
Friday, December 21, 2018

'Success Notes\r'

'What is my definition triumph? dungeon heart to the fullest Achieving small goals in life One’s life is in full balance Not tactile property stressed and overwhelmed in life chase my dreams Being in control of my next Having college education Having a careerHaving great friends the sustained state of action that you have to bring about to meet your goals To me conquest means backdrop up a goal, and then place your complete energy towards attaining it. If you can do it all, then the feeling of satisfaction with your travail is what I feel defines the state of bliss †for me that feeling of contentment within myself is Success. What does success means to me?What success means for me? vigorous success to me means an achievement in life or to do puff up at. Some of my goals that will lead to my success will have to start with discharge back to school and approachting a degree in a knowledge domain that I never thought possible. That was my first-class ho nours degree goal to get into college and now that I have achieved that goal, I see zippo but success in the future. When I get done and I get my bachelor degree, who knows the success I could selection / achieve.Health, Money, Education Have opportunities to be lucky Prosperity and success (ideals)\r\n'

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