5,000 prisoners have no more than two resident doctors. 4. Incarceration can no longer be viewed as the main form of criminal punishment assumption the growing expenses of twain counseling and construction of prisons as well as the crisis of prison overcrowding (Junger-Tas 9). At this time, America is contending with the menacing economical recession that is acting as a regent(postnominal) brake on advancing the countrys utilization of large funding in support to resolve the foregoing problems.The development of alternative punishments is therefore the result of the justice systems exploration for impertinent sentencing strategies to rise above these intertwining problems. Effects of Traditional Prison Sentence Anchored in the findings of the Center for Criminal referee Studies at the University of New Brunswick and the Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati, unwarranted use of put to sleepment has enormous expenditure implications. On the average, each American spends $50,000 annually to keep criminals in prison (Dakrat 2).In addition, prisons should not be employed with anticipations of reducing illicit behavior. The soaring recidivism rate signifies that the pretend of amountting arrested and returned to prison does not deter criminals. Moreover, a research points out higher rates of recidivism among incarcerated youthful neglectfuls than those granted alternative sanctions (Dakrat 2). Incarceration poverty-stricken of appropriate treatment, criminals with severe infectious disease, criminal behavior or with psychical health disorders are generally judge to leave prison in substandard health as well as character than when they ab initio went in.The problem can have an enormous impact on communities, since 97 percent of all incarcerated criminals are in time released from prison and live along with the entire population (Webb). make out(a)s to Prison Opponents o f long-established imprisonment have contend the destructive potentiality of the punishment because it falls short of addressing the fundamental economic and psychological reasons that lead individuals to perpetrate crimes (Rierden 2).Alternative sanctions, on the other hand look for to transform behavior of criminals in addition to giving the necessary tools that pull up stakes help them in not making the same mistakes again when released. Moreover, because of prison overcrowding, this modern sanction will give the country the opportunity to befittingly incarcerate and rehabilitate more serious criminals for extended portions of their prison term. in that location are basically an enormous number of useful alternative curriculums.Compensation, restitution, confederacy table service, intensive probation supervision, electronic monitoring, and regular house searches, for instance, still endure a sense of redress for the injured party and a sense of propitiation to the legal order violated. In addition, there are several new and unconventional alternative political schedules that as well do not involve imprisonment. The most practical and astounding programs among them are the drug treatment, and classes and fees for the rich program (David). Drug treatment program are aimed for nonviolent drug dependents with antecedent convictions.Criminals who qualify are required to join in a residential drug-treatment program. Those who graduate were found to be 87 percent less expected to re-offend than others (David). Conversely, while not yet put into practice, the whole idea of classes and fees program is to require corporate offenders to take in low-income academes (David). Since a number of these offenders have been educated at first-rate schools, they are more valuable if allowed to teach in classrooms rather than be placed behind bars throughout their execration at the taxpayers expense.The imposition of prison sentence should only be selective depend ing on each circumstances, such as to protect the state-supported from violent crime when all other sanctions are incompatible fetching into consideration the solemness of the crime when the criminal is a habitual delinquent to safeguard the morality of the criminal justice administration and if the entire sanctions have not effected to conformity with the arrangements set forth in the punishment (Junger-Tas 7). In other words, imprisonment shall only be employed if the gravity of the offense is such that all other punishment is totally unsatis factory.The better Alternative The best alternative to imprisonment is one that is less restraining than internment yet more confining than conventional probation. friendship service intends criminals to pass for the advantage of the confederation, to make amends to the community, as well as to be penalized. Community service is expected to lessen the undesirable effects induce by imprisonment, decrease prison overcrowding, as well as offer a constructive experience for criminals for loping in a exemplary community (Junger-Tas 11).The essential feature of the punishment lies in the supervision and wangle of the implementation of compulsory orders in the community, instead of confining the criminals movement within a penal complex. In the early 1990s, maturation countries regarded community service as an official alternative to prison, although it was already just in several communities. Community service is designed to punish criminals who are worthy of intermediate punishments.The program is applied to criminals that deserve to endure more than average probationers but not as much as criminals in prisons and jails (Samaha 428). Community service necessitates offender complete within a given time frame a particular number of hours of voluntary community work. In particular, criminals are required to wash automobiles in an agency travel pool, rake leaves or cut grass in parks, sweep up around housing projec ts or public structures, and clear garbage from playgrounds. Community service in the Federal courts is a special condition of supervise release or probation.However, community service is a commendable alternative for non-habitual criminals who perpetrated minor offenses or requires a prison term of one year or less. Criminals sentenced to community service must be expansively screened to get rid of those with histories of violent behavior. Because of community service, there might be a slight possibility of additional nonviolent transgressions nevertheless, the degree the program manages to keep nonviolent offenders outside penal complex creates opportunity for the government to imprison and rehabilitate the more violent ones.Community service positively embraces the treatment factor as well on account of cautious matching of offenders to projects and function that constructively relates with their issues (Harding 78). In imposing the program, judges must consider the offenders a vailableness and skills, and then match them with works available at nonprofit agencies and government. In the course of performing the community service, offenders are expected to learn how to take responsibilities as well as remunerate the communities they once damaged.However, failure to tolerate with the community service program results to the re-sentencing of the criminal. Many observers believe that offenders who antecedently benefited from community services gained confidence, self-respect, and a sense of accomplishment from their community work (Tonry and Hamilton 82). The rate of recurrence of conviction is lower among criminals who had found their experience in community service to be meaningful (Tonry and Hamilton 83). Moreover, rates of recidivism among those who completed the program are not higher than for criminals sent to prison.Not only is community service more effective and compassionate, they are as well less expensive. When both indirect and direct expenses ar e taken into consideration, an average-sized community service sentence is less expensive than incarceration. Imprisonment costs ranges from $30,000 to $59,000 annually, while community service generally costs only $2,000 annually and up to $20,000 in other alternative programs (Agosin 217). Conclusion The high cost of imprisonment and overcrowded prisons are among the most multifaceted concerns surrounding the criminal justice system.Unfortunately, because of these, prisons make uncertain the thriving reintegration of criminals in the community. They transform the imprisoned offender, but the transformation is likely to be more depressing than encouraging. Alternative programs, on the other hand, particularly community service encourage a sense of social responsibility among criminals and consent to them to enhance their character in the course of serving the community. Prison altogether will never get to the bottom of the crime problems in America.Leaders and citizens alike mus t be more unconventional and tolerant to alternative programs. Alternative sentencing gives defense lawyers, prosecutors and judges a better range of sentencing options. It is not halcyon to resolve how much community service serves as a substitute for incarceration nevertheless, one thing is for sure, that sentencing a non-habitual and less violent offender with community service works out the dilemma of prison overcrowding and saves the country an enormous amount of money. Works Cited Agosin, Marjorie. Women, Gender, and Human Rights A Global Perspective.New jersey Rutgers University Press, 2001. Dakrat. Alternatives to Prison Why Imprisonment Doesnt Work and What to Do close It. 26 April 2007. Associated Content. 27 January 2009 <http//www. associatedcontent. com/article/217666/alternatives_to_prison_why_imprisonment. hypertext markup language>. David, Ruth. Ten Alternatives To Prison. 18 April 2006. Online Forbes Magazine. 27 January 2009 <http//www. forbes. com/2006/ 04/15/prison-justice-alternatives_cx_rd_06slate_0418alter. html>. Harding, John. Probation and the Community A Practice and Policy Reader.London Taylor & vitamin A Francis, 1986. Junger-Tas, J. Alternative to Prison Sentences Experiences and Developments. Netherlands Kugler Publications,1994. Rierden, Andi. Alternatives to Prison Mends Fences and Lives. 23 June 1991. Online The New York Times. 27 January 2009 <http//query. nytimes. com/gst/fullpage. html? res=9D0CE2D71338F930A15755C0A967958260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=1>. Rising prison problems begin to trickle into society. 11 June 2006. USA Today. 27 January 2009 <http//www. usatoday. com/ watchword/opinion/editorials/2006-06-11-our-

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Researched on magazines Essay

My snip is called Flava and it is aimed at teenagers, as when I researched on magazines I embed this one was sort of popular. I spent 4 weeks on my magazine and put a forget me drug of effort into it. Before I lucreed to produce my magazine I planned out how I was going to set it out and what part of things I was going to include in it. I chose the above features, as they are the basic things included in a teenage magazine. I employ Microsoft Publisher for the majority of it but I also use Microsoft word for things such as my real life-time stories.I found Publisher better because you get a wide variety of diverse backgrounds and formats whereas in Microsoft Word it is more basic. I used a consider of different formats and fonts. I did a lot of research on the net profit using Yahoo and Google. I worked with another pupil in my class, Khiley Williams, and we two came up with our own ideas. The pages I produced was the, Dear Angel problem page, the phonograph album review of Christina Aguileras Stripped, dish of the day page, the real life drool of How I coped with Anorexia, the front viewing, the celebrity page (all the celebs dressed in black), and the whats calorifacient and whats not page.The page which required the most research was the real life story but I also put a lot of effort into the front cover as I wanted to confound it eye catching and interesting. I used Christina Aguilera on my front cover as she is hot and sexy and catches peoples eye as they look at the magazine. She is also a role model for a lot of unsalted people so they would want to read anything that they see her on. The front of my magazine is bright pink as this also helps to draw peoples attention to it and would hopefully be intrigued as to what is inside it once they start looking over the cover.I used the band Busteds logotype on my front cover as well as there is a feature on them inside the magazine. To get the logo I went onto the Official Busted website, www . busted. com, and had to truncated, copy and paste it onto publisher. I accordingly had to fill in its original red background with pink to daystar the background of my front cover. Also on the front cover, I shit included the price, a barcode and a logo, Girls with taste get Flava. For my barcode I used the search engine Google and typed in barcodes. I found one and cut copied and pasted again.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Arabian Nights: The Porter and the Three Ladies of Baghdad

Curiosity kills the cat as the old saying goes. The same thing did happen in the spirit level The Porter and the lead Ladies of capital of Iraq. Curiosity of the men who entered the house of the three ladies of Baghdad put their lives at risk by trying to bop what they atomic number 18 non supposed to know. Although there had been a sworn statement mingled with the ladies and the men, the latter broke the contract and faced the consequences. However, curiosity, if done correctly, can likewise be a source of something better than expected.The Porter and the Three Ladies in BaghdadIn the story, seven men were in the ladies house. They were a porter, a Caliph and his companions (Wazir and swordsman), and the three Kalandars. At first, the men and the ladies were merry-making. Moments later, there came two bitches chained on their neck that the eldest of the ladies slapped and tortured in front of the men. This activated interest from the men but they just let it pass. Later on, they byword the portress (one of the ladies) playing the lute but to their surprise, she reacted terribly and passed out after tear her dress. The men saw the marks of the rod and whip in her rear end and again it added to their curiosity.It happened three times and the men were greatly astounded give up the Caliphs minister. They reacted, thinking that they can easily overpower the ladies, and caught the ladies attention. The eldest asked about the commotion and the porter was tasked to tell the truth they wanted to know whats going on. But the ladies and the men had agreed beforehand that they must not talk things that are not of their concern least, they face the unpleasant. To the ladies command, 7 huge white and black men came out of the closet and even the men. Now, because of curiosity, they had their lives in danger.Being curious can be both honest and risky. Curiosity kills the cat as the old saying goes. In this case, the men, peculiarly the Kalandars, ended riskin g their lives because of their curiosity. We can blame them because they failed to comply with the contract. They were already told that they must not talk about things theyre not concerned with and they agreed.The men should permit listened and did as what they were supposed to do. However, curiosity had been beneficial in the sense that it created topsy-turvyness in the story. If the men didnt react, the story would have been boring. Also, another right-hand(a) thing is that it lengthened the story. The characters involved, especially the Kalandars and the ladies, ended sharing their stories.References The Porter and the Three Ladies of Baghdad. Retrieved November 7, 2007, from http//xahlee.org/p/arabian_nights/an5.html

Monday, January 21, 2019

Doe Season by David Michael Kaplan Essay

There are m all minor heads presented in the short story Doe Season by David Michael Kaplan, appearing in Portable Literature Seventh Edition on pages 368 through 378, nevertheless there is altogether one overwhelming theme presented throughout the entirety of the short story. It is through the protagonist, Andy, a clubhouse-year-old tomboy, which the theme of coming of age, and the struggle closely children are forced to experience when faced with reality of having to grow up and leave childhood behind is presented.Before going on this search blow up Andy has yet to realize the truth nearly the way she behaves, she does not find it odd that she enjoys the same activities that her novice and young boys enjoy. It is only when her come made the comment Thats what the woods are all about anyway Its where the women dont want to go Kaplan 374. Andy is now embarrassed when her beget deposits this remark. She realizes that the three men with her on this catch voyage see her a s just another one of the boys rather than a young woman when Charlie and Mac begin to pick on her, proverb things ilk She aint a woman Kaplan 374 and Shes half a boy anyway Kaplan 374. Charlie Spoon then proposes that Andy has a choice to make regarding her gender when he asks her which gender she choses to be A boy or missy Kaplan 374 referring to Andys decision to be called a boys name, Andy, as opposed to her real name Andrea.She responds simply to Charlies distrust I am a girl Kaplan 374 attempting to put a violate to Charlies teasing. In this moment Andy realizes that she is no longer a child, allowed to lick in the dirt and hang out with the boys without judgment, but she is a girl who should no longer enjoy the same activities as her father. This moment in the story is very significant to revealing the theme as it illustrates the initial moment of recognition by Andy that she is no longer allowed to behave homogeneous a young boy. There are also times in the story tha t seem to refute the theme, depicting the image of a nine year old girl who salve wants to be just like her father, hunting with the guys. Andy heldthe cup like her father did, not by the accost but around the rim. Kaplan 370. In this passage it is revealed that Andy was never allowed to drink coffee tree while at home with her mother, but on this hunting trip her father allowed her to have a cup with the rest of the guys. Although, while imbibition it She felt a teensy-weensy queasy Kaplan 370 she drank it all, trying to impress her father and their friends.This desire to impress her father, Charlie and Mac may give the impression that Andy has no desire to grow out of being daddys precise tomboy but instead wishes to remain as so. except, this scene only develops the theme more deeply because it reveals to the reader Andys complete unknowing of the coming passage from child to young lady. I arrived at this theme after reading about the internal and external struggles that Andy experiences throughout the hunting trip she is attending with her father, his friend, Charlie Spoon, and Charlies son, Mac. At the beginning of the trip Andy is still daddys little tomboy, so much so that she is almost like a son to him rather than a daughter. However by the end of the hunting trip Andy has developed into daddys young woman, deciding to no longer be called Andy, a boys name, but Andrea, the name she was given at birth, the name of a lady.She is no longer intrigued by hunting, a males activity, but is instead disgusted by it. When Andy watches her father cut open the deer she scape she runs in the opposite direction, leaving behind daddys little tomboy and becoming daddys matured girl as she runs And now they we all calling out to herCharlie Spoon and Mac and her fathercrying Andy, Andy (but that wasnt her name, she would no longer be called that) yet louder than any of them was the wind blowing through the treetops, like the ocean where her mother floated in squirt water, also calling Come in, come in, while all around her roared the mocking of the terrible, now inevitable sea. Kaplan 378

Police and Law Enforcement Response

Checkpoint Police and Law Enforcement retort A jurisprudence officers role in society is to impellingly do laws, arrest offenders when a crime has been committed, delay crime to their best ability, persist in the peace whenever possible, and provide services to confederacy citizens in their clipping of need. oer the past 25-30 years, police departments have proactively been enforcing the Community Policing Theory, matureed by prof Herman Goldstein, on their staff and officers. Community policing promotes consanguinitys in the midst of officers and society.In order to prevent crime, officers and communities need to work to abbreviateher to address the problems that encourage or bring forth criminal activity. In order for this theory to work properly, police officers and the companionship must understand and respect each other as intumesce as the conventions of community policing. The basic principles are colleagues, partnerships, implementation, and long verge. Colleag ues refer to effective communication between the community and police therefore making relationships stronger between them both.Partnerships consist of relationships between the police and different organizations such as schools, feeler groups, families, merchants, etc Implement is a primary principle that relates to the specific needs of a community and examining different programs that might be effective. The Long term principle refers to police and members of community taking a long-term perspective and approach to improve. Accepting the realization that trust and effective relationships apportion time and resources to develop and maintain. The community policing theory has become an efficient and helpful tool to police and their communities everywhere.It would be easy to conclude that if we hypothetically lessened police occasion in the community policing theory, the results would be devastating. The members of the community would still be describe crime however, there wou ld be less police officers to respond and handle it. The crime rates would escalate quickly and crazy house would occur in certain parts where police involvement was declined. The organization would basically fail, due to taking away a key human beings to its foundation. Overall, it takes community members and police together to beget the theory work efficaciously and maintain its balance.Not only is balance crucial between officers and its community it is crucial for an officer to have balance internally too. There is legion(predicate) re exactingions and guidelines placed on an officer when on or off duty. They adoptt have the equal amount of freedom a secureness citizen is entitled too. These restrictions come from their department, Bill of Rights, and Constitution. It is imperative that the officers follow a strict rule of ethics, while on or off duty to strict an example for the rest of community. A tricky restriction is a term called Probable Cause.Probable Cause is de fined as the logic, experiences, and circumstances that protract a prudent man to believe a crime has been committed, or an respective(prenominal) may have been involved in a crime. This term, also know as a citizens fourth amendment, has quite a bit of forefinger behind it. It truly does impact a police officer on a daily basis, by the amount of power to either make or break a case. It directly is linked to how evidence is essayed and seized, or how a citizen is calculateed. Probable cause has the ability for a Judge to distinguish evidence crucial for a conviction, either admissible or inadmissible in a court of law.If a police officer violates the rights or privacy of a citizen, it can have some grave consequences such as loosing a case, fined, sued, setting a criminal free or legal action brought towards his/her self. So in order to prevent these consequences from occurring, officers should take the proper precautions and remember the guideline that there must be fitting or sensible reason to justify the intrusion of a search or seizure. The best way to ensure safety is to non direct any searches without a warrant, signed by a neutral judge. even off though this is not very realistic or practical however, the shoot for of a warrant is to provide that protective layer between the exuberance of the officers and the privacy of the public. At the end of the day, the court is responsible for reviewing the actions of the police in their everyday life this is when they balance the interest of law enforcement against the interest of ad hominem liberty. Then they determine whether or not probable cause existed for the search or arrest. In conclusion officers can keep off these issues by not falling into corrupted ways.Officers should respect their position and not violate their power this will build a trusting relationship between the community and them. Another solution to prevent issues from occurring would be for officers to get involved more with t heir communities. Going to games, meeting people, setting up time for the youth, establishing friendships would not only build the strength of the officer to the community moreover prevent crime before it starts. Exploring being a proactive officer, sort of of a non-proactive officer is the best way to aid police and their organizations in combating crime.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

What challenges have the student in Stream A’s ‘Academic Culture and Learning’ classes

generalizationThe online in category study was conducted in March 2014. This study is demoing some(a) telephone lines with supranational pupils, such(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as academician conventions and purification stupefy. In SIBT legion(predicate) pupils have these stemmas, it could be influence pupils study in foreign state. For these jobs, there be some recommendations for these jobs pupils can seek to do new friends, alike school can do some group to bothow pupils cognise new friends and understand the new subtlety. At selfsame(prenominal) clip, make pupils dramatize new glance manner, it interrupt be helpful their critique, because shade blind and academic conventions argon chief jobs for international pupils, if they can engagement protrude those jobs it will be good for their lifetime and survey in foreign state.IntroductionThere has been a addition in international pupils oer the last decennaries. Sydney Institute of Business and Tec hnology ( SIBT ) is a chief instruction institute in NSW that accommodates IS demands. Academic civilization and attainment ( CAL ) is a break up that teaches academic slope and is a mandatory unit. There are cardinal categories short in CAL and this research is on these categories. Loneliness and homesickness are two of moment jobs which can be impact IS. scholarly persons and universities should be overcome all of the jobs with survey in abroad. This study give the information more or less challenges to the abroad pupils.Literature ReviewThere is no inquiry, nowadays international pupils ( IS ) survey in separate states, they will confront many different jobs, it will be act upon their survey, such as civilization fogginess and academic conventions. Duworth ( 2010 ) province that in Australian higher instruction one of the of significance things for pupils is slope linguistic communication degrees, particularly for international pupils.Harmonizing to Oweas ( 2011 ) , to look the deputise pupils get more experiences ab show up Australian instruction theoretical account, it deployed by critical battle with diverse stuffs in altering contexts.Gary & group A A Murray ( 2011 ) province that the instantance of written and unwritten communicating accomplishments are concord by surveies of communicating in accounting. For this point both formal and unceremonial surveies have tended to utilize general footings.Hellsten & A Prescott ( 2004 ) province that the of import job about Asiatic pupils are that they think it is hard to add up with others in category and discus with each other.Brick ( 2006 ) province that civilization stupor is a broad scope of symptoms what result when a individual is labored to transport at the normal maps of day-to-day life in unacquainted with(predicate) ways, it is named of civilization daze.Xia ( 2009 ) province the civilization daze is the chief manner to freehand people invalidating impact. It shows a port ion of solutions and evolutes the effectivityThe methodsParticipantsThere are 118 CAL A pupils who study in SIBT. All intimately people from China, other people from Asiatic and Saudi Arabia.ProceduresThe questionnaire or study carried out online. CAL pupils, such as figure and per centum. The SIBT pupils were the research worker.MeasuresThere two sorts of inquiries civilization daze and academic conventions. In civilization daze, there are many inquiries, such as civilization daze since coming to Australia, what kinds of civilization daze. In adamic conventions, side of meat hard to grok during periods of hearing, written side of meat is reasonably user-friendly. It is easy to written English during the category clip.ConsequencesFrom the research, it can be seen homesickness ( 49.15 % ) and solitariness ( 35.59 % ) is large job for CAL students.to figure out those jobs, about pupils spend clip with friends ( 55.93 % ) , other pupils try to make something to work out these jobs .In academic conventions, about pupils think listening is non job for them, merely there are still have other jobs such as 35.59 % pupils thick English is hard for them. After this, 40.68 % pupils cerebrate their unwritten English is clear and easy understand, merely 17.80 % pupil disagree with it.Student troubles with geting new academic conventions.Learning new academic content is non easy for pupil, such as linguistic communication job and category acquisition, they are troubles for pupil geting new academic conventions. For illustration, merely 15.25 % pupils think listening is bot job for them, and more than half pupils think they have composing job. Some pupils ( 34.75 % ) believe it hard to understand the content of their talks. Dunworth ( 2010 ) province that in Australian, the English linguistic communication conventions degrees of pupil has becomes a important job, it is peculiarly for abroad pupils. For international pupils, a linguistic communication degree is really o f import, because it non merely impacts their survey, but besides it can impact their life in other state. Gary & A Murray ( 2011 ) province that composing and unwritten communicating accomplishments are of import for survey. If a individual can speak with each other and at same clip he or she can compose anything about their survey or occupation it will be easy for their survey or work.In decision, linguistic communication and adapt to the new acquisition environment is really of import fir international pupils, because it non merely aid their survey or woke, besides it can be impact their life in abroad state.The impact of civilization daze symptoms on the baron to analyze.Culture daze means when people coming to new topographical point and follow out the different day-to-day life. This job is when a individual moves to new civilization background work and unrecorded. For civilization daze, differences look. The macrocosm of cultural differences cause misunderstand or mist akes in the procedure of English acquisition. In the research of CAL pupils, 45 % of pupils agree with this, when they coming to Australian, they have been certain of some affect are civilization daze. As consequence, civilization daze is the average manner to act upon pupils analyze in new civilization background. Xia ( 2009 ) states that, civilization daze, the feelings like haplessness, it is of import for some people who come into stir with new civilization. In the study consequence, there are 18.64 % pupils think they are deficiency of focal point or trouble with concentrations. At the same clip, Birck ( 2006 ) province that headaches contestant fatigue, trouble in kiping. All of those jobs are forcible symptoms of civilization daze, from the study consequences, more than half pupils believe that they got those jobs.DecisionThe most important findings of this study include what is civilization daze, what civilization daze influence, and the symptoms of civilization daze. For illustration, fatigue, solitariness, homesickness and concerns, all of these jobs cause from civilization daze, both psychological science and physiologic jobs are really of import for pupils, because these jobs will impact pupils analyze and lives. Brick ( 2006 ) states that civilization daze, itself in feelings in annoyance and restlessness, the development of negative stereotypes of the host civilization. withal Xia ( 2009 ) province that civilization daze is the chief ground to given negative and impact IS survey in other civilization. Dunworth ( 2010 ) province that in Australia, the English linguistic communication convention degrees are really of import, because it can be help pupils better their linguistic communication accomplishments. For this study it clearly pointed out the negative and impact from civilization daze and academic conventions. However, it dose non give the clear suggest. As the consequence, it could be give some good solutions to assist IS survey in oth er civilization.Recommendations for pupils and universities Type text Page 1

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Reflective Journal Essay

The fighting spirit. What a catchy name for a title of an article that touched my heart deeply and had stirred emotions of mine. I have known this humble gentleman since the day I stepped my metrical foot on Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Shah Alam. We were introduced to this awe-inspiring person named Prof Datuk Seri Dr Sahol Hamid Abu Bakar during our orientation week. I have grown my fondness towards this man on the exact importee he started to give speech upon hundreds of fresh newbies in our great hall, Dewan Seri Budiman. neertheless I never thought in my slightest mind on how his earlier life story would give me this impact.One would never know, behind those smiles he put on his face, there were hardships, long ago before he make it to be a successful, acknowledged person now. I stinker finally understand what life is. God put us in a difficult situation just to make us stronger and to check us how to cope with troubles when there are obstacles come between in the mi ddle of journey. I really look up on Datuk Sahol Hamid as he was very determined to achieve his dream.How he keeps the humbleness in his daily routines although he is now an engineer in profession, really made me realize that I have to keep in my mind, I should never forget where I came from if one day, Gods willing I managed to grab my dream in the future. Just like Datok Sahol himself, he unendingly reminds the UiTMs students to never forget our duty to Allah S.W.T in spite of the busy and hectic schedule of a student. Above all, I must thank my parents for convey me up to who I am today. For being patient with my attitudes all these bit as I consider myself was not very matured during those days. later all, Gods plan is like a movie, all the favourable and bad things are arranged together for the good ending.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Anna Avalon Character Sketch Essay

Anna Avalon, the adventurous and admirable important char goer of The Leap written by Louise Erdich has many an(prenominal) traits that prove her to be a very admirable woman. Her missy is very grateful to suffer her as a mother. Throughout this short story, it is quite easy to promise that Anna Avalon is talented, heedful and brave. Considered to be The surviving half of a blindfold trapeze act (Pg. 190) Anna Avalon is very talented. She had previously been a performer. Anna of the Flying Avalons She had been involved in many performances and was definitely a crowd favourite, Anna had performed many Double somersaults and heart-stopping catches (Pg. 90) However, iodin day at that place had been a tragic accident. While seven months pregnant, lightning touch a terminus resulting in three deaths. Lightning struck the main pole and sizzles down the guy wires, filling the air with a blue freshness (Pg. 192) Anna was the only one who survived this tragic accident, this showin g her talent. Along with talented, Anna Avalon is very careful. She is an decrepit lady living in New Hampshire, with sightless eyes. Although blind, she has never flurry an object or as much as brushed a magazine onto the floor. She has never lost her balance or bumped into a loo door left carelessly open. The catlike precision of her movements (Pg. 190) is probably due to her primaeval training. When caught in a house fire, Anna was willing to risk her own invigoration in order to save her daughter.This shows that shes a brave and hardy woman and would do anything for her child. Several years ago, Anna Avalons house caught on fire, when her daughter was just seven years old. The staircase to her upstairs fashion had been cut off by flames so everyone was outside thinking there was no rescue. Outside, my mother stood below my dark window and saw all the way that there was no rescue. (Pg. 195) However, Anna Avalon did everything in her power to assure her daughter would be sa fe.Standing there, beside Father, who was preparing to rush back around to the front of the house, my mother asked him to unzip her dress. When he wouldnt be bothered, she made him understand. He couldnt make his hands work, so she finally tore it off and stood there in her pearls and stockings. She directed one of the men to lean the broken half of the appendage ladder up against the trunk of the tree. (Pg. 195) Anna had well thought out a way to save her seven year old.She leaped through the icy-air and was hanging by the backs of her heels from the new gutter. (Pg. 195) She then tapped on the window to let her daughter know she came to rescue her. Although she was only in her underclothing, she had bigger things to worry about, such as saving her daughter. She successfully saved her daughter, showing her true fortitude and bravery. Throughout The leap its clear that Anna is very admirable. She has done many things in her life to help others and we see that she is a wonderful person. From her actions, Anna Avalon is talented, careful and brave.

The Marketing of the PlayStation

The PlayStation consoles produced by SCEI built a good reputation among the community of gamers 3% of PS3 users see technical problems, while 42% did with the Xbox. Only 9% say they motive to change their PS3 for an Xbox 360. 90% of the PS3 users voted having a satisfactory experience comp ared to 66% for the Xbox 360 users. % of the PS3 users prolong problems with the reliability of the console compared to 20% of the Xbox 360 users. These surveys cede been made by vgchartz, gamespot and psu. in all these strengths allowed SCEI to be placed in the stars in the BCG matrix.Weaknesses But SCEI has also few weaknesses from its internal environment They dont market a lot to children and prefer to need a mature public. They lose many potential customers who would turn to the Nintendo ships company that always targeted an immature public the parents choose a Wii console for their children because they are afraid that the PS3s dotty games will have bad effects on their ids according to Halocrossing. Products from SCEI are also considered as expensive due to the superior technology involved in their consoles The PS3 was sold $599 at its launch compared to $399 for the Xbox 360 and $299 for the Wii.This high gear price made the buyers hesitate according to vgsales. SCEI has opportunities from its outdoor(a) environment The shade in the U. S. for the wildness increases every years gun crime goes up by 89% in a decade according to the Dailymail. The violent american movies motivate the population to act in the same way. The painting games allow these people to fulfill heir wish for destruction and violence by giving them a virtual control. The PlayStations always targeted that population and have the reputation to welcome violent games.The populations trend to seek for a highest pomp definition for their home cinema contributes to the success of the Blu Ray technology from SCEI The PS3 is the barely console equipped with a Blu Ray sporter so consumer may want to choose the PS3 over the other consoles so that they can play games and watch high quality videos from the same device. The HD dvd technology competed with the Blu ray of light one but failed because it was inferior according to the Inquirer. But SCEI has also threats from its external environment The threats come essentially from the hard competition with the Nintendo and Microsoft companies.Nintendo seduces the children that SCEI doesnt. Microsoft targets the same share than SCEI. Microsoft is the main competitor of SCEI. Anti-violence movements in U. S. criticize the violent video games and line the government to impose restrictions like age ratings from the Motion Picture association of America. The violent video games have been accused to be the cause of the change magnitude violence in U. S. according to the Christian Science Monitor. 3. Market department and positioning a. Segment SCEI targets gamers who like violence and complexity.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Business Communication in Toyota Essay

1. foundingIn Toyota Motors Corporation in that location atomic make sense 18 several discourse methods by which employees donation their ideas, selective development, opinions and feelings. The following argon some of the methods of inborn communicating sensitives-letter, tone to face, nonice board, memo, e-mail, teleph mavin, text edition centers, and instant messaging. The sharing ideas, in social classation, opinions and feelings contribute to the trading operations of congregations and the work of individuals deep win the corporation. I bequeath suggest virtu onlyy four methods of dickens-part infixed converse. 2. good parleysVertical colloquy is the discourse among those who ar on diametrical manoeuvers of authority within the friendship. For causa, film director to employee, general manager to managers, oldtimer to machine operator, head of the discussion section to cashiers, and so on Vertical conversation theory occurs mingled wit h hierarchic solely(prenominal)y positi atomic number 53d people and yield the sack involve both down and upward conversation flows. i. down Vertical Communication down(prenominal) Communication is much prevalent than upward conversation. downwards Communication flows from supervisor to employee, from policy makers to operate somebodyal, or from top to bottom on the brass instrument chart. As messages move down(prenominal) through with(predicate) successive directs of the cheek, they seem to bulge larger. If top managers commune directly with speedy supervisors and immediate supervisors ex tend with their mental faculty. A plain policy statement from the top of the musical arrangement whitethorn grow into a dress plan for operation at light levels.Their ends interpreted at the top of an plaque be broadly stated policies in line with organization. Downward dialogue is employ by the managers for providing a draw off judgment of the employees job as we ll as to communicate them how their jobs atomic number 18 related to an antithetic(prenominal) jobs in the organization. ii. upward Vertical CommunicationUpward dialogue generally is feedback to downward communication. Although necessary and valuable, upward communication contains risk. When heed requests in take shapeation from lower organization levels, the fling nurture be arises feedback to that request. Employees talk to supervisors about methods of doing it, and their discernment of the organization. Upward communication leads to a more(prenominal) committed and loyal workforce in an organization because the employees atomic number 18 hurln a prospect to raise and speak dissatisfaction issues to the higher levels.The manager get to know about the employees feelings toward their jobs, peers, supervisor and organization in general. Managers seat agree to take the actions for improving things. These comments are feedback to the downward flow transferred in bo th mouth and written form by congregation clashs, procedures, comp whatever news releases, and grapevine.It is employ to communicate link up with down levels of employees and communicate with the rung in a sown level of their seniors.3. crosswise/Lateral Communications swimming Communications are messages sent betwixt staff on the same level of the organization hierarchy. It indicates the ex convert of information mingled with individuals in disparate plane sections or divisions within the same organization. Often, it occurs in staff relationships. in that respect are two sorts of communication in flat communication. They are direct horizontal communication and substantiating horizontal communication.v. take in Horizontal CommunicationThis indicates the exchanges of information between individuals of sympathetic position in diverse departments. Such as in Toyota cable saucer-eyed machine play along, a inwardness management from department 1 to direct communica tes to a nonher middle management from department 2. It is between similar position direct communications. This type of communication ensures coordination of activities and increases cooperation between managers and similar organization. Managers are having teensy-weensy consciousness of the aimives or other problems such as production and marking. For ensample they may be form encounter because of their incompatible objectives and ideas. Hence, the vital importance of planning/ domination come acrosss, establishment and discussion of corporate plans and budgetary control for the whole organization. vi. Indirect Horizontal CommunicationThis indicate communication between each level of department and different level of a nonher department. Such as a middle management in department 1 communicates to other tribal chief supervisors in department 2. For example in Toyota Car caller-up, the leader in department is indirect other department of manager.It is utilise to comm unicate with the staff relationships. And then we do-nothing excessively conjure direct and indirect plan to meet the staff. But we depart notice that a number of staff seen to perk up problems in finding the message about the lack of bonuses. At that time, we depart solve these problems. So, we remove to communication to coiffure for the call into uncertaintys. We allow for indispensability important communication. They are non-verbal communication, meta-communication and paralanguage. 4. Non-verbal communicationNon-verbal communication is the process of communication through move and receiving wordless messages. Non-verbal communications acknowledge facial ex cabalions, the t ane of the voice, gestures displayed through body language or view facial expression and eye contact, scent out of touch, sense of smell and body motions, object communication such as clothing, hairstyles or even architecture, or symbols and info representics. another(prenominal) mean, in the process of communication is lecture without speaking a word. These non-verbal signals bathroom give clues and additional information and meaning oer and verbal communication. Define or honour the relationship between people and post feedback to the other person. For example, nodding and trembling are likewise important techniques when listening to the other person speaks. It furnishs that to use nodding and shaking buttocks presented you are listening and you can understand what the speaker is talking anything. 5. Meta-communicationsMeta-communications is a good special form of the communication that indicates how verbal information should be silent and interpreted. I think that it be use in surrounding. It concerns stimuli surrounding the verbal communication that also mystify meaning. It may be supportive and facial expression. For Example, we a good deal use (x) in mathematics. It represents unknown number. It functions as a formal definition of the function of meta-communication in the communication.6. ParalanguageParalanguage may be expressed consciously or unconsciously, and includes the pitch, multitude and in some cases, intonation of speech. The count known as paralinguistic. Paralinguistic is a enormous word and use for the noises people. In school, instructor is often using this to show the conformity uh-huh, mm, uh-oh, oh and so on. They are often useful. For example like smiling.We get out develop about the important main of communication. And decision which may prevent the staff from understanding the information about the lack of bonuses. in that location are three main barriers to communication. * mad Interference- An emotional individual may not be able to communicate well. If psyche is angry, hostile, resentful, joyful, or fearful, that person may be too preoccupied with emotions to receive the mean message. If you dont like someone, for example, you may give way trouble hearing them. * distant Messages- Mes sages that cause a conflict in perception for the receiver may result in incomplete communication. For example, of a person constantly uses jargon or razz to communicate with someone from another soil who has never heard such expressions, commingle messages are sure to result. Another example of conflicting messages might be if a supervisor requests a report now without giving the report keepr plentiful time to gather the proper information.* No Provision for Feedback- Since communication is two itinerary process, the appointer must search for a means of getting a declaration from the receiver.If a team leader does not permit any interruption nor hesitancys eon discussing projects, he may find that team members may not completely understand what they are to do. Face-to-face oral communication is considered the best type of communication since feedback can be both verbal and nonverbal. When two communicators are separated, care must be taken to ask for meaningful feedback. We should prepare the interviews about concerned that staff have become de-motivated by the decision to break bonuses and by the success of Toyota competitors.We should prepare meeting the staff and employee. An interview is only impressive if it is thoroughly prepare the necessary information plane. We make sure that we have all the necessary selective information. We need to prepare the files and all the relevant matter. And then we also need to explain the staff why we will to de-motivate by the decision to discontinue bonuses. We pick need make matters notes which are in particular important to avow. We knew that in the interview, the staff will ask any specific questions. So, we claim making answer to answer the questions. And other then, we should plan a time for meeting with the staff. And also need to interview one to one. So, we need to decisions or action for the meeting. 7. quartet different types of questionsAnd then in the interview, at that place are form four different types of question. They are closed questions, open questions, run through questions and leading questions.Closed questions are those which have only a very(prenominal) limited range of responses, often only say yes or no. Closed question should not always be estimation of as simple questions that anyone can promptly answer merely because they posit a yes or no answer. Closed questions can also be very complicated. For example, Is one in binary equal to one in counting numbers? is a closed question that not everyone would be able to quickly answer. Other example, petition someone if they have do something invites good those two alternativesOpen questions are ones that require more than one word answers. The answers could come in the form of a list, a a couple of(prenominal) sentences or something longer such as a speech, paragraph or essay. Open questions invite a more developed response, often involving the speakers opinions or feelings as well more informa tion or evidence in support of an argument. For example, how do we fell to which employee? How do we emend for our Toyota Car Company?These types of question tend to close down opportunities for discussion. They should be employ sparingly, if at all. They can be useful, though, for determining the other persons position on an issue as a prelude to follow-up question which does open-up the discussion.We should also need to understand leading questions. These are questions which in their wording or their tone, suggest a particular answer and, again they do little to take the communication forward. In fact, they are commonly inviting conformation of the questioners position, quite than opening up the discussion. 8. Group ConflictsIn Toyota Car Company, we have to explain umpteen problems. We have taken notice from employees feedback that some employees are worry about the potential 35,000 redundancies oecumenical which Toyota Car Company are planning to undertake in the cote rminous few grades. So, this is also form theme conflicts in the workforce currently.In the shop floor level of organization, there appears to be group conflicts. It forms in intergroup, departments. The group members are often necessary to complete the work required to operate a line of products. Sometime, groups inter-relate to accomplish the organizations goals and objectives, and conflict can occur. At the time, we will form concern between the staff. It occur group conflicts in the workforce currently may be work interdependence, goal variances and the change magnitude demand for specialists. Differences in perceptions among groups regarding time and statues, when joined with different goals, can also micturate conflict. For examples, the group to produce the new bearing of Toyota Car, but members is different idea bearing to produce car.It will appear to be conflicts in the group. Boss have taken notice from employees feedback that some employees are worried about the potential 35,000 redundancies world panoptic which Toyota are planning to undertake in the next few years. This is also having a negative impact on functional with teams. There are some reasons to causes the group conflicts. We make plan for the group conflicts to tog up and plan the redundancy process. We will write answers to retrench some staff and remove bonuses for thousands of senior employees as it tries to regain investor boldness and stopping bonuses are the latest step in an extensive cost clipping drive that will lead the alliance to cut 35,000 jobs worldwide in the next five years in the face of a competitive car market. hitch of the bonus decision is expected this month when Toyota unveils its full results the company make reputation losses.Toyota traditionally pays bonuses in March to all senior staff members worldwide. Due to the changes in economic performance, staffs were not given any bonus payments last year. When Toyota Car Company grew much larger t han began, corporate growing meant an increase in slur space, include the technology. Advances in technology have some new methods of communication to communicate with employee, suppliers. 9. Intranet for employee communicationWe need to use intranet communication to communicate with employee. This communication link up with our company employees connections. For example in Toyota Car Company, manager should be discuss with employee for to produce new communication. As a group, need to communication links with the down levels of employees. For example in a group, our received a new hallow from node, we are discuss with employee (intranet communication) to produce it new order. So, intranet communication need to communicate with employee. Intranet communication encourages to improve communication with employee. It support links with customers and partners. Employees can view up to picture information about the company and changes being made. 10. Extranet for communication wit h Fords suppliersThis communication links with both their input and sidetrack connections. For example, our Toyota Car Company will have communications with our suppliers of raw materials and spare part and with all of our customers. As our organization grow, the number of communication links with the outside milieu increases. It is important that the extranet communication should be integrated with the internal communication.For examples, our received an order from a supplier (external communication) has to be processed and put to death within the organization (internal communication) and then the documents of gross revenue, plans and circular have to be sent to the customer (external communication). So, external communication is preferred need that communicates with suppliers and customers. Extranet communication helps in improve company efficiency and output by automating procedures that were done manually in the past. They can help in improving relationships with main or p otential suppliers by giving them correct, comminuted and efficient information. This helps in cutting down the meetings time and is also helpful when doing our business having with partners located in different countries and in different time zones.11. telecommunicate for sending press releases to the national pressThis netmail with the development of electronic office communication based on computers, the ability to send and receive messages. We are using internal email to send to national press for to develop to know that many another(prenominal) different kinds of Toyota car. As use email, we will aristocratical to link with our customers and suppliers. Email communication has many advantages such as emails it the most wide used application on the internal. Email communication has many advantages such as email is the most wide used application on the internet. It can thriving to get embarrassing comments. Email communication is effective to business. It is simple to dist ribute information such as many kinds of car designs. And then the person can also order news car from passing email. So, we also need email to send press releases and send national press.The organization charts are also need to show for business. Organization charts is very important to an organization. An organizational structure should enable the organization to change or to respond according to its environment. If it is very effective it is called a flexible structure. primarily there are two types of structure. They are organic structure and mechanistic structure. It has few rules and regulations, encourages employee teamwork, and decentralizes decision making to employees doing the job.The Business ontogeny Manager mention the percentage of sales from each regional sales office in North America are 15%, 22%, 18%, 28%, 7%, 10% . The total of this graph shows the total Toyota Sales for 2007. Advantages DisadvantagesPie chart They are visually very clear and of ten uncluttered with additional information. They are also very helpful to illustrate gain as they use percentages. They cannot use to equalise that whole with another. Not use to equal one year and another year products. commercial enterprise graph It shows specific value of data well. It reveal trends and relationships between data and compare trends in different groups of a variable. It can clearly show delusion set in the data. It usually simple to read and understand. It can also give you a nice visual authority of a function or equation. Line graph are confuse in business. It can only be used to show data over time. You can change the way the data of a line graph appears, by not using consistent scales on the axis. Labeling trends to deprave graphs, difficult to discern pick out values for data. Table It is easy to read and easy to compare the different types of production of years. It has exact numbers no points on a graph. It does not click with the more visually-oriented audie nce. right off know that Boss has needed a check-list and need to prepare a kind of check-list let him know how we prepare that case. avocation is a sample check-list when we go to decease and then will explain how to improve the visual communication with new technology.ReferencesDownward Communication, Upward Communication, Horizontal Communication. on hand(predicate) on <http//www.internshipreportbd.com/2012/10/assignment-on-downward-upward.html > (27/6/2013) Group Conflict, Available on <http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Group_conflict> Bilugan, Renory L., 29.May.2011 Available on <http//www.studymode.com/essays/Horizontal-Vertical-And-Internal-Communication-In-995107.html> (27/6/2013)Types of Non-Verbal Communication. Available on <http//www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/nonverbal-communication.html> (27/6/2013) pinch Conflict Meaning and Phases of Conflict. Available on <http//www.managementstudyguide.com/understanding-conflict.htm> (27/6/2013) Sam, Alexander and eHow Contributor, Advantages & Disadvantages of a Pie Chart. Available on <http//www.ehow.com/list_6715678_advantages-disadvantages-pie-chart.html > (25/6/2013)Barriers to stiff Communication, Available on <http//www.marin.edu/buscom/index_files/Page585.htm > (25/6/2013)

Monday, January 7, 2019

Frankenstien Essay

When ii contrasting personalities are juxtaposed, it often results in the illumination of distinctive characteristics of the personalities, reflecting the theme of a literary work. In Frankenstein, by bloody shame Shelley, winner Frankenstein and The hellion are an type of this. As a foil to Frankenstein, The junky exhibits personality traits that greatly contrast those of Frankenstein.The portrayed sensitivity in the monster contrasts the self-centered behavior as Frankenstein his harsh ship canal are highlighted by the compassionate ones of The fanatic, and the reason shown in the dialogue involving The heller shows how chimerical Frankenstein can be, all relating to the theme of the convey for a balanced life. Throughout the novel, The Monster is characterized as a sensitive beingness he requires to be loved and resents the situation that he was rejected by Frankenstein.As he gains knowledge and begins to grow more than intelligent, The Monster comes to the realiza tion that Victor flea-bitten him, that he is unwanted. This frustrates him as he continually gets rejected by society. Although Victor seems to retrieve in truth highly of himself, The Monster has a very low self-esteem, I, the miserable and the abandoned, am an abortion, to be spurned at, and kicked, and trampled on (pg ), which stems from his rejection by both Victor and society as a whole.This character trait of The Monster makes the sort of selfishness of Victor, as it shows that, in his research for fame and glory, he was uncaring of the consequences. In creating The Monster, Victors intentions were not what they should have been rather of trying to create life in order to make the world better, he was doing is for the sole purpose of becoming a God-like person.His God-complex is apparent in other move of the novel as well, when he meets The Monster in the mountains and they have a chat about Victors want to destroy The Monster. As the conversation progresses, it is make clear that Victor is unwilling to compensate with the consequences of his actions in a rational manner. The Monster, obviously more intelligent at this point, acts as the adult in this situation, whereas Victor acts as a child with a very ego-centric view on the world.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

Protective Factors for Adolescents from Dysfunctional Family Dynamics Essay

The family is the major social unit for excited development in youngs. The family is an constituent(a) social trunk, held together by unshakable bonds of affection and caring at the same(p) beat, family members exercise control, approval, and dissent for each opposites actions (Husain &type A Catwell 1992). As leave-taking of this interaction, any(prenominal) family has a structure, whether impaired or functional, chaotic or rigid. This family organization helps it to carry through goals within a developmental time frame and to survive as a unit.Of all the flip-flops in family life during the twentieth century, perhaps the nigh dramatic and the most far- sullen-reaching in its implications-was the increase in the app lambast of disjoin. The increase in marital wantonness has had major implications for the settings in which chelargonn ar nurtured and socialized. The commentary of dysfunctional family, however, differs widely among the studies, comprising more popular definitions of negative rearing practices and altered family kinetics and specific and narrow criteria of family transition, socio-economic status and joyless(prenominal) marriage. II.There atomic number 18 children growing up in situations where the interactions between family members be far from healthy. The dynamics of a dysfunctional family send packing range from the very bizarre to the sublimely subtle. Children who argon developing both physically and mentally are misfits. The sad voice of this syndrome is that the children cave in very little guess as to what goes into the formation of their own personalities. They fill to play with the hand that is dealt. Too a great deal society waits until children have legion(predicate) geezerhood of physical or psychological subvert before trying to intervene.Once these children fetch to manifest their dysfunctional behaviors, it is often similarly late or extremely uncontrollable to turn them around. The key players in a dysfunctional family are, of course, the parents or parent. Dysfunctional parents go in all sizes and shapes, with the most overt being the alcoholic, the abuser, and the mentally disturbed. There is, however, a more subtle level of dysfunction in families (Husain & adenine Catwell 1992). Overprotective parents not only stifle the decision-making swear out with this mixed bag of behavior, they are everlastingly making their children live less than whole.Parents who always annoy decisions for their children-from deciding when they get up in the aurora or when it is time for the bath-are creating individuals who rely on some other to make their decisions-creating fol disordereders kinda of leaders. In families where dysfunctional rules are bang adhered to, individual development and expression is discouraged. Children in these families whitethorn reach young adulthood less prepared to function in intimate human relationships such(prenominal) as finish friend ships, dating and marriage.The persona of these premarital relationships contributes to singles decision to marry, and strongly auspicate marital satisfaction (Amato & Sobolewski 2001). In families where highly dysfunctional rules have promoted carbuncular family address, future relationships may be negatively influenced. A considerable amount of bills is being spent on the dose problem, but most of the m cardinaly is acquittance into law enforcement, incarceration, and rehabilitation programs. These are grave areas that take on funding however, there seems to be little emphasis on pr sluicetion.If we could raise a generation of children who were psychologically healthy, who respected themselves, and had high self-esteem, they would have no hope to engage in self-destructive behavior. It is unreserved economics-supply and demand-if we do not demand or desire drugs and alcohol, then the profit former erodes and suppliers volition disappear. Even if we took drugs an d alcohol off the streets, we would still have that segment of our confederation that is dysfunctional. These children are simply the products of their environment.If we are to change the way they view themselves and life, we must bring home the bacon them with a healthy environment in which to grow and learn. Its time parents and guardians are held responsible for the behaviors of children (Amato 2000). Parents, who do not show a reasonable amount of love, respect, and discipline toward their children should be identified and be made to gain some of the consequences of their childrens behaviors. III. It is estimated that over cardinal million Ameri advise adolescents- iodin in four-are extremely vulnerable to multiple high- bump behaviors and tame failure while another cardinal million are at obtain risk (Amato 2000).In todays society, adolescents are apt to become gnarly with damaging behaviors, particularly those associated with alcohol, drugs, sexual activity, sexually transmitted disease, and pregnancy. An authoritarian power structure is ace in which parents impose their determine upon their adolescent children. These children see the adults in the family as demanding and restrictive. Adolescents frequently have no pick but to break the rules. Even as the adolescent grows older, authoritarian parents have hindrance renegotiating outdated rules.Individuals with break parents are at increase risk of experiencing psychological problems in adulthood. Although good reasons exit for assuming that the quality of parent-child ties mediates some of the long-term negative make of parental divorce (Jekielek 1998). Unfortunately, along with these pressures, many young people lack counselor and support. The path to adulthood has been described as iodine of isolation. During adolescence, exploratory behavior patterns emerge. more of these behaviors carry high risks and have resulted in an unprecedented number of alcohol- related to accidents and scho ol dropouts. The need to develop self-esteem and inquiring minds among our early days has never been more necessary. It is our belief that every youth in our nation, poor or rich, advantaged or disadvantaged, should have the opportunity to make success, not just minimum competence. This is the contend to our society as a whole-our educational, community and social-support systems. However, it also is direct challenges to individuals to keep families maximize their potential.Unfortunately, many families are unable to sleep with with the problems faced by adolescents. Many adolescents are growing into adulthood alienated from others, and with low expectations of themselves. There is greater likelihood that they will become unhealthy, addicted, violent, and chronically poor (Amato & Sobolewski 2001). Equally disturbing is that adolescents from the more plastered communities are displaying similar problems. On the other hand, less advantaged families, in struggling to make a liv ing, do not have the time to build family relationships.In a time of great change, many parents are confused about their authoritys and relationships and are less aware of the new temptations faced by their adolescents (Jekielek 1998). IV. Marital dissolution is a process that begins before physical separation and continues later on the marriage is legally ended. These stressful hatful are likely to impact negatively on childrens psychological adjustment. Consequently, the comparatively high level of psychological wo among adult children who grew up in divorced families may represent a unreserved continuation of emotional problems that began in childhood. agnatic divorce negatively affects the quality and perceptual constancy of childrens intimate relationships in adulthood. The risk of marital severance is higher for those who go through parental divorce as children. Our shade presently provides largely negative role models for the divorcing family. Language for divorced f amilies lacks the capacity to rise a present relational system except in terms of a past relationship. The dramatic role proceeding and systematic reorganization necessitated by divorce puts stress on the whole family.This can bring on critical family dysfunction in all the major transitions. A dysfunctional family is defined as one in which the emotional needs of its members are not meet (Husain & Catwell 1992). It is fictional that this emotional abandonment has a mischievous effect on a childs development. The explication of the various losses experienced by children from these families is common. These losses include, but are not limited to, the loss of ones childhood, the loss of a relationship with oneself, the loss of security, and the loss of freedom.The loss of ones childhood, however, is simply indicative of a second and more significant loss, that of a nurturant parental figure (Amato 2000). quite than missing something they didnt have, this loss is a longing for a nd missing, an idealized and fantasy parent. Although parents in dysfunctional homes are physically present, they are emotionally absent, and therefore they are out of stock(predicate) to function as nurturant parents. contrasted a child who experiences the actual destruction of a parent, who eventually finds a alter parental figure, a child in dysfunctional home has no such substitutes.To compensate for this parentless home, children in dysfunctional homes may adaptively develop a fantasy parent, a good and nurturant parent, oftentimes like the invisible fantasy company that so many young children cause and enjoy. This fantasy parent is perhaps found on television characters or on characteristics of the parents of their peers. V. During the childrens adolescence, parents decision-making becomes even more difficult due to the complexity of such issues as discipline, schooling, and intimacy.The adolescents are constantly very vesting changes in the rules and in the process parents may disagree with each other. Adolescents are adept at recognizing this ambivalence and may play one parent against the other. approximately of the problems seen in dysfunctional families with adolescents also lapse in normal families however the post of dysfunction is much higher in families that have maladaptive methods of solving problems. In fact, in many dysfunctional families adolescence related issues are a continuation of introductory parental difficulties.However, an implicit goal for every family, even a very unhealthy one, is the growth and preservation of its members. The familys parameters tolerate continuous evaluation as the adolescent goes through a period of change-physiological, cognitive, emotional or behavioral. This period of change necessitates a series of psychosocial adjustments within the family, the major one focusing on the adolescents primary developmental task of nice independent from parents. References Amato, P. (2000). Consequences of di vorce for adults and children.Journal of jointure and the Family. Vol. 62 no(prenominal) 4 Nov. 2000 pp. 1269-1287. Amato, P. & Sobolewski, J. (2001). The effects of divorce and marital disagreement on adult childrens psychological well-being. American Sociological Review. Vol. 66 No. 6 Dec 2001, pp. 900-921. Husain, S. & Catwell, D. (1992). rudiments of child and adolescent psychopathology. Washignton, DC American Psychiatric Press. Jekielek, S. (1998). Parental conflict, marital disruption and childrens emotional well-being. Social Forces. Vol. 76 No. 3 Marc

Life Transitions Essay

The mesosystem is the second structure deep down Bronfenbrenners social ecologic prototype. Bowes &type A convert (1999) describe the mesosystem as the inter bloods in the midst of the indivuduals in the microsystem. There is direct collaboration among the respective(prenominal) and their relationships between their microsystem, their behaviors, expectations and values may differ with different experiences (Bowes, Grace & axerophthol Hayes 2012). Regarding my bread and butter vicissitude, the relationships between foot and school within the microsystem became stressful, causing a veto impact on myself. though when looking at figure 2, it is evident that after the stressors had ceased, a strong incontr overtible relationship occurred. This ex deoxyadenosine monophosphatele highlights how a negative relationship between devil aspects of the microsystem gutter dramatic tout ensembley intensify and become a powerful mesosytem agents to the separate tacking their evol ution. Other collateral relationships that still effect the individual ar seen in the exosystem.Garbarino (1992) describes the exosystem as a backdrop in which the individual is non straight complicated with, but still has an effect on them through the meso or microsystem. In terms of my life mutation, the relationship with my yield and his workplace from figure 1 does not affect me directly, though due to this my relationship with my father lessened throughout my transition to University for his working hours increased causing us to spend less beat together.The outer(prenominal) most relationships shown in figures 1 and 2 be known as the bigsystem. fit to Bowes, Grace & Hayes (2012) the macro system is the broad societal or cultural contexts, cultural beliefs systems and values that atomic number 18 passed through our micro and mesosystems. An example of my ain transition is the government fundings for rural students to hold away from home which allowed my financi al transition to be much smo other(a). The last distinguish structure to Bronfenbrenner social ecological model is known as the chronosystem. The chronosystem emphasizes the individuals changes or in any of the ecological contexts of development over cadence (Shaffer & Kipp 2006). An example of my own(prenominal) transition that was undertaken was the sudden death of my father. It not only changed myself as an individual, but allow continue to affect my across my life brace.Harms (2010) created some other multidimensional approach within Bronfenbrenners model which takes the individuals inner cosmos into consideration as well as their environment. Both Harms and Bronfenbrenners models display that though there atomic number 18 different dimensions of the models, they are both connected to each other in multiple ways. Gibsons theoretical modelling is another example of a spatial relation in human development. Both Bronfenbrenner and Gibsons theories involved the conc ept of there creation a strong relationship between the individual and their environment, both drive aspects that are focused in change over time Tudge, Gray, & Hogan (1997). Developmental receding is another example of a model base upon different dimentions. Harkness & Super, (1994) define a developmental time out as two processes that are unique to an individual. It is based upon 3 basic components, the physical and social settings, culturally regulated customs and the psychological science of the individual an example of a developmental niche would be the individual and their close friends as it was formed from mutual interests. In addition, the relationships between the structures of an individuals microsystem can withal impact in a like way.Furthermore when discussing individual development, the concepts of resilience and pic must be seen as factors. In terms of my individualized transition, I would haveoriginally been seen as vulner suitable, though due to inc reasing tutelar factors such as new relationships being formed from my microsystem level, I then would have been deemed resilient as I was able to thrive and adapt to the new change (Miller, Osbahr, Boyd, Thomalla, Bharwani, Ziervogel, & Nelson 2010).Life transitions occur in individuals lives due to a mental or environmental change in a particular time in their life. My personal transition that is being discussed was the move from senior high school and my home town, to moving to Bendigo and commence University studies. Bronfenbrenners ecological model was used to demonstrate the changed go about in terms of Microsystems, Mesosystems, Exosystem and Macrosystems. There are many other contributing factors that regulate an individual and their life changes, from other theories such as Harms model, as well as Gibsons, to the vulnerability or resilience of the individual. When taking all these aspects into my personal transition, it is clearly shown that my relationships, p sychological state and environment have all ended as positive and so becoming a positive transition.ReferencesBerry, J. O. (1995). Families and deinstitutionalization An performance of Bronfenbrenners social ecology model. diary of Counseling & Development,73(4), 379-383. Bowes, J, M., Hayes, A. (1999). Children, families and communities contexts and consequences. Melbourne Oxford University Press. Bowes, J., Grace, R,. & Hayes, A. (2012). The function of context in childrens development. Retrieved from http//0-www.lib.latrobe.edu.au.alpha2.latrobe.edu.au/ereserve/copyright2014/4140321.pdfBronfenbrenner, U. (1999). Environments in developmental perspective Theoretical and operational models. mensuration environment across the life span Emerging methods and concepts, 3-28. Bronfenbrenner, U. (1997). Ecological models of human development. Readings on the development of children, 1993, 37-43. Garbarino, J. (1992). Children and families in the social environment (2nd ed.). N ew York Aldine de Gruyter. Harkness, S., & Super, C. M. (1994). The developmental niche A theoretical framework for analyzing the planetary house production of health. Social science & medicine, 38(2), 217-226. Harms, L (2010) Understanding human development a multidimensional approach. Oxford University Press. Miller, F., Osbahr, H., Boyd, E., Thomalla, F., Bharwani, S., Ziervogel, G., & Nelson, D. (2010). resilience and vulnerability complementary or distant concepts?. Ecology & society, 15(3).Rosa, E. M., & Tudge, J. (2013). Urie bronfenbrenners theory of human development Its evolution from ecology to bioecology. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 5(4), 243-258. doihttp//dx.doi.org/10.1111/jftr.12022 Shaffer, D., & Kipp, K. (2006). Developmental psychology Childhood and adolescence. Cengage Learning Swick, K. J., & Williams, R. D. (2006). An analysis of Bronfenbrenners bio-ecological perspective for early childishness educators Implications for workin g with families experiencing stress. Early Childhood commandment Journal, 33(5), 371-378.Tudge, J., Gray, J., & Hogan, D. M. (1997). Ecological perspectives in human development A comparison of Gibson and Bronfenbrenner. Comparisons in human development Understanding time and context, 72-105.