Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Theme of Violence in the Poem Hawk Roosting by Ted Hughes Essay Example For Students
The Theme of Violence in the Poem Hawk Roosting by Ted Hughes Essay Animals are living things that we see in our everyday lives yet we dont seem to give them any importance. Very few people give them the respect they deserve. The poems I am going to compare are based on animals. The animals are given human qualities, which are done purposely by Ted Hughes to make us realize what we really are. Very few poets have chosen animals to take the lead roles in their poems. Ted Hughes is one of those few poets who have taken animals to play the lead role in his poems. Many of Ted Hughes poems have their subjects on predatory animals and birds. We will write a custom essay on The Theme of Violence in the Poem Hawk Roosting by Ted Hughes specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The latent feeling of violence and power in untamed creatures fascinated Hughes. In his poems, animals and birds are not decorative or incidental but central symbols of vitality. Pike and Hawk Roosting are the two poems of Ted Hughes, which I am going to compare. These two poems convey the theme of violence and power very clearly. The selfishness and self-centered attitude of the animals is another prominent theme in the play. These themes are brought out in various ways and various lines, Pike ted hughes. Both animals, the Hawk and the Pike make it very clear that they want to be the dominant creatures in their respected habitat. Ted Hughes always has most of the most of the poems he writes with the name of the animal as the title. He tries to convey messages through his title but few can understand the titles meaning without first reading the poem. The title of the first poem that is Pike is very straightforward. Through the title we know that the poem is based on a pike, which is a fish and on its life. But to understand the real meaning of the poem we have to read the first stanza of the poem. The repetition of the word pike in the very first line shows us the importance the pike gives to himself. We now know that the poem is going to be on the pikes lust for power and the path it will take to achieve it. The title of the second poem I am doing is Hawk Roosting. It is quite a good title. It deceives the reader because when we first read the title we get an impression that it is going to be a poem about a hawk that is resting. We are completely unprepared for what is going to be present in the poem. The title prepares us for a still life study of the bird that is supposed to be one of the most feared predatory birds in flight. But only after we read the poem we realize that the title has a different meaning. The hawk is only pretending to be asleep or at rest so that it could try to catch its prey by surprise. This shows us how devious and intellectual the hawk can be. The title is very deceptive and is able to surprise the reader. Hawk Roosting is a more interesting title than Pike which is very straightforward. In the first stanza of the poem Pike we see that the poet shows us the description of the Pike. Perfect, Pike in all parts, green triggering gold. Killers from the egg: the malevolent aged grin. The first line reveals to us the beauty of the pike. We now think that the pike is a good and beautiful fish. But that image is broken from our minds when we read the next line. This line killers from the egg completely changes our judgment towards the pike. We question ourselves, how could such a beautiful creature be so ruthless? We get the answer from the phrase Killers from the egg. Then the word malevolent also makes us feel ill of the pike just, as the pike likes to injury to others. The image of the good and beautiful fish is completely destroyed by the sudden contrast, and we are filled with the image of a ruthless murderer. Ted Hughes applies the same method in Hawk Roosting. From the title we get a picture of a hawk resting which is posing no threat to other animals. But when we read the last three lines of the first stanza this image we built up of the hawk suddenly changes. In action, no falsifying dream Between my hooked head and hooked feet: Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eats. These words are a complete contrast of what we understood from the title. We see that the hawk has no falsifying dream. The hawk must have a lot of mental power to keep false dreams away from his mind. This gives us the image that the hawk is a strong bird not only physically but also mentally strong as well. The hawks hooked head and hooked feet symbolize the hawks lust for power. The repletion of the word hooked emphasizes the deadly nature of the hawk showing that from top to bottom the hawk is completely filled with violence. The hawk also makes it clear of knowing what he wants even in his sleep. In sleep the hawk practiced perfect kills and eats. This shows us that the hawks mind is completely preoccupied with the thoughts of killing other animals. The first line I sit in the top of the wood shows us that the hawk is symbolizing the power that it has over the surroundings. The hawk and pike both have physical power. They use these powers to the full extent. The pikes life is subdued to instruments, its jaws hooked clamp and fangs. These lines show the killing instruments the pike has. Just as the hawk has a hooked head and hooked feet so to the pike has hooked jaws. These jaws are very handy in killing other pikes because pikes eat only other pikes. The fangs of the pike are so important to him that you can say that it was created just to kill. The hawk also uses its hooked head and hooked feet to kill its prey. The word hooked has a very forceful sound. The hawk uses its hooked head to kill its prey. The hooked feet are not only used to kill but to maintain its glory. My feet are locked upon the rough bark. This line very clearly portrays that the hawk has power over its surroundings. We see that the hawk is keeping everything under him. Through the words rough bark we see that even though the bark is tough to go through the hawk can easily penetrate through it. This is a sort of warning to show that any animal, which tries to oppose the hawk, will have to face the wrath of the hawk, something that can be very painful. We see that both animals use their killing instruments to the full capacity in order to maintain power and glory. In the poem Pike we see that the pike kills its own kind so that it can survive without any threat to its power. Three were kept behind glass, Suddenly there were two, finally one. These lines tell us that the pikes fought against each other so that in the end only the strongest will emerge as the winner. We see here that it is turning out to be the survival of the fittest. Only the best can live. The line kept behind glass refers to the pikes being kept in an aquarium. The aquarium is supposed to be a small world where there is little to gain and everything to lose. But the pike still kills the other two without any remorse. We see the pikes self-centered attitude. The poet gives us an even more vivid picture of the pikes brutality through the following phrase. One jammed passed its gill down the others gullet The outside eyes stared. These lines reveal to us the cruelty of the pike. The pike was slowly learning that in killing others he was slowly killing himself. The first line gives us a picture that the pike was squeezing the other pike down its own throat. Though the pike was choking to death, it wanted to kill the other pike and then die so that it would have the satisfaction of victory even though it might have died a few seconds later. This shows us that the pike has no feelings not for itself and not for others as well. In Hawk Roosting Ted Hughes uses forceful words such as tearing, death, etc. the cruelty of the hawk is brought out in the poem. .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5 , .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5 .postImageUrl , .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5 , .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5:hover , .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5:visited , .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5:active { border:0!important; } .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5:active , .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5 .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u97967a5ca29efc6d12e1a4515700d1f5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: I am going to explore conflict and violence between two families Montague Capulet EssayThe poem is a very strong one. The cruelty the two animals bring out in each poem is shown from the description of the way they kill. But in Hawk Roosting the killing is more effective and realistic because it is the hawks own narration we are witnessing. This enables us to get a clearer picture of the cruelty the hawk shows. We know the hawks procedure of killing through the quote: My manners are tearing off heads- The allotment of death For one path of my flight is direct Through the bones of the living. These lines clearly and vividly bring out the violent way in which the hawk kill s its prey. The word manners has a different meaning. It helps to intensify the cruelty of the hawk. Manners is a word that is used only to the good qualities of a person or in this case an animal. But in this case the word manners is used to bring out the cruelty of the hawk. The violence and cruelty of the hawk is further emphasized through the lines one path of my flight is direct through the bones of the living. These lines show us that when the hawk wants to kill it will kill without making mistakes. It is like torturing its prey because once you drive through the flesh the prey wont die immediately. It will be a slow and painful death. It will not give its prey a chance to escape. In these four lines the way the hawk kills is very powerfully emphasized. There is the use of alliteration by the repetition of the letter t. This can be showed through the words tearing, allotment, death, path, flight, and direct. The repetition of the letter t makes the character of the hawk seem more powerful. The words show that the hawk is an unmerciful and ruthless creature. Both animals the pike and the hawk show that they have no remorse at all while killing other animals. The poet Ted Hughes has brought out the lack of remorse the animals feel in each poem in a different way. In Pike the pike shows no remorse for killing fellow pikes because from birth itself it has been doing this and if it was killing from birth then it would not know the meaning of remorse. Whereas in Hawk Roosting the hawk feels that it has the right to kill other animals and if it has the right to kill other animals then it should not feel any remorse. In Pike the lack of remorse is brought out through these lines. With a sag belly and grin it was born with. And indeed they spare nobody. These lines show us that the lack of remorse is a part of the pike. It is like the pike has a gene, which prevents it from showing any remorse. The pike is grinning because it has killed another pike. So the pike is mocking the other pike for not being able to defend itself. The poet shows us that the pike may be powerful mentally as well because the grin could have been an outward appearance just to attack its victim. The line And indeed they spare nobody show us the cruelty the pike has and the way it kills any fish of its own species because it is afraid of losing its powerful position as leader of the place it lives in. his shows us that the pike is afraid of losing its position so he is not all powerful and fearless. The pike may lose its position anytime without even noticing it but this does not happen in the poem. It also shows that the pike is jealous because it is not willing to share its leadership with any other fish. In Pike the lack of remorse of killing others is shown directly but in Hawk Roosting the hawks lack of remorse is brought out by the hawks impression that it was born with the right to kill. So the hawk can kill anyone and anything and if it has the right then why show remorse. This is meaningless because if anyone was given the right to kill he/she would go on killing and there would be no way of stopping them because they have the right to kill. The hawk reveals his right to kill through the lines: I kill where I please because it is all mine. No arguments assert my right. These lines show the impression the hawk has. This is the reason why the hawk kills without mercy. The fact that no arguments can declare his rights shows that the hawk has a lot of power with nothing more powerful than it not even Creation. We know this when the hawk says, Now I hold Creation in my foot. The hawks violent power is not subject to any check or hesitation. The one path of the hawks flight is through the bones of the living. It is like an arrow or a bullet that destroys when leaving the weapon. Might is right and the hawk needs no arguments to justify its actions. The lines make the hawks philosophy of life very clear. Other creatures must die in order for it to live. The tone in both poems is very effective in bringing out the major themes, which are power and violence. The major role the tone plays is in the way the poems are being narrated. In Pike the narration of the poem is being portrayed by the poet and not by the pike. The poet may have been observing pikes before writing the poem and upon learning that pikes resemble humans in their violent nature he found a way to write the poem. He is comparing the pike to humans. In Hawk Roosting however the hawk itself is the speaker of the poem. It gives us the feeling that the hawk is speaking directly to us which is a very good technique used by the poet because the hawk itself is telling us that it has become like us, it has the same lust for power which, we have. Its monologue of plain, forceful words matches the arrogant frankness of the speaker. The hawk is arrogant because it is blowing its own trumpet on how powerful it is and on its right to kill. In one stanza we see the poet keeps three pikes behind glass. They are in an aquarium. Three we kept behind glass, Jungled in the weed: three inches, four, And four and a half: fed fry to them. Suddenly there were two. Finally one. The pike that is the character of the poem is three inches long. The other two pikes are bigger than it. The fact that the poet mentioned the size of the pikes clearly indicate that the poet was struck by the fact that the pike was able to kill and eat both the other pikes in quick succession. He is stunned by the fact that the smallest of the pikes would commit such a cruel thing as eating two other pikes bigger than itself. This shows us that size doesnt matter. Even small people may be strong enough to overcome and kill a person who is bigger. So the poet is trying to tell us never to rely on outward appearances. In Hawk Roosting the tone can more easily be recognized because the hawk himself is the speaker. The poem is in the form of an interior monologue so the tone can be more easily recognized through certain lines, which are there in the poem. It took the whole of Creation To produce my foot, my each feather: Now I hold Creation in my foot. We can easily make out the arrogant tone of the hawk through these lines. The hawk says that it took the whole of Creation to produce his foot and feathers yet instead of being grateful and being under the patronage of Creation for making him so beautiful, the hawk takes it for granted. The hawk thinks that Creation was there only to create him. The hawks gloating tone is pronounced in this stanza. .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008 , .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008 .postImageUrl , .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008 , .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008:hover , .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008:visited , .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008:active { border:0!important; } .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008:active , .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008 .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u6e51fed97d7b4306c050c4193575d008:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: media violence EssayCreation has produced its feet and feathers but instead of showing gratitude, the hawk gloats over its seeming ability to dominate Creation itself. In the fourth stanza the hawk arrogantly senses that in flight Creation revolves for it because it is all mine. Creation is only a killing ground for the hawk and like the air and sun simply exist as a tool that the hawk will use just to fulfill its destiny. But what the hawk does not know is that just as Creation created the hawk it can reduce to him to nothing as well but instead Creation let him get on with his life. The arrogant tone of the hawk is brought out through these lines as well. The convenience of the high trees! The airs buoyancy and the suns ray Are advantage to me And the earths face upward for my inspection. In this stanza there is a change in emphasis from the hawk itself to its surroundings. The hawk does not take pleasure in the high trees, the airs buoyancy, or the suns ray. They are there for the hawks convenience and advantage. Even the scene spread before the hawk is subject to the cold word inspection. This last line shows that the earth is under the inspection of the hawk because the hawk wants it to stay loyal to him. Then arrogance is shown in killing through the line: I kill where I please because it is all mine. The arrogance of the hawk is visible here where the hawk says that it can kill wherever it wants to. The hawk shows its arrogance because it feels that the earth is just a hunting ground for him. The tone of Hawk Roosting is arrogant. The arrogant tone gives is the picture of a bird sitting on the highest tree at the top and overlooking everything below him. He acts like he is a God who rules these creatures and can take their life whenever he pleases. Both poems were used to bring out the bad characteristics of human beings. People have always had the lust to have power and glory. Even now people still compete against each other to be the best and sometimes may go to any extent to be the best. They are even willing to break the rules not caring who they hurt as long as they are most powerful just as the hawk and pike want to be. The outer appearance of a person is what makes other people think either good or ill about him/her. A good looking and seemingly nice person may be cruel and malicious on the inside and a sinister looking man who is seemingly bad may have a good heart. Many people have been misjudged in this particular way. It is only when we know a person really well do we realize his inner personality and we still may be mistaken. In Pike and Hawk Roosting we witness two beautiful creatures on the outside but who are evil and violent on the inside. Both creatures like man show that they can deceive. The hawk appears to be asleep when he isnt and the pike has a grin on its face, which is a contrast to his real personality. There are people who are like this. They put on a fake outward appearance and then when you least expect it they stab you in the back. Another characteristic the hawk brings out that we humans have too is the tendency to take everything for granted. This is seen in Hawk Roosting where the hawk takes everything for granted. The poem tells how the hawk takes its body parts for granted just as we do. The hawk says, It took the whole of Creation to produce my foot, to produce my each feather. Like the hawk we feel that just because we have all our body parts we are perfect. We take them for granted never once thinking that we may lose one of these parts some time or another. Not only do we take our body for granted but we take our life as well. Everyday we wake up thinking that it is just another day but we must be happy because we are alive. But one thing is that we can lose this life anytime. Creation created us and if it wants to it can destroy us. The hawk also takes its life for granted. He feels he was created to rule over others, which is our thought too. We like the idea of being superior towards others but we dont like others to order us. But the most important aspect in human nature that is brought out by the pike and the hawk is on how the animals have so much brutality that they kill anyone who is a threat to its power and glory. This pint very clearly describes us humans. Some of us may go to any extent to get what we want. In Hawk Roosting the hawk does not care to hide the fact that it will kill or harm other animals and birds because he has the right to kill. No human has the right to kill so I feel the hawk cannot depict the real nature of humans. Pike however has the upper hand in depicting mans cruel nature. In Pike we see that he kills two other pike. Only the strongest will survive and only the strongest will have glory. Though most of us will not kill we will go to any extent to remove a person from coming between glory and us. If we know that he might achieve glory before us we may harm him in some way to remove the threat. Like R. L. Stevenson showed in Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, Man is not truly one, but truly two. This shows that we may have a good attitude to others but we can become evil if we want to. Outward appearances are very deceptive. The strongest pike will only win. This is a direct revelation of mans nature. Only the strongest, fastest, or smartest can win. There is no other way. Now also we see that men quarrel with each other to share power and glory that we can get in this materialistic world. What they dont realize is that the real riches are in the next world and not this. An example of being materialistic is the fight between India and Pakistan over Kashmir. If they held a plebiscite for people living in it they could vote for the country they want. But this cannot work because either country cannot bear defeat and so they will continue on fighting. This is just our nature. Just as the pike was born to kill so to are some men born in this way. Pike and Hawk Roosting are two poems, which very vividly displayed the violent nature and cruelty in wild animals. Ted Hughes conveys his message very clearly to those who can understand what he meant while writing the poems. Though Hawk Roosting used forceful words and was more violent, Pike still was the poem, which brought out the bad characteristics of man very well. Ted Hughes is a very good poet who wrote his poems really well. Though the poems have been written and people have read them they still dont understand the message he is trying to convey or they do understand but dont bother t o listen to it. The hawk and pike are two animals known for their violence and Ted Hughes portrays this violence very well in his poems.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Pi essays
Pi essays Over all the critics rather enjoyed this film just like any movie it did although have is flaws. Mostly critics liked the film the script is well-written and the central character is strongly developed (James Berardinelli 5). This shows that was the most talked about part of the film was the script. Every critic was highly captivated during the first half of the film. In addition as it concludes it begins to seem more spiritual like and it takes away from the first half. Pi is not a movie for everyone its not action packed like most of todays movies and visually appealing, it can throw you off. I couldn't tell if Max ever solved his mathematical problem, but I know that I didn't figure anything out. It's still a big puzzle (Joy Wyse 6). The film is in black and white, and it jumps from scene to scene (Joy Wyse 7).This shows why the movie is not for everyone it does become confusing to the people who like movies laid out for them. In addition this movie is more like a roll coaster it will take you on many twists and turns. Thou the camera work can be some what annoying it is filmed with a very expensive hand held this adds a lot of shakiness to the movies chase seines. Over all the critics rated this very high and Pi is the probably the best low budget film I have seen. Even thou its in black and white and shaky in parts I believe that added to the film. Darren Aronofsky has found what movies lack to day a plot thats not concealed with big explosions and big time actors. In my oppion all the special effects you need are in your head. Darren almost lets you make up parts of the story you have to think and thats some thing not found in to ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Organizational Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Organizational Justice - Essay Example Organizational Justice is the term used to define people's perception of fairness in an organization. The majority of studies on justice were conducted in the 1960's, but the majority of studies on justice in organizations have been published since 1990 (Charash 278). As it is a relatively newer field, it is surprising the number of studies that have been conducted, Charash mentions 400 studies and 100 theoretical papers. It is therefore obvious that it is an important topic in Business Management. There are three main types of Organizational Justice; distributive, procedural, and interactional (Charash 278, Henle 248). Distributive justice emphasizes the perceived outcome of fairness, and is mainly related to the cognitive, affective, and behavioral reactions to particular outcomes. When an outcome is perceived as unfair, it will affect the employee's emotions and ultimately their behavior in relation to the organization. Distributive justice fails the measure the interpretation of the methods of an organization, it only addresses the outcome. Procedural justice shifted the focus from emphasizing not only the outcome as with distributive justice, but rather the perceived fairness of the process by which the outcome was achieved. (Charash 280). It is simply defined as the fairness of the process by which outcomes are determined. ... They are; (a) the consistency rule; (b) the bias-suppression rule; (c) the accuracy rule; (d) the correctability rule; (e) the representativeness rule; and (f) the ethicality rule. It is worth noting that perception of unfairness in an organization's procedure will result in reactions directed toward the organization as opposed to distributive justice, where the reactions will be directed toward the decision maker. The third type of Organizational justice is interactional justice. Interactional justice pertains to the human side of organizational procedures (Charash 281). It is best explained as the way management is behaving toward the recipient of justice; it relates to the communication process between the source and the recipient of justice. Because interactional justice is determined by the interpersonal behavior of management's representatives, reactions are generally directed toward those individuals as opposed to the organization. It is difficult to determine a measurement of the justice in an organization as the interpretations of justice are subject to an individual's opinion. However, there are some determining factors. Perceptions of justice are influenced by many different variables including (a) outcomes one receives, (b) organizational practices, and (c) characteristics of the perceiver (Charash 282). An organization can be perceived to be unfair if an individual receives an outcome that they perceive to be unfair (ie. Don't receive a promotion they feel they deserve). A set guideline or practice of an organization can be perceived as unfair, such as no health care until a year's employment. The perception of fairness is most drastically colored by the individual who is examining the judgment; if they expect health
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Paper on Microbiological Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Paper on Microbiological Issue - Essay Example If any product is found unsafe for consumption, it has to be identified before it causes any damage. The exporters of that particular product must be identified and an appropriate action must be taken in order to ensure the safety of the consumers. This whole task becomes very difficult as there is a lack of communication between the authorities testing the food and he exporters of such food materials. "By proactively sharing information on contaminant and disease outbreak incidents, authorities may allow other countries to detect and respond to issues quicker and more effectively. The International Food Safety Authorities Network (INFOSAN) and Food Safety Emergency Network is a recent initiative of the World Health Organization that will facilitate information exchange and may enhance the control of international food safety incidents. "(Background, 13 March 2009). Most of these authorities are conservative and allow no scope for breach of their laws, it is extremely important in or der to ensure the satisfaction and good health of the consumers. When this topic is being discussed simultaneously in many countries, it becomes a boon in more ways than one. The regulatory authorities can establish standard norms when it comes to food safety and every country involved in this can chip in with their contribution.
Monday, November 18, 2019
W6 A566 Automated Collaborative & Expert Knowledge Management Systems Essay
W6 A566 Automated Collaborative & Expert Knowledge Management Systems - Essay Example se perspectives include: A focus on information communication technology support for the knowledge management life cycle and for certain organizational instruments which are implemented as part of a knowledge management initiative. The second perspective is a focus on the proposed analogy between human and organizational information processing, learning, and memory. The third perspective is a review of a set of functions that are part of knowledge management system as offered on the market. The fourth perspective is the extensions and the integration of existing software tools, such as intranet solutions, document management systems, workflow management systems, groupware, and communications systems (Maier 2007). According to Jawadekar (2011), knowledge management system is the process of managing knowledge in an organization in steps, starting with identification, validation, creation, acquisition, codification and transfer and measurement. It also involves the creation of intellect ual capital and converting some into intellectual property in order to meet the set business strategies and implementation. The purpose of knowledge management system is to support decision-making personnel and stake holders in the organization with the online ready access to the organization’s knowledge resources. It has development and management phases (Jawadekar 2011).The knowledge management system design has two components: knowledge development and knowledge management. The system is dynamic because knowledge varies from time to time and improves with the application in business. The phases of change and improvement are known as cycles. The definition of knowledge management system extends further to include the integration of knowledge in business operations and decision-making systems. Integration is happens through business rules, and formulae that are involved the decision-making framework. The KM life cycles provide basis for the definition of application areas from
Friday, November 15, 2019
How Do the Media Shape Public Attitude to Welfare Provision?
How Do the Media Shape Public Attitude to Welfare Provision? How do the media shape public attitudes to welfare provision? Research has shown that in previous spells of economic crisis that the public’s attitude to welfare provision grows more sympathetic (Taylor-Gooby, 2004, as cited in Clery, 2012: 2) and, therefore, during the current economic crisis within the UK, we would expect that this trend would continue. Clery (2012: 17), however, found that the public are more sceptical about the welfare system and that there is ‘less enthusiasm about public spending on all types of benefits and an increasing belief that the welfare system encourages dependence’. The media is widely cited as being a cause of this shift in public attitude to welfare provision. The ubiquitousness of the media gives potential to ‘educate, raise consciousness and shape public attitudes’ (Kinder, 1998 as cited in Bullock, 2001: 229) on issues, such as welfare, particularly when there is no personal experience or background knowledge of the issue. There are many news stories which highlight a high proportion of fraud within the welfare system, primarily focusing on single parents, unemployed and disabled. Benefit fraud has always been an issue but ‘there is very little evidence to suggest that fraud is a major problem.however, there is a widespread belief that the system is riddled with fraud’ (Spicker, 2011). Evidence from DWP (2014) suggests that official and claimant error is actually higher than benefit fraud within the UK (see Figure 1.1) and fraud by unemployed claiming Jobseekers allowance is at the lower end of the scale (Figure 1.2). Figure 1.1: Estimated percentage of expenditure overpaid due to fraud, claimant error and official error since 2005/06 Source: DWP Fraud and Error in the Benefit System: 2012/2013 (Great Britain) Figure 1.2: Which Benefit has the Most Fraud and Error Overpayment Source: DWP Fraud and Error in the Benefit System: 2012/2013 (Great Britain) Another frequent story within the British media is that of single mothers abusing the welfare system, thus labelling all single mothers and attaching a stigma of the ‘welfare queen who exploits the system to live a lavish lifestyle’ (Lipset, 1990, as cited in Bullock et al, 2001: 230). Wilthorn (1996, as cited Bullock et al, 2001: 234) demonstrated that welfare recipients are one of the most hated and stereotyped groups in contemporary society and a series on poverty by Parisi (1998, as cited in Clawson and Trice, 2000: 54) illustrated how the ‘media perpetuate stereotypes of the poor as lazy, sexually irresponsible and criminally deviant’. Larsen and Dejgaard (2013: 288) argue that such stereotypical images created by portrayal of welfare recipients in the media are difficult to remove and that they have a significant impact on the public determining whether they perceive claimants to be deserving or not. Stereotyping these groups ‘acts both as a justificatory device for categorical acceptance or rejection†¦to maintain simplicity in perception and in thinking’ according to Allport (1954; 1979: 192). Sotorovic (2000: 269) demonstrates, however, that journalists believe they accurately report on issues which are important and reflect the public’s point of view, however the opinion of Jones (2014: URL) contradicts this: ‘The Government and†¦the media have fed us a relentless, poisonous diet of â€Å"skivers†and â€Å"scroungers†, of the feckless and workshy hiding behind blinds, subsidised by you, the hard-working taxpayer, who have to get up in the morning and slog your guts out. It was the behaviour of those at the top of society which led to a surge in unemployment†¦ and hundreds of thousands driven to food banks in one of the richest countries on earth†¦. it is the behaviour of those at the bottom of society that has been scrutinised, poked, criticised, and demonised’. There are some claimants who take advantage of the system and live off the taxpayer, however the minority who do are thrown into the public’s eye through competitive truth-stretching headlines, selective reporting and pictures to provide ‘texture, drama and detailed images’ which illustrate the ‘taken for granted’ and the ‘goes without saying’ FIGURE 2: NEGATIVE VOCABULARY IN NEWSPAPER ARTICLES ON WORKING AGE BENEFITS: CONSISTENT TITLES, 1995-2011 Source: Turn2Us (2012: 41) (Clawson and Trice, 2000: 55), giving the perception that the UK has a culture of worklessness. The idea of ‘worklessness’ could be dispersed by the results of a survey conducted by the IFS on the UK benefit system where it was found that the majority of the welfare budget was paid to the elderly (42.3%), and only 2.57% paid to the unemployed (IFS, 2012: URL). Respondents in a poll carried out by the TUC wrongly believed that 41% of the welfare budget was paid to the unemployed (TUC, 2013: URL). There has been an increase in negative language used by the media over the past 10 years (Figure 2) with language referring to non-reciprocity/lack of effort escalating at the time of New Labour’s third term reforms and the Conservative’s ‘Broken Britain’ agenda. It could be argued that this marked a shift in the public discourse of welfare in the UK to an ‘essentially individualistic ethic of responsibility’ (Dean, 2004: 78). The negative language seen within media in the UK does not appear cross-nationally. Larsen and Dejgaard (2013) argue that this is due to institutional models of welfare and the UK’s move from a soft social democratic regime to a harsh liberal one which creates deservingness discussions in the media, often highlighting laziness as the cause of poverty which may be due to the liberal ideologies of individualism and responsibility. The study found that media within the contrasted Nordic social democratic countries tended to focus on welfare in a more positive light referring to the ‘deserving poor’, with no blame on the claimants. It would appear that the high levels of perceived undeservingness and the negativity towards the poor and welfare recipients may be due to the means-tested and non-contributory welfare system in the UK (Larsen, 2006, as cited in Larsen, 2013). Larsen (2013: 298) also suggested that political orientation may be reason for the negative depict ion within the media, particularly given the scandals surrounding the Murdoch Empire. At the time of the Conservative’s election manifesto, The Sun Newspaper publicly announced that they had lost faith in the Labour party and would support the Conservatives in the upcoming election (Brook and Wintour, 2009: URL) to fix the broken society which we live in. This support of one of the largest newspapers within the United Kingdom may have had a large impact on their reader’s opinion, shaping their belief that society was broken, and a change in government with subsequent welfare reform was required to make it better, rather than looking at the real broken Britain: the reasons for the economic crisis rather than focusing on the vulnerable, the reasons for high unemployment and the  £25b outstanding from wealthy tax dodgers. It leads to an argument whether the media should be able to publicly support any governmental party or whether they should remain impartial rather than inflict their political ideology onto the public. Liberal ideology and social class also had a strong influence in the reporting of two missing girls, Madeleine McCann and Shannon Matthews. Whilst both girls were around the same age, their different class backgrounds demonstrated media bias in the reporting of the two cases and there was belief amongst the media that Madeleine was worth more as she was from a middle class background and a substantially higher reward was offered for her safe return. On the other hand, Shannon’s disappearance was used as a political tool on ‘scroungers’ and ‘to fix broken Britain’ (Jones, 2012). The signs are that the media is and will become more dominated by the most privileged (The Sutton Trust, 2006) which will create further bias and inequality within the industry, therefore The National Union of Journalists need to toughen up, ensuring that journalists operate ethically and morally and not as they did in the Matthews case. The media has been the most widely cited cause of influencing public attitudes, it is however clear that there are other factors: ‘the image of claimants as social parasites was evident long before the press became a major factor influencing opinions; the rejection of the dependent poor goes much deeper’ (Spicker 1984, as cited in Turn2Us, 2012: 54). The media, policy and the public are interconnected and they can influence each other, however the media has the opportunity and the power to reach the widespread public through newspapers, television, social media etc. It stands that if the media continue to use their ideological-driven partisan reporting to fuel misconceptions rather than give facts, the era of welfare cuts and austerity will prolong with the eventual demise of the welfare state, as believed by almost 60% of voters in a survey by commissioned by Christian Think Tax, Theos (Press Association, 2014: URL). A healthy media would stand up to the powerful and we althy to change the myths and prejudices (Jones, 2014) and protect the vulnerable as the modern welfare state intended. Word count: 1478 References Allport, G W (1954/1979). ‘The Nature of Prejudice’. Cambridge, MA. Perseus Books. Brooke, S and Wintour, P (2009). ‘Sun turns its back on Labour after 12 years of support’, available at [accessed 18 February 2014]. Bullock, H E (2001). Media Images of the Poor, Journal of Social Issues, 57(2): 229-246. Clawson, R A and Trice, R (2000). ‘Poverty as we know it: media portrayals of the poor’. The Public Opinion Quarterly, 64 (1): 53–64. Clery, E (2012). ‘Are tough times affecting attitudes to welfare?’, British Social Attitudes: the 29th report, available from [accessed 27 December 2013]. Dean, Hartley (2004). Popular discourse and the ethical deficiency of Third Way conceptions of citizenship. Citizenship studies, 8 (1). pp. 65-82. Department of Work and Pensions (2014). Fraud and Error in the Benefit System: 2012/13 Estimates (Great Britain), available at [accessed 12 February 2014]. Institute of Fiscal Studies (2012). A Study of the UK Benefit System, available at [accessed 16 February 2014]. Jones, O (2014). ‘Benefits Street: A Healthy media would stand up to the powerful and wealthy. Ours targets the poor and voiceless’, available at [accessed 12 January 2014]. Jones, O (2014). ‘Owen Jones: My latest battle to stop the demonisation of people on benefits’, available at [accessed 18 February 2014]. Jones, O. (2012). ‘The strange case of Shannon Matthews’, Chapter 1 in Chavs. The demonization of the working class, London and New York: Verso. Larsen, C A and Dejgaard, T E (2013). ‘The institutional logic of images of the poor and welfare recipients: A comparative study of British, Swedish and Danish newspapers’, Journal of European Social Policy, 23(3): 287-299. Press Association (2014). ‘Voters gloomy on future of welfare’, available at [accessed 20 February 2014]. Sotirovic, Mira (2000). Effects of Media Use on Audience Framing and Support for Welfare. Mass Communication and Society, 3(2-3): 269-296. Spicker, P (2011). ’How social security works: An introduction to Benefits in Britain’. Bristol, The Polity Press. The Sutton Trust (2006). ’The Educational Backgrounds of Leading Journalists’, available at [accessed 2 February 2014]. Trade Union Congress (2013). YouGov/TUC Survey Results: Welfare Poll, available at [accessed 16 February 2014]. Turn2Us (2012), ‘Benefits Stigma in Britain’, available at [accessed 27 December 2.014].
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
A Rose for Emily Essays -- A Rose For Emily, William Faulkner
Desperation for love arising from detachment can lead to extreme measures and destructive actions as exhibited by the tumultuous relationships of Miss Emily in William Faulkner's â€Å"A Rose for Emily†(rpt. in Thomas R. Arp and Greg Johnson, Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense, 9th ed. [Boston: Wadsworth, 2006] 556). Miss Emily is confined from society for the majority of her life by her father, so after he has died, she longs for relations that ironically her longing destroys. The despondency and obsession exuded throughout the story portray the predicament at hand. Miss Emily's relationship with her father is a key factor in the development of her isolation. As she is growing up, he will not let anybody around his daughter, particularly young suitors. The town assumes his decision is due to the idea that â€Å"the Griersons [hold] themselves a little too high for what they really [are]†to the point that â€Å"none of the young men [are] quite good enough†(559). Because Emily's father keeps her from everyone, she becomes very attached to him. He dies when she is nearly thirty, her only companion gone. Her strong bond to him is so severe that after his death, she denies he was dead at all and will not give his body up to the authorities for three days. The town observes that because she has â€Å"nothing left, she would have to cling to that which had robbed her,†meaning Emily is so desperate for a companion that when her father is gone, she has nothing left to cling to but him (559). However, he has a lasting effect on h er that contributes to her isolation. He instills the Grierson pride, so Daugherty 2 that she often does not interact with others. His influence is â€Å"too virulent and too furious to die†(562). Emily has a ... ...ther is concerned, he denies her the chance for love and detaches her from society. Partial blame can be placed on the attitude he instills in her so that she possesses the â€Å"dignity of the last Grierson†(560). She holds herself above others in the town, save Homer. The town's fickleness and disconnection towards her push her further into isolation. All of these factors finally result in the relationship with Homer. She is so desperate for contact and for love that when she finds them, she is terrified of their leaving. She is pushed then to kill Daugherty 4 Homer, so that love will never leave her again. Miss Emily is a desperate individual formed by the relationships that isolated her, which resulted in her extreme actions. Emily and Homer's shortâ€â€yet long livedâ€â€relationship reveals a common effect of love denied and confinement from contact: destruction.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Septic Shock And Kidney Injury Health And Social Care Essay
Systemic inflammatory response syndrome ( SIRS ) is expressed as febrility or hypothermia, tachycardia, tachypnea which may be associated with leucocytosis or leukopenia. SIRS generates broad spread inflammatory reaction in organic structure in response to external abuse which is protective for an person when its effects are restricted to pathogens, in other state of affairss inflammatory reactions are hurtful when they are directed against normal tissues in add-on to pathogens. [ 1,2 ] SIRS can ensue from legion conditions but termed as Sepsis, merely when infection sets in and morbific agent is detected. Sepsis consequences from an single response to external infection, which begins with systemic redness ab initio, followed by curdling abnormalcies and eventually deranged fibrinolysis. When sepsis causes one or more organ disfunction, the syndrome is termed Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome ( MODS ) or terrible sepsis. [ 3 ] Sepsis-induced hypotension which is furnace lining to f luid boluses is termed Septic daze. Hypothermia associated with infected daze indicates hapless tegument and visceral perfusion, is normally associated with hapless forecast and high mortality rates of up to 30 to 40 % . Several serum biomarkers suggested holding diagnostic or predictive value in infected daze, but a unequivocal biomarker for everyday clinical usage is yet to be identified. One such marker is serum lactate which indicates pronounced hypoperfusion and tissue hypoxia in infected daze. Similarly serum Creatinine should besides be considered as marker of lessening organ perfusion in sepsis and Acute Kidney Injury should be regarded as index of ongoing organ harm and likely possibility of oncoming of infected daze. [ 4 ] AKI is due to sudden and drastic decrease in kidney map ( within 48 hours ) characterized by absolute addition in serum Creatinine ( & gt ; 50 % from baseline ) or a decrease in urine end product ( oliguria of & lt ; 0.5 ml/kg/hour for & gt ; 6 hours ) . Nephritic hypoperfusion and ischaemia during infected daze amendss nephritic tubules taking to acute cannular mortification ( ATN ) and have been demonstrated to be a common etiologic factor for AKI development during sepsis [ 5,6 ] . ATN was found to be a consistent histopathological determination in these patients, this would strongly propose that ischaemia and nephritic tubular cell mortification are likely an of import pathogenetic mechanism. [ 7,8 ] Acute kidney hurt have marked impact on the result of critically sick patients. Disease badness tonss such as the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation ( APACHE II ) and Sequential Organ Failure Assessment mark ( SOFA ) both have included nephritic disfunction as forecaster of morbidity and mortality ; on the other manus liver disfunction tonss, coagulopathy, thrombocytes and other critical organ maps are non much stressed in APACHE II hiting system. To set up a unvarying definition of nephritic harm, RIFLE categorization was formulated which characterizes Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss and End-stage Kidney ( RIFLE ) . [ 9 ] An of import facet of the RIFLE categorization is that it grades the badness of acute kidney hurt on the footing of alterations in serum creatinine and urine end product from the baseline status. [ 10 ] Urine end product is an of import physiologic mark of organic structure fluid position, and unstable instability is common in critically sick patients due to extravasation of fluid into extravascular infinite or due to 3rd infinite losingss and eventually the nephritic disfunction. This farther suggest that reduced organ perfusion in infected daze plays a cardinal function in development of AKI taking to cut down creatinine clearance and increased serum creatinine degrees. [ 11,12 ] In this survey we compared increasing serum creatinine degrees with plasma lactates and SOFA tonss to observe oncoming of sepsis and infected daze and to prove the hypothesis that ongoing acute kidney hurt can bespeak reduced organ perfusion and oncoming of infected daze in critically sick patients.Patients and Methods:This survey was carried out to happen a correlativity between lifting serum creatinine degrees and oncoming of infected daze in 115 critically sick patients admitted in ICU and were managed following Surviving Sepsis guidelines. [ 13 ] Human ethical blessing was taken by the institutional moralss commission. Written informed consents were obtained from control topics and patients or their relations. The control groups were the healthy relations attach toing the patient. Entire 90 controls were taken, among them 65 were males and 25 females with a mean ( SD ) age of 36.5 ( 8 ) old ages. Among patient group 67 were males and 48 females with mean ( SD ) age 37.5 ( 6 ) old ages. Patients included in our survey had either of the undermentioned characteristics: ( 1 ) Clinical characteristics proposing infection ; ( 2 ) Core temperature & gt ; 38AÂ °C or & lt ; 35AÂ °C ; ( 3 ) Heart beats & gt ; 100/min ; ( 4 ) Respiratory rates & gt ; 30 breaths/min or demand for supportive mechanical airing and ( 5 ) Inadequate organ map or daze within 12 hours of registration. Patients excluded were: ( 1 ) aged patients older than 75 old ages ; ( 2 ) NYHA category III or IV patients ; ( 3 ) liver inadequacy ( Child C ) ; ( 4 ) HIV, HBsAg positive serology, Cancer patients. Demographic characteristics like age, sex, primary site of infection, morbific beings and disease badness scores including Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation Scores ( APACHE II ) and Sequential Organ system Failure Assessment mark ( SOFA ) were recorded for each patient ‘s at the clip of admittance in ICU and later. The plasma of these patients was tested for serum creatinine and lactates degrees at the clip of entry in ICU, so after every 24 hours till their stay in ICU. All the samples collected and patient inside informations gathered during the survey were coded to look into for prejudice and patient confidentiality was maintained as per the guidelines for surveies of human patients. Blood sample aggregation: First blood sample was collected prior to get down of antimicrobic, steroid therapy or vasopressors. Blood samples were collected from cardinal venous line ( 9 milliliter ) into sterilized tubings incorporating 1ml trisodium citrate ( TSC ) at the clip of patient admittance I ICU and later. Plasma was separated by extractor at 10,000 revolutions per minute for 15 min. The plasma was stored at -70AÂ °C for farther analysis and repeated freezing melt of samples was avoided in order to forestall debasement of plasma.Statistical analysis:The informations were analyzed by nonparametric analysis of discrepancy ( ANOVA ) with Newman-Keuls multiple comparing post-test. The relation between serum creatinine degrees, plasma lactates and APACHE & A ; SOFA mark was tested by finding the Pearson correlativity coefficient ( R ) . A P-value of less than 0.05 was considered important. Entire information recordings were obtained in triplicate and consequences of computation s are reported as agencies and criterion divergence up to two denary points. All statistical analyses were performed with the Graph Pad InStat 5.0 demo plan ( Graph Pad Software, USA ) .Consequences:Among 115 patients admitted in ICU during the period April 2009 to May 2010, 45 patients were of SIRS, 39 patients were in sepsis and 31 patients in province of infected daze ( Table 1 ) . Sepsis was diagnosed on the footing of specific civilization studies from assorted possible sites of infection, including blood civilization study. Out of 115 patients studied there were 67 male patients and 48 females with a mean ( SD ) age of 37.5 ( 6 ) old ages. Mean serum creatinine degrees in healthy control group was 0.83 AÂ ± 0.26 mg/dl, runing from 0.4 to 1.6 mg/dl. In SIRS group, the average serum creatinine degrees were 3.45 AÂ ± 1.26 mg/dl, runing from 1.2 to 6.2 mg/dl ( Figure 1 ) . The APACHE II and SOFA score correlated linearly with serum creatinine degrees ( r2=0.74, P & lt ; 0.001 for APACHE & A ; r2=0.69, P & lt ; 0.001 for SOFA ; Figure2 ) bespeaking nephritic hurt with badness of redness. In sepsis patients average degrees were 7.15 AÂ ± 1.3, runing from 4.0 to 9.3 mg/dl. Pearson ‘s coefficient showed additive correlativity of serum creatinine and sepsis badness tonss ( r2 = 0.65, P & lt ; 0.001 for APACHE and r2 = 0.62, P & lt ; 0.001 for SOFA ; Figure2 ) . In patients of infected daze with nephritic disfunction really high serum creatinine degrees were observed with mean of 10.31 AÂ ± 2.29 mg/dl with values runing from 6.0 to 15.2 mg/dl, these values were significantly ( P & lt ; 0.01 ) higher than those with sep sis ( 7.01 AÂ ± 1.3 mg/dl ) , SIRS ( 3.49 AÂ ± 1.10 mg/dl ) and the control group ( 0.83 AÂ ± 0.26 mg/dl ) . Detection of metabolic acidosis in arterial blood gas analysis was evaluated farther by blood lactate appraisal ( Figure 3 ) . Blood lactate degrees in SIRS group were ( 5.14 AÂ ± 1.24mmol/L ) with scope from 2.2 to 7.8 mmol/L. Similarly blood lactate degrees in sepsis ( 7.73 AÂ ± 1.4mmol/L ) and infected daze group ( 9.53 AÂ ± 1.2mmol/L ) were significantly high ( 95 % CI in sepsis 7.25 to 8.21 ; daze 8.9 to 10.16 mmol/L ) . In control group mean values were 0.93 AÂ ± 0.39mmol/L ( 95 % CI 0.84 to 1.0 mmol/L ) . In order to detect a relation between extent of nephritic hurt and oncoming of infected daze, creatinine clearance ( taken as step of nephritic map ) was so compared with blood lactate degrees ( taken as index of anaerobiotic metamorphosis and daze ) , Pearson ‘s coefficient showed reverse relation between lifting lactate degrees and Creatinine clearance in patients with terrible sepsis and infected daze ( Figure 4 ; r2=0.48, P & lt ; 0.001in sepsis ; r2=0.56, P & l t ; 0.001in infected daze ) . The patients included in this survey were non given any nephrotoxic drugs and drug dose were modified as per criterion chronic nephritic disease guideline to forestall farther nephritic hurt [ 14 ] .Discussion:Patients come oning to infected daze during their stay in ICU may hold altered sensorium, deranged liver map, malabsorption syndrome or may hold respiratory trouble. It was observed in our survey that all such patients with infected daze have one common characteristic of crazed kidney map with AKI. The pathophysiology of AKI in infected daze is ill understood due to miss of histopathologic information, which in bend requires nephritic biopsy to observe any parenchymal or vascular alterations in nephritic tissue ; such biopsies are non routinely performed in most ICU set up. [ 15,16 ] In absence of such information, we performed an indirect appraisal of nephritic map during oncoming of infected daze. These observations were based on serum creatinin e degrees and creatinine clearance which was so correlated with disease badness tonss ( APACHE II and SOFA ) and serum lactate degrees ( index of anaerobiotic metamorphosis and daze ) . Assorted carnal surveies of AKI have been done which helps in more complex and invasive measurings of nephritic maps. [ 17 ] Most of these carnal surveies were based on either ischemia-reperfusion hurt or drug induced hurt and informations generated from such surveies may assist us in understanding the pathophysiology in a infected patient with AKI. A major paradigm developed from these observations in animate beings and worlds with daze is that AKI is due to nephritic hypoperfusion and ischaemia. This fact supported our position of utilizing AKI as index for decreased organ perfusion and oncoming of infected daze. [ 18 ] Under basal conditions blood flow to kidney is 360 ml/min/100gm of tissue where as blood flow to encephalon ( 50ml/min/100gm ) , bosom ( 70ml/min/100gm ) , lungs ( 25ml/min/100gm ) and liver ( 95ml/min/100gm ) . [ 19 ] Among all the variety meats, kidneys have really high flow rates, approximately three times higher than other critical variety meats, therefore metab olic maps of kidneys were more likely to be affected earliest by decrease in blood flow during infected daze, this may ensue non merely in a decrease in glomerular filtration but besides, in metabolic impairment perchance doing cell decease, acute cannular mortification and terrible AKI. [ 20 ] Glomerular filtration rate ( GFR ) is governed by glomerular filtration force per unit area, which in bend is determined by the relationship between the sensory nerve and motorial arteriolas. When the sensory nerve arteriola constricts due to hypoxia in infected daze, glomerular filtration force per unit area will fall and urine end product and GFR will besides diminish, ensuing reduced creatinine clearance and increased serum creatinine. [ 21 ] Arterial lactate concentration correlates with badness of infected daze and reflects metabolic changes associated with hemodynamic via media. Therefore, the association between high lactate degree and diminishing creatinine clearance are built-in to the badness of the daze and of multi-organ failure. [ 22 ] In add-on, epinephrine extract during infected daze besides enhances lactate production by itself ; the higher adrenaline dosage required in more terrible patients may besides hold contributed to this association. Following the natural history of infected daze in most ICU, it is impossible to happen patients deceasing of infected daze but without nephritic failure, the huge bulk of patients deceasing of multiorgan failure has a outstanding nephritic constituent and requires nephritic replacing therapy during their class in ICU. Renal biopsy during infected daze is non performed routinely because of important hazards owing to azotemic or infected coagulopathy and patient instability. However, this restriction does non impair the relevancy of our observations sing the pathophysiology of infected daze, as kidneys have highest blood flow per gm of tissue and AKI is changeless characteristic of terminal phase multiorgan failure so any via media in nephritic map in critically sick patients should be considered as indicant of decreased organ map and likely oncoming of infected daze.Decision:Kidneies are invariably involved in multiorgan failure of infected daze. Nephritic lesions associated with AKI in infected daze are more complex than the simple ague cannular hurt, so reduced creatinine clearance should be regarded as index of underlying mechanism of decreased organ perfusion and likely possibility of oncoming of infected daze in critically sick patients. Recognition: We thank ICMR, New Delhi for patronizing the MD PhD undertaking. Furthermore we thank Professor Shally Awasthi, Faculty Incharge, Research Cell CSMMU, Lucknow for her changeless moral support and counsel to research chaps.Table 1:Control( n=90 )Sir( n=45 )Sepsis( n=39 )Septic daze( n=31 )Age ( old ages ) 38.5AÂ ±8 37.3AÂ ±4 36.2AÂ ±7 39.1AÂ ±4 Heart rate ( beats/min ) 94AÂ ±2.3 116 AÂ ± 16 118 AÂ ± 32 124 AÂ ± 32 Respiratory rate ( breaths/min ) 16AÂ ±3.2 30 AÂ ± 8 24 AÂ ± 6 28 AÂ ± 4 Mean Blood Pressure ( mm Hg ) 90 AÂ ±10.2 89.2 AÂ ± 14.3 98.3 AÂ ± 12.5 68.8 AÂ ± 23.3 Serum Creatinine ( mg/dl ) 0.8AÂ ±2.3 3.49 AÂ ± 1.1 7.0 AÂ ± 1.3 10.12 AÂ ± 2.2 Lactates ( mM/L ) 0.93 AÂ ± 0.39 5.14 AÂ ± 1.24 7.73 AÂ ± 1.4 9.53 AÂ ± 1.2 APACHE II mark–25.23AÂ ±6.6 28.03AÂ ±6.2 30.0AÂ ±6.3 SOFA mark–10.89AÂ ±3.4 13.52AÂ ±3.2 13.11AÂ ±2.8Legends:Table 1: Patients demographic features ( Mean AÂ ± SD ) Figure 1: Average serum creatinine ( mg/dl ) . Differences in average plasma degrees among each group was statistically important ( ** P & lt ; 0.001 ) Figure 2: Serum creatinine degrees increased as the badness of disease increased, it correlated linearly with disease badness tonss ( APACHE II & A ; SOFA ) . Figure 3: Average blood lactate ( mM/L ) . Differences in average blood degrees among each group was statistically important ( ** P & lt ; 0.001 ) . Figure 4: Creatinine clearance compared with lifting blood lactate degrees. It correlated reciprocally with blood lactate degrees.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on South V. West
CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM The campaign finance system is corrupted. Spending is out of control, and there are various loopholes in federal campaign finance law. Money buys access and influence, which effectively causes the majority of Americans to have no real capacity to influence public policy. State and federal legislation is needed to fight corruption and unjust influence, to ensure the public’s right to know where a candidate’s money comes from, to enable all candidates to compete equitably in elections, and to allow maximum citizen participation in the political process. Rock the Vote believes that the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill, in its current state, should be the first piece of legislation signed into law in 2001. Bolder approaches could include: reducing the duration of political campaigns; requiring television and radio stations to air campaign advertising free of charge as a condition for maintaining their broadcast licenses; barring campaign advertising from the ai rwaves altogether; or placing strict limits on the amounts of money that can be spent by candidates and any and all of their supporters. Rock the Vote supports passing comprehensive legislation for meaningful campaign finance reform. The Mccain-Feingold bill proposes to end the soft money system by prohibiting candidates and national political parties from raising soft money. Soft money is a financial contribution intended to be used for issues advertising that dies not advocate on behalf of, or against, a specific candidate. Political parties currently use the legality of soft-money donations as a loophole in current campaign finance law, finding ways to channel this money into candidates' campaigns. The McCain-Feingold bill prohibits state political parties from spending soft money on activities which affect federal elections, The Current practice of raising unlimited soft money cont... Free Essays on South V. West Free Essays on South V. West CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM The campaign finance system is corrupted. Spending is out of control, and there are various loopholes in federal campaign finance law. Money buys access and influence, which effectively causes the majority of Americans to have no real capacity to influence public policy. State and federal legislation is needed to fight corruption and unjust influence, to ensure the public’s right to know where a candidate’s money comes from, to enable all candidates to compete equitably in elections, and to allow maximum citizen participation in the political process. Rock the Vote believes that the McCain-Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill, in its current state, should be the first piece of legislation signed into law in 2001. Bolder approaches could include: reducing the duration of political campaigns; requiring television and radio stations to air campaign advertising free of charge as a condition for maintaining their broadcast licenses; barring campaign advertising from the ai rwaves altogether; or placing strict limits on the amounts of money that can be spent by candidates and any and all of their supporters. Rock the Vote supports passing comprehensive legislation for meaningful campaign finance reform. The Mccain-Feingold bill proposes to end the soft money system by prohibiting candidates and national political parties from raising soft money. Soft money is a financial contribution intended to be used for issues advertising that dies not advocate on behalf of, or against, a specific candidate. Political parties currently use the legality of soft-money donations as a loophole in current campaign finance law, finding ways to channel this money into candidates' campaigns. The McCain-Feingold bill prohibits state political parties from spending soft money on activities which affect federal elections, The Current practice of raising unlimited soft money cont...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Dissertation A dissertation is always a challenge for college students. Here is a short dissertation writing guide to make this task easier. In case you need professional help team is always there for you! For any student that is about to write a dissertation, there is a lot of information that you have to assemble ensure your paper includes the relevant data for a dissertation. You also have to make sure that your work is well-researched and then it’s going to be clearly structured. Here are a few tips to guide you through the dissertation writing process. What Is a Dissertation? You might ask, â€Å"What is a dissertation and how do I set it up?†It’s best to read through sample instructions first so you understand how to read your dissertation and the difference between a dissertation and the thesis to help guide you in your work. Dissertations, so that you know, are the documents that are going to be required for you to earn your Ph.D. This document is going to be something that will generally be published but it also is going to help you to specialize in your particular field of study. DISSERTATION WRITING You may be wondering what a completed dissertation looks like. There are plenty in the library for you to peruse. When you examine them, notice how varied they are. But student life is too short to spend it in libraries, you can always count on us our professional writers will gladly help you to conduct research. Thesis vs. Dissertation The dissertation is not the same as writing a thesis because a thesis is on a smaller scale and it’s something that’s required for graduate school. This is not the same as a dissertation which is required for your Ph.D. to get your doctorate. To give you a better understanding of the difference between a dissertation and a thesis, your dissertation is a very lengthy document that will help you get your doctoral degree at the particular college or university that you’re studying at. When you study for a thesis, and you want to prepare a thesis, this is completely different because it’s a smaller paper that’s going to help you to support a particular argument. You may look for research on a topic and expand upon that based on what you find online and other information. How to Structure and Outline a Dissertation? In understanding how to structure an outline a dissertation, there are several key steps to consider and that’s one of the reasons why you want to take your time and set up all of the different parameters so that way you have all of the information that you need. Your dissertation outline is going to help guide you through your work. That’s why you need a thorough understanding of how it needs to be structured because you actually need an outline which is more like a linear plan that’s going to guide you through. DISSERTATION FORMAT In terms of how to structure your dissertation, you want to definitely be organized in your work, because there a lot of different sections that you have to work on. You want to build the language for your work and you also want to look at the different types of academic supporting documents you are going to use in your dissertation. How to Write a Dissertation? In understanding how to write a dissertation, there are a lot of different areas that you can tap into, but it’s best to go from the introduction to the conclusion to help you to better understand how to draft your paper in a streamlined way so that it structured and it’s clearly focused. Introduction. The introduction is where you want to discuss what the topic is and why you are studying it. You can also mention what your focus is. Research Question. You are going to have a research question and this is going to be the area where you’re going to ask a question and you going to explain and define all of the terms that you’re going to use throughout your dissertation. Literature References. You’re going to outline the particular parameters of literature that you’re using so this is the area where you’re going to have your literature references. As you can see this is already different from a thesis paper or a regular research paper where you would have your references at the end because this is the section where you’re going to include your key references, and who is behind any underlying theoretical ideas that you might be using. Research Methodologies. You are going to have your research methodologies. This will be the area where you may decide how you want to argue your paper and whether not you want to use pros and cons, where you pick one side versus the other. You may want to stress the analysis of the particular data that you’re using, and you may want to use the presentation of your data in terms of explaining what you found in the results that you were able to come up with. Supporters. This is a section that’s devoted to supporters for the document. You may have counter arguments that you found in your research that goes against your beliefs or states how their opinion is worded and conclusions that they came to. You can also point out your own point of view and then your argument to support your beliefs and what you may find in common with other theorists and what they come up with. Conclusions. You’re going to go into your conclusions and you’re also going to discuss whether or not there is a need for further research. This is the segue for other students who may come behind you and work on your paper to develop their own dissertation. Bibliography and Appendixes. This is the area for your bibliography and your appendix. Any additional information that you add is going to be in this section and you’re going to include it here. List all of the references and the different types of materials that you were able to use whether that were online videos or interviews. Dissertation Writing Tips When you write your dissertation, it has to be well organized and you also have to be very well versed in the language that you use and how you word your document. It is also very important that you keep track of your information. You also need to keep track of any areas where you found a gap in information or areas that you were not able to get research if you trying to prove a point and you couldn’t draw a conclusion from it. You need to state this in your work. The Dos and Don’ts of the Dissertation Writing Process Because your dissertation can be up to about a hundred thousand words, this is a very lengthy document that’s almost the size of a book. That’s why it has to be well-organized and it has to be very in depth. You also have to know how to write on this level to help you to get from one section to the next. There are a few dos you should focus on: You do want to consider your time management skills in assessing how your work will be laid out so that way you can clearly structure it and focus your time. As you work on your dissertation, you also want to take regular breaks and intervals to keep track of the work that you’re doing and also to allow large blocks of time so that you can focus on different sections to keep it consistent all throughout. DISSERTATION WRITING SERVICE You want to make sure you understand the purpose of your dissertation because it is a thing it is based on your ability to understand research and also offer insightful ideas into the research that you’re finding. In terms of the various types of don’ts as it relates to your dissertation, you want to make sure that you’re giving enough time to the dissertation and the work that you have to assemble, so don’t wait until the last minute. You also want to ensure that you are giving the research enough time, so don’t forget to set up a timeline and outline. You will need ample time to measure the data you’re collecting and you want to make sure that you’re developing tests that are going to coincide with and correspond to the particular hypothesis that you’re coming up with as you have to account for various variables. Because you do want to make sure that you’re allocating enough time for the work at hand, don’t take this work lightly. Jumping ahead, what does a faculty member look for in a proposal? It should be well-written Organized, with a logical flow Concise, but also complete Good grammar Are you looking for a model custom writing service? can help with your assignment!
Monday, November 4, 2019
Internationalization of Procter & Gamble (P&G) Essay
Internationalization of Procter & Gamble (P&G) - Essay Example The popularity and acceptance of P&G was well certified by ACNielsen, which surveyed and found that 99% of U.S. households use one or the other P&G product. P& G completed the acquisition of The Gillette Company for approximately $53.43 billion on October 1, 2005. Gillette is a leading consumer products company that had $10.48 billion of sales in its most recent pre-acquisition year ended December 31, 2004. (Annual Report 2006). Globalization has brought about intense competition for global markets amongst the major multinational companies. These companies have been looking outwards to reorient their organizational structures and strategies to capture the global markets by positioning their products strategically. A recent study of the US and European companies revealed that 75 percent were taking up the above strategic reorganization in order to stay competitive and staying competitive was considered the single most important external issue on their agenda. Past experiences have shown that poor planning further embattled by rudimentary understanding of the cultural aspects of the global market places had ruined the huge marketing campaigns of even the multinational companies. ... , more penny wise, or a little more nationalistic, and they are spending more of their money on local drinks whose flavors are not part of the Coca-Cola line up. (Rance, 2000). In 21st century international marketeer should seek solution to choice problem between standardization and adaptation. (Ghemawat, 2003). A vital challenge for the international marketing strategy of a firm is the need to understand the different milieus the company needs to operate in. That is comprehending different cultural, economic, and political environments is necessary for the success of a company. Culture is one of the most challenging and devious elements of the international marketplace. These challenges encouraged numerous researchers to take up international marketing studies concerning behavioral differences in consumers across nations (e.g. Lynn, Zinkhan et al. 1993; Nakata and Sivakumar 1996: Brass 1991; McCarty and Hattwick 1991; Hafstrom, Chae et al. 1992; Steenkamp, Hofstede et al. 1999; Chu, Spires et al. 1999; Husted 2000).P& G has also been adopting a strategic globalization stance and has been a forerunner in this race as explained below. Internationalization at P&G P& G is patently a multinational corporation (MNC) with substantial direct investment in foreign markets which is in addition to its normal lines of exports.P& G is also involved in the active management of this portfolio of foreign investments without being just a passive financial investor of funds. Through its various business unit structures it has adopted an integrated management of its operations. On July 1, 2006, nine months after closing the (Gillette) acquisition, P&G completed the largest wave of business systems integration so far. P&G integrated systems in 26 countries, spanning five
Friday, November 1, 2019
Researched Proposal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Researched Proposal - Research Paper Example If you found this article by using the World Wide Web, you must complete the following portion of the form as well. Answer the following questions: If the article comes from an online subscription service found in the SCC library, you may stop here. If you found this article by using the World Wide Web, you must complete the following portion of the form as well. Answer the following questions: If the article comes from an online subscription service found in the SCC library, you may stop here. If you found this article by using the World Wide Web, you must complete the following portion of the form as well. Answer the following questions: If the article comes from an online subscription service found in the SCC library, you may stop here. If you found this article by using the World Wide Web, you must complete the following portion of the form as well. Answer the following
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